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The Angry White Man


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parts of it are good, other parts are just typical, Anti-Democratic nonsense


It has nothing to do with Democrate/Republican/Libiterian/Green parties. It never once bashes Obama other then saying that NO ONE is representing the "Angry White Man". It even says that Republicans don't even like their parties candidate.

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Truly was a very good read. Good paragraph at the end that truly sums Hillary up pretty good. This line is a very accurate statement on why she will never get my vote: "his tax dollars that she wants to give to people who refuse to do anything for themselves."


I'd say 90-95% of that article I'd stand behind solidly. The thing that really pisses me off about this upcoming election is that AGAIN, we have no good choices. We're going to have McCain on one hand who is a lobbyist pandering mofo, illegal immigration advocate, and seems to want us to invade every country possible in his lifetime so we can all get drafted and fight for a war that doesn't represent the mainstream American's values, and then there's Hillary or Barrack...the article sums up Hillary nicely. Barrack isn't much better. What do you guys think?

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McCain against Clinton McCain will win.


McCain against Obama Obama will win.


Presonally I don't think the country is happy with the Rebuplican party (ising Bush as a comparison). Also the country is ready for a female president but Clinton she is not right for the job. As for a Black President th country is Ready for that, atleast I would think so with his overall approval rating so far. Only time will tell.

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McCain against Clinton McCain will win.


McCain against Obama Obama will win.


Presonally I don't think the country is happy with the Rebuplican party (ising Bush as a comparison). Also the country is ready for a female president but Clinton she is not right for the job. As for a Black President th country is Ready for that, atleast I would think so with his overall approval rating so far. Only time will tell.


Funny thing is, I was talking to my mom about who she is thinking about voting for. When asked about Hilary she had an astounding "NO WAY". And to think, my mom is the very person Hilary is trying to go for in her campaign and even my mom simply said, "with everything she put up with when her husband was president she was just as guilty in covering it up as he was. I dont mind voting for a woman president but Hilary just doesnt have the charector to be that first woman president." Interesting huh?


I can honestly say while Barrack will be the first black president I dont think america really see's him as a JUST a 'black man', at least I dont anyway. I see him as a well rounded, educated rookie politician who comes off very passionate about his stance on things. But I will be the first to admit I havent read his platform at all but do know that we dissagree on his stance on illegal immigrants.

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I am going to ask this question, please dont say I am a racist because I am not.


If Obama wins, should we end affirmative action? The whole idea behind affirmative action is that there is a glass ceiling, so if he becomes president the idea of a glass ceiling is kind of silly.

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The Angry White Man owns firearms, and he’s willing to pick up a gun to defend his home and his country. He is willing to lay down his life to defend the freedom and safety of others, and the thought of killing someone who needs killing really doesn’t bother him.


The Angry White Man is not a metrosexual, a homosexual or a victim. Nobody like him drowned in Hurricane Katrina — he got his people together and got the hell out, then went back in to rescue those too helpless and stupid to help themselves, often as a police officer, a National Guard soldier or a volunteer firefighter.


- I seem to fall into this category :) That's a great article, nice find.

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