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Got a ticket need some advice


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Was at Slate run park today and got stopped by a Lithopolis Police officer for no front plate. i explained to him that my bumper was ripped off when my front lip was stolen and the ripped out the threads needed to attach the plate. He writes me a ticket for no display of plate and i also have to appear in court on Monday. He says i have to appear in court due to me having other equipment violations in the past one of which was 4 yrs ago, does equipment violations drop off like tickets do or do they just stay on there i thought they dropped off. Now my other question is what should I expect in court? can i get any worse of a fine than i already have? Should i try to lessen it by offering community service or what should i try to get no points and a lesser fine? i know there have been others to get this ticket how much did it run you? Well i know i broke the law and must now pay the price just was unsure on a few things. Thanks guys
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wtf. Never heard of having to appear for an equipment violation. SHould be just a fine.


yea he said its the 4th in 4 years lol the others were lighting tickets from back in the day but i figured they would drop off after so long

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wow lol

First off thats very odd for them to write you into court PERIOD for that.. second its very odd to write it for appearance in 2 freakin days.


I dunno what to say there.. he might not have had a clue what he was doing. Some guys I know that have worked down south there have described FTO as a "throw you the keys and say go at it" kinda thing.

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any idea if i can get a lesser fine if i ask for community service or such...i thoght it was strange also but i was still polite as i didnt want to get shot...do equipment violations drop off? thanks man was hoping you would chime in
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You will get a ticket for anything in Lithopolis. Those guys are crazy. One time my friend got pulled over and had one of those miniature novelty baseball bats in his trunk and the officer pulled his gun out and removed it like it was a bomb. Fucking hilarity to see.
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Yup, just make a temporary fix take some pictures and bring them to court. Show them that you have fixed the problem, and explain why the front plate was missing. You might be able to get it thrown out, i'm not certain though. I have never been to court there.


try to get it dismissed first, it never hurts. if that doesnt work than see what they can do for you.

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Yup, just make a temporary fix take some pictures and bring them to court. Show them that you have fixed the problem, and explain why the front plate was missing. You might be able to get it thrown out, i'm not certain though. I have never been to court there.


try to get it dismissed first, it never hurts. if that doesnt work than see what they can do for you.


+1 man. fix it take some pics to the judge. your best option!

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Yup, just make a temporary fix take some pictures and bring them to court. Show them that you have fixed the problem, and explain why the front plate was missing. You might be able to get it thrown out, i'm not certain though. I have never been to court there.


try to get it dismissed first, it never hurts. if that doesnt work than see what they can do for you.


so do i plead guilty or what should i try to do like talk to someone before talking to the judge...as you can tell i havent had to go to court yet lol so all the help i can get now the better

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You get called up and they ask you how you want to plead. This is the prosecutor asking you this. You do not say tell them guilty, not guilty or no contest. You explain to him that their was damage done to your car and it took your plate with it. you needed time to get it fixed and had it displayed in your front windshield while you were waiting to get it fixed. (if that part is true, if not than dont worry) That you have already gotten it fixed and you show him/her the pictures. Tell them you have not had a ticket in over 4 years, and they might drop it off for you. If he does not drop it than ask him what he can do for you. If he says nothing than ask for a lesser fine or none at all if you plead no contest.


There are different ways of doing it. It is all in how you negotiate the situation. Sadly, court is no longer about the truth, it is about what you can prove.

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my brothers wife got pulled over by them for going to fast in the curves. the little yellow sign below the curvey road sign said 35. she was doing 47 and he tried to says that was the speed limit.......went to court and the judge laughed and through it out... they are a joke.
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You will get a ticket for anything in Lithopolis. Those guys are crazy. One time my friend got pulled over and had one of those miniature novelty baseball bats in his trunk and the officer pulled his gun out and removed it like it was a bomb. Fucking hilarity to see.



Damn, wish I cold have seen that! Mental picture = officer with gun pulled... "STEP AWAY FROM THE MINIATURE BAT!" Thats a good chuckle.

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went through and printed out all my past equipment violations which are 4 yrs old and the newest at 3 yrs 7 months and also printed out my driving record showing that none of the equipment violations are on my record since they are over 3 yrs old and also printed out a pic of my plate now on the car...hoping that this will help me out a bit


edit: and yes looking at my ticket it says mayors court so im sure he wont be much easier on me as its a tiny ass town

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You will get a ticket for anything in Lithopolis. Those guys are crazy. One time my friend got pulled over and had one of those miniature novelty baseball bats in his trunk and the officer pulled his gun out and removed it like it was a bomb. Fucking hilarity to see.




I spent alot of time around there for years, 26 in 25 = not good.

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just got back from the great Lithopolis mayors court i was the only one wearing a tie and the only one who didnt have any kids or drug charges i guess...but anyways got a fine of 100 bucks and no court costs so not to bad
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