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Scheduled and not much of a choice for me. (we work 24/7), but...for $82/hr yeah....I'll go in on Christmas and today... ;)

Though the whole lack of food this was a major pita. Hopefully things will be open today and I can eat something other then chips at work. Though...making pork chops, brauts and other fun things for dinner for myself was a good x-mas dinner to make up for it!

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Scheduled and not much of a choice for me. (we work 24/7), but...for $82/hr yeah....I'll go in on Christmas and today... ;)

Though the whole lack of food this was a major pita. Hopefully things will be open today and I can eat something other then chips at work. Though...making pork chops, brauts and other fun things for dinner for myself was a good x-mas dinner to make up for it!

Saddest part is that you missed the 24 hour marathon of a christmas story

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At work as well, WhoDey. Plus I am on call this week, but I would rather have been on call for Christmas than next week around here. Our fiscal year runs concurrently with our calendar year, so next week is end-of-month/quarter/year all rolled into one, and we are adding upgrades to our Oracle DBs here. So next week will taste like shit for the guy on call. I was that unlucky bastard last year, so I haven't a shred of guilt passing off the phone this week.

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Burnt two weeks in the summer, two more for deer season and random times this year. Think total I took about 6 weeks off this year. O well, still have 200hrs to go and its about to start a new year! Now to save up for some riding gear ect....suppose I need to retrace that Mid Ohio thread.

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