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Got a B.S. speeding ticket in Licking County

Guest Bucknik

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IMHO, if you drove over the speed limit (for whatever you consider an excuse) you were speeding. I am pretty sure the law is move over or slow down for emergency vehicles. You could have slowed down, it is a very limited set of examples where going over the speed limit is the right answer, especially if you are approaching emergency vehicles.
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Haha no you wont, hell I have even asked to see the gun and that ol trick doesnt hold up in Licking County. Take it from someone who has seen the judge more then his wife! Not to mention my uncle is a Licking County Sherrif, that doesnt even help here.




Just so you know it is not all Licking County based.


Its guilty by association. When i first moved out here i could guarantee where i would see you and a select group of friends hanging out. Im not saying it is bad that you sat in a parking lot and talked cars with buddies hell i stopped by and bs'd with you as well. But when a cop drives by and sees your very easily recongnized cars you draw attention and they are probally more inclined to pull you over if they see you doing anything.


I have been pulled over 1 time in 3 years living in Newark and thats cause i was doing 45 in a 35 at 3 in the morning. I got a warning and told to slow down and be careful.


I lived in Columbus for 3 years and got pulled over probally 6 times and got 2 or 3 seatbelt tickets out of it which should have been speeding tickets.


Just another perspective.

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