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The most expensive load of laundry I've ever done.


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Long story short, got back from the gym last night and threw my clothes in the wash.... it wasnt until i switched them to the dryer that I realized my ipod nano was still in my shorts.


I live by this damn thing, I use it at work almost all day and cant stand go to the gym without it so if anyone has any ipod laying around they are willing to get rid of or know of a place that sells them cheap let me know. Im looking for something that has at least 2gig's, size/model doesnt matter but price does, cheaper the better.

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That's pretty funny (in a bad way)...I washed my cell phone last night. Then I dried it, wondering WTF was clunking in the dryer. I didn't think much of it at first, then checked the dryer about 20 minutes in. Umm, yeah, it isn't coming back from the dead.


Luckily, it is insured. First time I've ever broken a phone (ran one over with a car, but didn't hurt it somehow). I've had piles of defective phones, but in the 10 years of having cellphones, this is a first. :(

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i washed mine and after letting it dry and turning it off and on and doing all the things on their site it works now


Really?! I put it on top of the dryer in case it dry's out something. Maybe in a few days I'll check it again. In the meantime I picked up a used Nano 2g from Video Game and Music Exchange off Smokey Row Rd for 59.99. If anyone has or know's of a cheaper 2gig ipod, age/model doesnt matter, let me know I still have 30 days to take this one back.


Should this be in the kitchen or something?


HA, why would you think that?

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wow. christmas day i went to do a load of gym clothes for the next day, g/f gave me her pants/tshirt, and it had her ipod in it


being that i bought it a week before x-mas, i figured the warranty was gone. took it into the store, somehow the 1 year warranty was good until like jan 4th, so they replaced it under warranty.


my roommate says stick it in a bag of rice for a couple days, DONT try to turn it on in the mean time

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common misconception.... I used to manufacture electronics, they all get put in a dishwasher before you get them


screens don't like it, batteries don't really like it but the tronics don't care.


Yes, the unpowered pcb's get put through a wash. However, things like cell/ipod/ect. that are actively powered. Or say a computer's motherboard would take very poorly to water.



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I've seen multiple cell phone live through baths, including mine (2.5 years ago and still running) and my roommate's. Believe it or not, if you toss it in the refrigerator for a while, it will draw the moisture out. Leave it in there for a few hours, then give it a try. Might work, might not. I know when my roommate's blackberry took a dip, it took about a day for the keys to work right, then a couple more days before the speaker stopped buzzing, but it's been flawless for the last couple months until he dropped something on it and cracked the screen.
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Ok, so far Ive heard 'put it in a bag of rice'. Which I would understand considering rice is absorb's water. The refridgerator, which Im not so sure about. Wouldnt it just case more condensation from the difference in room temp and fridge temp??? Then the Dehumidifier, which I suppose would make sense. Right now its just sitting on top of the dryer, I didnt know what to do with it so i just left it there. I have nothing left to lose so I might aswell try them all.


Oh and after buying that new/used Ipod from the used video game store, got to the gym and the fucker doesnt even work. Screen works, says it plays music but alas nothing coming out of the headphones. Guess I'll take that piece back.

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try this. it worked for my cell phone which got SOAKED, 2 days after i got it. i was sure it was dead then my friend turned me on to this idea. i was kind of apprehensive, but i figured hey, its already fucked so i cant hurt it any worse right?


ok get a sock and put it in there. wrap it up in the sock. then put that sock into another sock and wrap it up. then put it into another... you get the idea.


i had about 10 or 12 socks total... good size... about the size of a small football.


then put it in the dryer on low or med heat for about an hour.


when i did it, after an hour i took it out and it turned on, but wouldnt boot up completley. so i put it back in for about 45 more minutes. works perfectly now. this happened in like june, and its worked perfectly ever since.

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my nano went through the washer AND dryer too. i was convinced it was dead. i actually bought a 30 gig and used it for a while. well, i was curious if it would work because it had set for a month or so... and to my surprise, the damn thing turned on. i ended up selling the 30. i use the nano when i run; nike+ipod != pwnage.
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