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Got a B.S. speeding ticket in Licking County

Guest Bucknik

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Guest Bucknik

So I'm cruising home in my GTO, heading from a cookout at my sisters house, traveling in the right lane of I-70 west in Licking County. I'm a pretty conservative highway driver. I had my cruise set at an indicated 71mph. I know that my speedo reads ~2mph high at that speed, so I was actually going ~69mph in a 65mph zone. Traffic was actually going a little faster than I was by maybe 1-2 mph. There was no one in front of me for several hundred yards in either lane. There is a car SLOWLY passing me on the left, with a few cars behind him.


So that's the situation. Here's how I got a speeding ticket:


I'm cresting a small hill as the car to my left is slowly passing me and I see a BUNCH of flashing lights off the right side of the road, maybe 1/4 mile up the road. Maybe a little further. It looks like several police cars, at least one fire truck and maybe an ambulance. I want to get over to the left lane to put some distance between me and the emergency workers for their safety. What do I do? I could slow down and turn on my turn signal, hoping there is room to get over, but I see the line bunching up as we start slowing down. With absolutely no one in front of me, I felt that the most sure way to get into the left lane would be to use the pedal on the right for a few seconds to get in front of the car to my left, then slow back down to travel speed or slower until past the emergency. That's what I decide to do.


As I pass the emergency, I'm in the left lane doing approximately 65mph, the police car at the far east side of the group of emergency vehicles pulls out into the wide-open right lane. I'm well past them by now, so I signal and change lanes to the right. The police officer gets behind me just before an exit, so I figured he was leaving the highway. He stayed behind me as we passed the exit so I signal and pull over.


That's when he informs me that I accelerated to 77mph as I approached them. I'm not going to detail our entire conversation, but I let me know that I was doing it for his safety, but he was unimpressed. I'm pissed. I honestly feel that I did the best possible thing I could do to improve the safety of everyone involved and I get a ticket for it!


Do I have any shot to beat this thing in court? Is it ever OK to temporarily exceed the speed limit to avoid a more dangerous situation? What if I have to go across a solid white line to avoid an accident? Will I be ticketed for that? This is ridiculous. I can't believe I was ticketed by someone I was trying to help out by changing lanes. I want to take this to court. Maybe the judge will have a small amount of common sense, if I'm lucky...


FWIW: I haven't had a ticket on my record for well over 10 years. Probably 12. I beat another speeding ticket in court ~4 years ago, but that one was easy and I got it dismissed.


Any ideas? Am I screwed? I hate to think what this will do to my insurance. Dammit.

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Remember that 9 out of 10 people will pay the ticket and never go to court. Cops hate showing up to court... etc, etc. It was probably a good thing for you to write everything down as you had, because if you contest it in court and the officer cannot remember all of the details then it's in your favor. I don't know how viable of a case you have, but I would contest it in your case if I was you. Good luck!
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Agreed, I've been in the speeding ticket situation plenty of time.


The judge will look at your record, listen to your concerns, and probably slap you with a "loud exhaust" violation, which is a no points non-moving violation.


Beware, though. Licking County's judicial system are run by assholes. I'd probably retain a lawyer to make it that much easier.

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I was doing it for his safety, but he was unimpressed. I'm pissed. I honestly feel that I did the best possible thing I could do to improve the safety of everyone involved and I get a ticket for it!


Yeah man, you did nothing wrong IMO. I had almost the exact same thing happen to me a couple years ago. However, I explained the situation to the cop just as you did, and apparently he had a decent amount of common sense, because he let me off with a warning.


If I were you, I'd fight it.

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haha have fun in licking county man. Thats where im from and let me tell you their judicial system is fucked! They dont care about how many tickets you have or havent had, they just care about the all mighty dollar! I will tell you right nwo what your going to hear if you admit to speeding up "77 isnt 65 now is it, you was still speeding" I got a ticket when i was 16 for 5mph over the limit 5fucking miles and lost my license for 30days over it. I have had countless run ins with local cops in that county. Honestly they was one of the main reasons I moved to Franklin County. i couldnt even drive without being harrassed by the cops. Good luck man, but dont expect to win. If you get judge Higgins you might as well have cash on hand to pay the ticket cause that dudes a straight up asshole, if you get Branstool you might get a little lucky.
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12mph over I'd ask how recently the radar was calibrated you'll get out of it


Haha no you wont, hell I have even asked to see the gun and that ol trick doesnt hold up in Licking County. Take it from someone who has seen the judge more then his wife! Not to mention my uncle is a Licking County Sherrif, that doesnt even help here.

