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The we hate Pat(MegamanEXE) thread

V8 Beast

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Wow, I didn't know there was such an active gay community on CR - I guess CR DOES condone GAY street racing! I have been fascinated by your knowledge of gay activities and gay art that you can call on at a moments notice. You all can return to your private sword fight, I think I will decline your offers to join in. :D


I really should know better than to join into kids' little spats.


BTW - Catholic yes, priest, no - I only mentioned God in the context of He may be the only one to save you from me if you hit/injure/kill someone in my family while your playing boy racer on the street - and doing whatever other gay things you do in your car - both hands on the wheel please!


I'm mostly interested in the section I've bolded. Wouldn't it be god's "plan" if someone on here hit/injured/killed someone in your family? Therefore, reacting in such a way goes against god's plan. Enjoy your time in Catholic hell. Btw, I haven't even touched on the part where you're supposed to forgive, etc.


Wow this whole thread is sad

1.I don't care what linn or others do on the street as even at 100 they drive better than the fuck sticks I have to deal with every day all over this state.

2. Why do you guys care enough about what a 19 yr old kid says to make multiple mutilple page threads ?

3. I know Craig and he is just speaking from a matureness from being 47. After all Like I said I don't care what you do BUT it is illegel AND we have lost one to it this year already. So you should at least see that it is a bad idea and why other whould try to talk you out of it for your own good if nothing else.


Oh and also Calling everyone gay as a cut ? WTF are we ALL 16 or what. Next you know we will be saying eeeew he has Kudies!!

Now, I'm fairly certain you do have cooties. And it is spelled "cooties". I know, I used to have the game when I was a kid. :D Please, don't touch me it's been about 25-30yrs since my last cooties shot. Seems I'll have to give myself one, now.

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there isnt anything in here worth reading. its a good thing you guys are such badass racerz, cause none of you has any funneh.


gawd, take me back to the days of eli, tilley, supramark, ken, and kenny. those guys knew how to make a kitchen thread entertaining.


oh, and btw...


'74 Jensen Healey (for sale!):cool:

'80 Margay ProX Enduro (for sale!)

'89 Margay Lynx AC (for sale!)

'93 Indy Stealth

'02 Reynard/CRS Shifter!


damn son. that a nice little lineup.

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so i met pat last nite, lol hes a pretty cool kid.











if your part of the chess club, he is the only person who thinks that we are joking. NO FUCKMONKEY we all hate you, please go play in a knived filled forest, wrists up, neck out. nerds loose, cool people win.




shit that means i loose

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The last statement is key, let me break it down for you. In bold above, you can think all you want, the fact of the videos of racing on here is proof that it isn't. Your next statement is to try and sway others from doing so. That is you putting your nose where is does not belong. The truth of the matter is you don't know at all what you are posting about. Just because you don't "approve" doesn't mean anything, your opinion doesn't matter. Most of the members who post about racing are adults (much more so than you I think at times) and take their risks in life as they see fit. That's the beauty of this country, something may be illegal but you can still do it, you will just have to take the consequences. Nobody needs you to be miss Nancy. Nobody needs your liberal ass to tell them what they should do or what they can do at events. Hell what makes you think if I show up with Linn at Steak and Shake, that we will magically not race if we want to because you have mandated that no racing will occur if you are in the lot of steak N Shake? Who the fuck are you, and who gave you what authority? I'm begging you as a person not a "Mod", Mind your own business and worry about yourself. By all means sit in a lot and bullshit about a video game you played. I have no problem with that, it's your right, I can respect that.


For the record, I think 3-4 people make up this bitch session and have posted weak shit. Not the whole board, you are too conceded if you think all the members respond to you. I have to read your bullshit, if I was a regular I would have you on "ignore".


To those 3-4 Post whores on here enough is enough, start using PMs I'm tired of reading your pointless, mis-typed, mis-spelled and lack of punctuation that I am going to start deleting posts if I have to read another thread with the three or four of you posting to each other for 5 pages. Give the keyboard a rest.


Seacrest Out!



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Just for my two cents, I would say he can be against street racing and bitch at people who are wanting to street race because believe it or not, even if you don't, if you're still in the 18-25 male age bracket with a sporty kind of car or are into sporty cars you're going to get labeled with the group. So really the arguement of "the only person the racer hurts is themselves" is rather invalid in today's statistics driven world.
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Apparently, Pat speeks more of the truth than most of you.

How do you know that?


And yes, I know Pat - and have since the day he was born. Yes, I know about the Columbus street racing scene since before most of you were born.

Oh, this is how you know. Irrefutable evidence if ever I saw it.


It was done in parking lots with near Pro Stock prepared cars - and we didn't endanger innocent drivers - if someone screwed up, any harm was limited to them.

So you're telling me that street racing back then was less dangerous than street racing now and that no innocent people were hurt? What has changed between now and then that makes that so? How do you know any of this?You must be damn near omnipresent to make such a claim.


If all of you having a "meet" haven't learned anything from the recent tragedy and the backlash

What backlash? Have there been protests that I've missed? More anti-street racing stories after the accident than there were before the accident?


the "kills" forum is gone

Oh, this backlash. This website's very own administrators removed a subforum. That is truly some backlash.


all I can say is God help you if any of you winds up hitting/injuring anyone I know. What a bunch of selfish asses!

