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Immigration Day


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"""thousands of immigration activists in dozens of U.S. cities have once again taken to the streets to make their voices heard, to make demands on behalf of illegal immigrants"""


^ you can thank those fuckers for....

Hit and Run accidents

No insurance

No drivers licenses

No jobs for lazier Americas

Schools that slow our kids learning because of the foreign languages and children.


Yes.. fuck you very much :)

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He can no longer afford to send the $200 to $300 a month he had been sending back home to support his ailing father.


"I kind of feel bad that I can't help my parents," said Gutierrez, a legal immigrant who has worked in the United States for 20 years. "I try. But I can't these days, and it's a tough situation."


Gutierrez said he earns $18.50 an hour as a glazier, installer and fixer of glass in all shapes and sizes.


But with the U.S. economy sagging, his hours have shrunk -- even as his gas and grocery bills have skyrocketed along with other expenses. He's struggling just to support his wife and three children.


Are you fucking kidding me!? Poor guy can't send his illegally made American money to Mexico...... and he's upset and complaining about it.....



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this is whats wrong with america a bunch of fucking illegals stream accross our boarders everyday like some fucking pinata exploded. We have a welfare system that allows legal americans to live for free and not work while the low unskilled jobs get taken by boarder jumpers. I say do away with welfare and we do away with the illegals the unskilled welfare people have no way to make a living unless they take these jobs the illegals are coming here. Stop the job potential stop them from coming here. It would also take the burden off the backbone of america us middle class workers.


Chief For PREZ 2012'

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My father was an immigrant so my opinions are slightly aide from the average "fuck all immigrants" attitude. That said my father busted his ass to become a citizen, opened his own business and provided well for his own. A far cry from coming to the US solely to send money to some other countries economy, or pumping the welfare system. Fuck that gayness.
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I don't think anyone here has an issue with LEGAL immigrants.


Illegal ones on the other hand...my 3 step solution:

#1: Long wall across the border, armed guards with a shoot-to-kill policy.


#2: Immediate deportation of anyone found to be an illegal. No going home to get your stuff, no calling anyone, nothing. On a bus and out of here.


#3: Heavy fines to those that rent to illegals, and loss of your business license if you hire an illegal.


Implement each step a year apart in that order, and I guarantee it will resolve 95% of our problems with illegals. If it is hard to get in, easy to get deported, and no where to live or work...why even try to come over?

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I don't think anyone here has an issue with LEGAL immigrants.


Illegal ones on the other hand...my 3 step solution:

#1: Long wall across the border, armed guards with a shoot-to-kill policy.


#2: Immediate deportation of anyone found to be an illegal. No going home to get your stuff, no calling anyone, nothing. On a bus and out of here.


#3: Heavy fines to those that rent to illegals, and loss of your business license if you hire an illegal.


Implement each step a year apart in that order, and I guarantee it will resolve 95% of our problems with illegals. If it is hard to get in, easy to get deported, and no where to live or work...why even try to come over?



Been saying the same thing for quite some time...it'll never happen in this country w/ our government. :(

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The native americans/american indians didn't control immigration... see what happenned to them? I think the 3 step plan above is damned close to what should be done...


LOL...that's funny as fuck :lol:


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The native americans/american indians didn't control immigration... see what happenned to them? I think the 3 step plan above is damned close to what should be done...


I would think that may work it's way into a members Sig here. Good stuff! http://www.columbusdiscgolf.com/images/Smilies/Cheers.gif

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Illegals who actually work + pay taxes > Idiot citizens who have five kids and have no job...


You dont have to be an illegal immigrant to drive without auto insurance...


PS: way to make fun of the Native Americans, who by all rights should be in charge of this country. The mexicans just want to work, whitey came in and fucking killed and raped everyone, while stomping his feet and yelling "mine!"



Gawwwwwwwwwwwwd, I hate white people.

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