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the new night rider movie ???


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The wing was actually cool because they showed the air stream and how the wing was actually doing it's job of adding more down force at high speeds. This is gonna be my new favorite show to watch for sure. :) and yes i entered 4 times for the contest lol.


If you win, can I have your Camaro? lol

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show was ok... i rolled my eyes alot. i also felt like i was in a ford commercial the entire 2 hours though.


+1 on the show. Ford got the rights to Knight Rider, just like GM did with Transformers. Big difference is Ford execs aren't a bunch of idiots. GM didn't even have the Camaro out. If they had, every single one on the dealer lots would have been sold after that movie. I bet mustang sales got a boost if they turn this into a series.


I thought some of the acting and line choices were really really bad. All things that will eventually get polished out with more shows if they do it.

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+1 on the show. Ford got the rights to Knight Rider, just like GM did with Transformers. Big difference is Ford execs aren't a bunch of idiots. GM didn't even have the Camaro out. If they had, every single one on the dealer lots would have been sold after that movie. I bet mustang sales got a boost if they turn this into a series.


I thought some of the acting and line choices were really really bad. All things that will eventually get polished out with more shows if they do it.


I know I was looking at SVTs website last night. Pretty sweet car, until I read this:


Weight: 3,900lb.



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I was surprised I actually enjoyed it. Not sure how long I'll hang in there with a series, but for now I'm looking forward to it.


Some things that annoy me are the typical bad tv chase scenes. They are racing through the mountains at 100+ and a Ford Edge is right on their bumper? Atleast give the bad guys something to make it atleast somewhat believable. They spend the whole time showing us how amazing the car is, but it cant leave a normal suv. :thumbdown:

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I was surprised I actually enjoyed it. Not sure how long I'll hang in there with a series, but for now I'm looking forward to it.


Some things that annoy me are the typical bad tv chase scenes. They are racing through the mountains at 100+ and a Ford Edge is right on their bumper? Atleast give the bad guys something to make it atleast somewhat believable. They spend the whole time showing us how amazing the car is, but it cant leave a normal suv. :thumbdown:


Its a fictional TV show about an artificially intelligent car.

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I gotta kick out of the comment about solar power enhancements and 167mpgs....but it is a TV show and all :rolleyes:


I also like how they try and make it a bit more "friendly" with no real killing or death scenes.



so in the show he said that they were 627 miles away from vegas and he can make it in 3.5 hours. That a nice average speed. The show was ok very nice car though.
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