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A Fun Filled Foto Day


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Well my fiancé was busy all day, and since I have no life I decided to spend the day cruising around stopping here and there to snap some pictures. Big ups to my buddy for giving me some company in the afternoon and buying me lunch. Thanks! Anyhoo, on my evening drive I found a lot of potential spots that I will try and hit some time in the future. But for now, check these suckers out!



I couldn't decide which one I like better out of 1 and 2 so I'm going to post both of them.









Sometimes flash can hurt the picture, this one is sans flash...



And since I can't let myself not use the flash setup, here is the same shot (kinda) with flash.





I'm pissed about this one, I was farther North closer to the storms. The lightning was a spectacular show, however there was no safe place to pull over and snap away. By the time I got to this spot the storm had died out and was pretty far back, but you can still see a little bit of lightning up there so what the hell, right?




Tomorrow I will add the rest of the shoot to my blog, if you are curious to see which ones didn't make the cut.

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