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Guest Bucknik

Because there was no guarantee that I could get over if I slowed down. Also, as you stated, everyone is watching the carnage! I've seen MANY secondary accidents when a car is rear-end when passing an accident. I didn't want to put my safety in the hands of someone behind me. The road was clear up ahead and that was the safest thing to do.



Why couldn't you just slow down and pass the emergency as law requires? That is why everyone else was slowing down. Oh that and they wanted to see the carnage.



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Guest Bucknik
haha have fun in licking county man.


That's one thing I'm worried about. Licking is a rural county with an inferiority complex toward Franklin County. I'm sure they see me a a revenue source.

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Sorry man, I don't think its looking good for you. I would pay the ticket and chalk it up as a crappy lesson learned.


The law says that if there is an emergency vehicle off to the side of the road you must switch lanes IF the other lane is clear. You still are not allowed to break the speed limit either way.


The best thing to do would have been to slow down and stay in your current lane.


Don't count on the cop as a no show to court. My brother is a cop and loves the OT he gets to come into court. Most of the time they will just put him on "standby" (needs to be by a phone) so the judge can call him if needed.

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Guest Bucknik
The best thing to do would have been to slow down and stay in your current lane.


Slow down and get rear-ended by someone staring at the roadside attraction? I'd rather not. I still think the safest option was to accelerate momentarily and get over in front of the traffic. I had ample room to slow down again before getting to the emergency vehicles.

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Slow down and get rear-ended by someone staring at the roadside attraction? I'd rather not. I still think the safest option was to accelerate momentarily and get over in front of the traffic. I had ample room to slow down again before getting to the emergency vehicles.


Sorry you feel that way. Good luck with the ticket man, let us know how it goes.

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Licking is a rural county with an inferiority complex toward Franklin County.


No, it isn't. Everyone I meet out here is trying to get AWAY FROM Franklin. True story.


Having said that, yes, tell your story to a judge. You have a great shot at getting it dropped. Be VERY specific in your statement.

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The county has nothing to do with it. Cops who pull you over know exactly what they are going to do as soon as they turn on their lights. It doesn't matter what you say or do. If it makes you feel any better I would have done the same thing you did. I give you a 50/50 chance of beating it, you just can't tell anymore. Sorry to hear about your situation.
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No, it isn't. Everyone I meet out here is trying to get AWAY FROM Franklin. True story.


Having said that, yes, tell your story to a judge. You have a great shot at getting it dropped. Be VERY specific in your statement.


What would you know. You're part of the inferior licking county hater crew.



Good luck with the fight.

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Not trying to hijack, but people that have been born and raised in licking county and remain there do in fact act very odd and defensive about their beloved Newark :-)


Law is stated on signs all over the highways and says "Move over or slow down for emergency vehicles."

Sorry I guess I'm just tired of all the "hey can I beat this ticket" threads. I've never even tried to beat one because it would cost more in time off for me then to just take the fine. Your insurance ain't going up for 1 ticket in 12 years so don't sweat it unless you have nothing better to do.



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Not trying to hijack, but people that have been born and raised in licking county and remain there do in fact act very odd and defensive about their beloved Newark :-)


Hijack part III: I wasn't raised in Licking Co. I lived in Franklin before Licking, and you guys can have Franklin. Oh, and I have never lived in Newark (despite my user name :) ).

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I was born and raised in Newark and up until a month ago lived there (23 years) and im telling you, they like to fuck people over big time! Talk to matts281n2o about Newark or the guys from round2racing im sure they have some stories. Its a bullshit system that once your in there they like to keep you in there. You shouldnt be sitting in court too long, they like to get you in and out cause theres usually a lot of cases. You gotta watch a dumbass movie and do a checklist before you see the judge. Like was stated earlier, the cop is not going to no show, he'll be there!
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12mph over on a 65mph highway = lame, especially for someone with a lack of driving history like yours. Hell I dont even write 12 over in a 35mph zone.


If it was me I would go in and explain the situation of emergency vehicles on the roadway there and advise them of your driving history. I dont know if their tiny court would even have your DR printout, you might want to go the BMV and pay the $5 to get your own to supply to them.

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