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best place to get coax cable


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i need around 125 - 200 ft of cable to run from my house to the garage for my tv in there. where is the best place to get this amount cheap??


it may only be about 100 ft .. i dunno yet i havent really measured

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i dunno if i have to then yes, but like i said i havent measured it yet

Again, I can hook you up with everything, get good fittings/splitters on it so everything looks good, take signal measurements so you actually know if you need an amp (depends on how hot the signal coming in is, how many splits, etc.).


Honestly, the average consumer shouldn't run their own cable. It seems easy enough, but normally looks like shit.

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Lowe's or Home Depot should be fine for getting it, but if you're running it outside I would suggest getting the coax with the ground wire so you can hang it by that or you'll stretch it and lose signal quality. Unless you are going to bury it, then you should get underground coax if you want it to last, I think the two I am talking about are the same thing. Just a suggestion, sounds like you spend as much time in the garage as I do.
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The aerial stuff with the "ground" is called messenger cable. It is no different than your standard indoor stuff other than have the messenger wire (NOT TO BE USED FOR GROUNDING) attached to it. But if you don't know how to properly tie off messenger, it will really look sloppy.


Cable designed to be burried is called flooded cable. It contains a sticky dielectric material in it (hence flooded). It is designed so that if a SMALL break in the outer jacket happens underground that water won't seep into it. In reality, it just slows it down, but is the better choice to use.


Proper fittings, splitter configurations, etc are also important. Throwing an amp on without configuring this correctly is always a bad idea (shouldn't amp your data lines, a lot of store bought amps don't have a reverse path = VOD won't work and can't order PPV through the box, and a pile of other problems).

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