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How often do you get drunk/high?


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Just asking. Not meaning to judge here or anything, but I tend to get a buzz on just about every night (just being honest). My buzz of choice is Steel Reserve beer. I keep a job, I function in society, I pay my taxes and what-not. I just like to get buzzed. How often do you get buzzed/high? Be honest.
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Depends on how I am feeling, for awhile i will get trased 3-5 nights a week. Lately I only drink on the weekends. I still go out just usually only drink 1 or 2, and just hang out.




Austin, the last time I seen you drunk was that night at Paninis. I dont think you will ever drink with me again after that experience.

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i drink atleast a 12 pack a night......for the past 4 years..I was big into coke for a semester of school but got kicked out of that school..........I'm done w/ coke but I still fuck w/ pain killers every couple months but ya....alcohol is my huge addiction.
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Just asking. Not meaning to judge here or anything, but I tend to get a buzz on just about every night (just being honest). My buzz of choice is Steel Reserve beer. I keep a job, I function in society, I pay my taxes and what-not. I just like to get buzzed. How often do you get buzzed/high? Be honest.

The fact that you drink Steel Reserve discredits you.

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i might drink to get drunk once a month.


for a while, when i was 18/19, i smoked some weed, not much and not often, lasted a couple weeks. met my g/f, it bothered her, and it wasnt something i was anywhere near dependant on, so i gave it up


although, i did go out with her to a buddies about 2 weeks ago and smoked with his g/f (my gf even hit the bowl...??. lol) and i got high as fuck. i doubt if that will hsppen again, and if it does, it will probably be years away

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Ya I'm in college, room mates and i drink six 30 packs of miller high life a week. Never took drugs.


Jesus, how many roomates??


I drink a few times a week, just a beer with dinner or while watching tv, definitely no more than a 6pack a week, if that. Usually drink/go out once a month, usually get drunk, but not smashed.

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+1. I'm a control freak, being intoxicated makes me feel out of control.


I get this. I never drink unless I'm with good buddies who I know aren't going to let me get arrested or taken home w/ a fat girl :). I've never drank alone.

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Jesus, how many roomates??


I drink a few times a week, just a beer with dinner or while watching tv, definitely no more than a 6pack a week, if that. Usually drink/go out once a month, usually get drunk, but not smashed.

5 roomates

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