What if someone injures a person you know when they're not racing? What if someone just runs up and slaps your boy? Would it be acceptable then? If not, what are you going to do? Call us a bunch of fags? Post on the internet and once again make it obvious that you've failed as a parent so much that you don't think your son can defend himself? Are we as selfish as someone that needs to make himself feel like a man and a good father so badly that he'd risk embarassing his son in front of his own peer group?


As to Pat - if any of you were man enough to have actually lived the past 5 years in is shoes, you would all STFU!

Who the hell are you to say that what "Pat" has lived through in the last 5 years is worse than what anyone else has lived through? Do you know everyone here? Do you know everything they've been through? Oh I got it, you're also omniscient.


Well...thanks for enlightening us, Galactus.

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I really should know better than to join into kids' little spats.


Hey Galactus, next time you make this statement you might not want to precede it with this one:

Wow, I didn't know there was such an active gay community on CR - I guess CR DOES condone GAY street racing! I have been fascinated by your knowledge of gay activities and gay art that you can call on at a moments notice. You all can return to your private sword fight, I think I will decline your offers to join in. :D


You're at least one of the following:

A) Projecting your closet homosexuality (Catholic, per chance?) onto the rest of us in a fit of self-loathing and hoping that we take the not so subtle hint and join you in your own private sword fight. (btw, the only people I know that use the word "fascinated" are all gay)

B) So insecure in your own masculinity that the only way for you to assert a dominant position over us is to call us all gay.

C) Extremely ignorant/immature/stupid/unfunny.

Any of which means that you're the best example I've seen yet of why people your age shouldn't be allowed to post on message boards and that you should do the rest of enlightened society a favor and shoot yourself in the face.


BTW - Catholic yes, priest, no - I only mentioned God in the context of He may be the only one to save you from me if you hit/injure/kill someone in my family while your playing boy racer on the street - and doing whatever other gay things you do in your car - both hands on the wheel please!


All signs point to A)

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I was going to keep my mouth shut but this thread is hurting my head. Here are my views since logic and common sense was removed from the "required" section of the how to make a human being book after 1969.


Racing is what a lot of you/us do. Its how you justify putting money into your cars, or having a $500 car payment. Most poeple on CR honestly dont even have big huge egos. They do it for fun with their friends and have freindly competition. They keep the speeds below 120 and have fun. On the other hand their are some that use it to fuel their huge egos and at times take away from others fun in their quest to be the ultimate Fonz http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i89/xxtheonlyxx/673938001212951541.gif You go out, hang out, and what you do afterwards/during can be done at any street and any location. Hell going to Steak N Shake would make racing easier because the police wouldnt be out there waiting for people to roll out. People have been lining up to race on this forum before I joined the first time back in 03. As adults they can do what ever the hell they want.

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On the other hand there is absolutely nothing wrong with standing in a lot talking to friends. Making fun of people for standing in a lot is stupid. Just because you race illegally doesnt mean that he's stupid for choosing not to. It just means he made a different decision than you. With roll racing it can put innocent people in danger. Its not a definite, but it can happen. Most of you fucking idiots that roll race are too dumb to wait for traffic to clear so you end up passing multiple cars and semi trucks. Some of you even do this at speeds over 130mph with everyday people in the next lane over. An average person driving pays attention to what is around them (for the most part). When they look in their rear view and see that your head lights are a reasonable distance away they will change lanes... Little do they know that the car coming is going 140mph and will be at their rear bumber in less than 2 seconds. That 1 second they wait to switch lames is just enough time to cause an accident. Racing is dangerous period, and most of the retards I see saying they are going out to race scare the hell out of me because of that missing common sense thing. You cant really say Pat is wrong.. except for the undecover thing. I dont think they would waist manpower looking for Linn when they can put a traffic cop anywhere on the freeway and just wait for him to pass by (And eventually he would pass by lol)

Pat is only saying what Anthony and I have been saying all summer, he just took a different approach... Plus people dont like him online :p

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On the other hand there is absolutely nothing wrong with standing in a lot talking to friends. Making fun of people for standing in a lot is stupid. Just because you race illegally doesnt mean that he's stupid for choosing not to. It just means he made a different decision that you. With roll racing it can put innocent people in danger. Its not a definite, but it can happen. Most of you fucking idiots that roll race are too dumb to wait for traffic to clear so you end up passing multiple cars and semi trucks. Some of you even do this at speeds over 130mph with everyday people in the next lane over. An average person driving pays attention to what is around them (for the most part). When they look in their rear view and see that your head lights are a reasonable distance away they will change lanes... Little do they know that the car coming is going 140mph and will be at their rear bumber in less than 2 seconds. That 1 second they wait to switch lames is just enough time to cause an accident. Racing is dangerous period, and most of the retards I see saying they are going out to race scare the hell out of me because of that missing common sense thing. You cant really say Pat is wrong.. except for the undecover thing. I dont think they would waist manpower looking for Linn when they can put a traffic cop anywhere on the freeway and just wait for him to pass by (And eventually he would pass by lol)

Pat is only saying what Anthony and I have been saying all summer, he just took a different approach... Plus people dont like him online :p





*somebody cue the violins*

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