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Road Refills


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How many of you do Road Refills?


I have this friend that EVERYTIME we leave a resturant he wants to bring his refilled fountain drink into my car. It annoys the shit out of me.


i only bring roadies from the bar.

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Naw, I have cup holders but they are a little awkard. It's more of I feel like I need to drive a certain way so that I don't spill soda all over my car. and even when we leave his house, he comes to the car with a freshly opened can of pop. blah. i don't know, i just don't like the idea of liquid being spilled everywhere. maybe it like an OCD thing or something.
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Naw, I have cup holders but they are a little awkard. It's more of I feel like I need to drive a certain way so that I don't spill soda all over my car. and even when we leave his house, he comes to the car with a freshly opened can of pop. blah. i don't know, i just don't like the idea of liquid being spilled everywhere. maybe it like an OCD thing or something.


I feel you, OCD here too! ;)

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I dont let people have food or drink in my car.Have you ever tried to get pop off seats and carpet,not to mention leather its a PITA.Old fries and salt piss me the fuck off i hate having to clean that shit up
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eh, it's not really the shifting gears that bothers me. it's more of the turning, i feel like I should slow wayyy down so that shit doesn't spill.


they have these things called lids you should try them they mysteriously keep the beverage from spilling out, or if you'd prefer a sippy cup those are idiot proof :bangbang:

I keed! I Keed!

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they have these things called lids you should try them they mysteriously keep the beverage from spilling out, or if you'd prefer a sippy cup those are idiot proof :bangbang:

I keed! I Keed!



yea but it does not matter when you have a boat, you can just hose it out.... :D

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they have these things called lids you should try them they mysteriously keep the beverage from spilling out, or if you'd prefer a sippy cup those are idiot proof :bangbang:

I keed! I Keed!



let's be honest, those lids are pretty suspect.

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eh, it's not really the shifting gears that bothers me. it's more of the turning, i feel like I should slow wayyy down so that shit doesn't spill.


No I don't do that when I am driving with liquid. I guess my beater can corner better then your Z can.

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My wife did that in our last van. Pepsi ate through the bottom of a Wax layered cup from McD's and went all over. Now imagine what that shit does to your teeth and gut. :eek:


I don't take drinks in cups in my car. I always worry I will forget and the bottom fall out.
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