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How to get revenge?


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A friend of a friend brought this topic up today... if someone had screwed you over so badly in the past that it caused mental, physical, and monetary harm to your family, what is the best way to pay the fuckers back?


This person knows the prick's full name, address, phone number, place of employment, age, family members, etc. This person wants to drag out the pay back for as long as possible, and would prefer that said prick never has a clue as to why bad things are happening to him.


So, what are some good payback stories you have heard? Gay personal ads in Craigslist? Bathroom stall "for a good time" scribbles? Throw the ideas out there. The more detailed, the better.


Disclaimer. This is all in fun, and is strictly for entertainment value.

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well if you had a set of balls you'd just go right up to the guy who fucked you over and split his head wide open. Now if you're lacking a set in between ur legs then you can go about doing all the sneaky,low down, dirty stuff. I'd prolly do both. bust his face up first, then go about embarressing him throughout his own community so that even the slight hint of his name around others will make them look down upon him as a social outcast, unworthy of even his mother's love.
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well if you had a set of balls you'd just go right up to the guy who fucked you over and split his head wide open. Now if you're lacking a set in between ur legs then you can go about doing all the sneaky,low down, dirty stuff. I'd prolly do both. bust his face up first, then go about embarressing him throughout his own community so that even the slight hint of his name around others will make them look down upon him as a social outcast, unworthy of even his mother's love.


Thats un-necessary. Payback is better.

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well if you had a set of balls you'd just go right up to the guy who fucked you over and split his head wide open.


Worst idea ever. Why would you put yourself in a position in which to legally implicate yourself in an assualt. All your doing is giving this guy more ammo to make your life even worse. Sure there are ways to try and not implicate yourself but if he's seriously injured and its investigated the first person their going to question is the one with the most motive.


So, dare i ask what happened?

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Go to public access internet connection enroll said person in as many messed up orginizations as possible. Possibly find a way to get him on the terrorists watch list. Random calls to police from pay phone reporting that the man had illegal activities going on at his house. Drugs/prostitution anything else fun you could think of. Then start the good stuff no brake line cutting or anything like that but 3-5 gallons of diesel fuel in the gas tank can cause some hell on a older fuel system. Go to said pay phone again call the guy off work everyday and make up really bad excuses. I could probally go on for a few hours but thats enough for now.
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Well as revenge is never a good thing, if I had a girl ever fuck me over I would invite her over to my house one night when it was cold and raining heavily just to talk. Once she got here i would sit her down and then tell her I would be right back. I then would go outside and toss a brick through her driver side front window, then tell her to get the fuck out and leave. Then when she leaves, tell her to have fun driving home.
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Guest 614Streets

I would suggest small misfortues in the middle of the night. Little misfortunes that involve a deductable or cash out of pocket expense that will without pinpointed cause by the individual be brain referanced as bad karma.


Hold these actions behind your breath , act independant and when you meet yeshua he will embrace you with hive fives , laughter, a beer and hot chicken wings with ranch.


This post will discinegrate in 5 days.

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well if you had a set of balls you'd just go right up to the guy who fucked you over and split his head wide open. Now if you're lacking a set in between ur legs then you can go about doing all the sneaky,low down, dirty stuff. I'd prolly do both. bust his face up first, then go about embarressing him throughout his own community so that even the slight hint of his name around others will make them look down upon him as a social outcast, unworthy of even his mother's love.


The biggest "set of" balls < not going to jail and being away from your family.


In my immature days, I would have replied the exact same way as you. We learn things as we age. This person's days of chasing people down with groups of guys and beating the shit out of them is over. It was fun while it lasted, and he's extremely lucky to not be in jail.


P.S. Don't read too much into this topic, it is all in fun.

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Well as revenge is never a good thing, if I had a girl ever fuck me over I would invite her over to my house one night when it was cold and raining heavily just to talk. Once she got here i would sit her down and then tell her I would be right back. I then would go outside and toss a brick through her driver side front window, then tell her to get the fuck out and leave. Then when she leaves, tell her to have fun driving home.




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Also, it's not revenge if they don't know it's you; you're just being a prick.


I disagree. Revenge means different things to different people. If person X caused person Y 3 weeks of constant stress, some people may argue that person X deserves 3 years of payback.


Too much shit happens in today's world with no consequences.

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Possibly find a way to get him on the terrorists watch list.

no no no! that stuff can land the 'terrorist' in jail someday


if the victim doesnt mind doing something illegal or going to the guys house in the middle of the night he could let the air out of tires, paint his windows with those washeable markers, poop on his hood, etc...


spread rumours, make some good photochops, have pizzas delivered to his house, put his number on the net so it can get spammed out the ziggy...


otherwise craigslist is your friend :cool:

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Bologna on the hood of the car on a hot day made to look like a cock and balls. Get creative with it.



Does that trick even work? The bologna on the paint thing.

On a hot day, it will just fry the bologna, essentially creating a tasty treat for your target.

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You guys suck at this...


1. Buy 1lb of weed

2. Place weed in truck of victims car

3. Phone in anonymous tip.

4. Sit back with a look of satisfaction on your face as asshole is hauled off to jail with possesion with intent to distribute.


Of course this is just hypothetical.

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I would boot their car. The nazi's here at OU do it all the time. It'll keep them from going to work. If they aren't smart enough to remove it themselves, they will have to pay to have it towed to a shop, and it would definitely make for a bad day.
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