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It will scare you just a little bit


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Seriously, you guys are too high strung. Although I guess growing up with a Mother like mine will steel your nerves for you...I grew up with two cats, a cage full of gerbils(OK, just shut up about it), and a 7 1/2" Black Rat snake. As soon as I saw the camera geting close to the head, I knew the camera guy was getting fucked up.


Beautiful big guy, though, I couldn't make out markings, so I'm guessing Anaconda? Little large for python, and they've got distinctive markings...


EDIT, nevermind, it's a python. Never seen one with marking that dull before, but the head shape says it all. Notthat it was visible very long...

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Figured it was coming. I rarely read comments first, but I did this time. Ruined it for me. :( I will be getting the gf with this, however. :D


Luckily, I've never been bitten by anything too dangerous. A rear fanged snake, alotta little ones, and the largest being a 7ft rat snake. I have owned and handled copperheads, a couple various rat snakes and kingsnakes, a handful of small snakes, ie, brown and ground snakes, a couple hognose (one of my fav's) and even a 13 1/2ft Burmese Python. Hell, I'm probably forgetting some. Luckily, I was never bitten by any of these, though.

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  ImUrOBGYN said:
Figured it was coming. I rarely read comments first, but I did this time. Ruined it for me. :( I will be getting the gf with this, however. :D


Luckily, I've never been bitten by anything too dangerous. A rear fanged snake, alotta little ones, and the largest being a 7ft rat snake. I have owned and handled copperheads, a couple various rat snakes and kingsnakes, a handful of small snakes, ie, brown and ground snakes, a couple hognose (one of my fav's) and even a 13 1/2ft Burmese Python. Hell, I'm probably forgetting some. Luckily, I was never bitten by any of these, though.


damn, for an ob/gyn, you sure do handle a lot of the snake.

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