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File sharing warning from WOW:


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This message took over my winamp update GUI of all places. It included the WOW logo and what appears to be real WOW phone numbers:




We have been notified that someone in your household has violated Copyright infringement laws by unlawfully sharing or downloading material by use of our Internet service. This unlawful activity violates the United States Copyright Act and is expressly precluded by our use policies and terms of service. We have the right to immediately terminate your account without notice at our sole discretion if you, or others who use your account, violate our use policies or terms of service. If we receive further notices that you are continuing to share or download unauthorized files, your Internet access may be immediately disabled without prior notice. If your access is disabled, you must contact us at 1-866-437-2959 to enable your Internet access. If you do not believe you were involved in downloading or uploading of copyrighted materials, you may have received this notification due to the following reasons:

You have children in your household who use peer-to-peer software such as Kazaa or WinMX without your knowledge.

You are using a wireless router without implementing any security features.

You may be infected with a virus or trojan that is engaging in file sharing.


If you looked into those reasons and still believe that you have received this notification in error, please contact us immediately. We appreciate your prompt attention to this important legal matter. WOW! Internet Cable Phone 1-866-437-2959


Any one else had one of these from WOW?

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Are you fucking stupid or do you just not listen to what someone who is actually in the know on these topics says.


Torrents even encrypted have the exact same pattern. you only get a takedown notice like that if you've been busted by a affilate. Atleast thats how 99% of the isps do it. Unless your doing something thats affecting your entire CMTS and someone notcies and takes all the effort to see what your doing. If thats the case encrypting high levels of traffic would not help. So must likely the RIAA has to be on the other end of one of your outgoing connections and catch you sending out a packet. (Uploading is what gets you in trouble not downloading). Since they did they sent a cease and desiest letter.


So encrypting does not help if the ISP is not patrolling and you were hit by the RIAA. But what would I know. Even if they are patrolling guesse what, I can look at a Encrypted Torrent download and show you that its a torrent. ITs cake.


If you do get busted I'm sorry you had to learn the hard way but I've been preaching for how long.








So here is how it works. You share you files because you want your ratio or you just to stupid to turn off the upload feature. One of the RIAA's paid investagtors (Like the one I posted the links about MEDIASENTRY) jumps on a torrent that your downloading. They can see your ip in the TRACKER as a seed/peer and right there know that your sharing the files. So next they target you and get a packet from you of the pirated material. At this point they have 2 choices. 1 they contact your ISP and send a take down notice. or 2. They just go after you legally. If your lucky they don't do it this time.


Again the only way the ISP would be saying this on there own accord is if they notcied a unusual amout of traffic from your CPE that is affecting other subscribers. Then they might dig in further to find out why. But based on the msg I would assume it was a take down notice.


If you do get busted and in legal trouble its your own damn fault. I've shown people how to avoid all these problems and download at 10x faster then they ever could have dreamed off torrents.



So laymens terms.



If you run encrypted bittorent it don't save jack because the investigators use the same exact programs to catch you.......

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So if I just downloaded torrents here at school and didn't share I would be okay?


I think most of the people who got busted got busted sharing files, as the charges dictate 'this person shared ____ number of files' not downloads.


I know it goes against the base of these programs, but I never share.


clbsInvaders - Ruckus sucks. Sound quality is shit. I have never even touched it, just use online radio like pandora or last.fm

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I have moved to Newsgroups for the time being.


It isn't a great as Thorne describes. I used to use Oink a lot; d/l speed is no faster than Oink was...actually some stuff has been a lot slower than I would normally get on Oink. Also, you have to do a lot more digging to get what you want.


But hey, it works.

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Ok the only way they can actually bust you atleast in my interpetation of the law is that you must send them a packet of the pirated material. BUT I still don't suggest using torrents.


As for news group

http://www.nzbmatrix.com Trust me you will smile. If you want to see speeds that will max out you cable modem use giganews.



I'm sorry If i seem like a dick but man I would feel so horrible if one day I seen a name come across my desk for a CR member or hear a story about it. If you must use torrents which i do not endorse. DO NOT SHARE that will atleast make it a tad safer.


If you avoid music/movies then you would be even safer, Again I'm not brushed up as i used to be on my copyright law but I can tell you that every single case the RIAA has went after has been for actually sharing not downloading.



If you have questions feel free to PM me and I will do my best to help out.

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Usenet has everything right as it comes out. With the flow of piracy I think usenet is the 2nd place something will be uploaded to. Don't even ask me how to get access to the 1st place because I am not going to tell you.


It is very easy if you search for what you want right when it comes out, or a week or 2 before it comes out.

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