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yepp Im new and a girl

Guest ToxicTiger

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Guest ToxicTiger

What up! Im new to this so we'll see how I do


Lets see girls hate me so all friends are guys and they are all in to cars and are teaching me new stuff everyday. Hopefully this will help too ;D


I have a ton of plans for my car, just need to save $$ and gas go down... yeah right..

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your friends with that guy who has the silver "500Hp" mustang right? LOL


i know i have seen you at the meets or around them most of the time. if so then i would highly suggest that him or any of his friends should not be the ones teaching you about cars ;)

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0 RWHP I dont care who your talking too, dont be a fucking dick. Those are my friends and assholes/douches or not, there my damn friends. Back the fuck off.


And i know about cars my friend, were not retards. They just drive like them.


And i don't know anyone who believes the mustang has 500hp, untill i see it on the dyno i don't believe it either.

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0 RWHP I dont care who your talking too, dont be a fucking dick. Those are my friends and assholes/douches or not, there my damn friends. Back the fuck off.


And i know about cars my friend, were not retards. They just drive like them.


LOLOLOLOL and goodnight.


Welcome also, if you can read this through all the other bullshit. You can learn quite a bit here if that's truly your goal.

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Welcome pics of car??


Fubar dam someone stick more then one finger up your asshole or something? I'm sure your friends are assholes/douches there your friends so guilty by association you must be a asshole/douch so sit down stfu enjoy ur stay here enjoy ur car legally an don't be mr fuckin hard ass


Hal I still need coachin in this ahole thing but ur classes have been help full see you next tuesday at class!

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I'm sure your friends are assholes/douches there your friends so guilty by association you must be a asshole/douch so sit down stfu enjoy ur stay here enjoy ur car legally an don't be mr fuckin hard ass


Wasn't tryin to be a hard ass but don't make fun of my friends and say we don't know shit about cars. Thats uncalled for. And yeah, so what if im an asshole?

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0 RWHP I dont care who your talking too, dont be a fucking dick. Those are my friends and assholes/douches or not, there my damn friends. Back the fuck off.


And i know about cars my friend, were not retards. They just drive like them.


And i don't know anyone who believes the mustang has 500hp, untill i see it on the dyno i don't believe it either.

just simmer down little guy...your too young to be popping hemroids just yet.


btw...silver mustang w/black stripes (99-04 GT)

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Wasn't tryin to be a hard ass but don't make fun of my friends and say we don't know shit about cars. Thats uncalled for. And yeah, so what if im an asshole?

uh oh....is somebody training to become a future e-thug?

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I don't listen to columbus's curfew. They can suck a nut. And lets just get this out of her thread, i agree. Anyways, welcome chantelle.

Relax, man. Let your friends handle their "man" business. It's just internet talk. ;)


And welcome ToxicTiger. Hmm. ToxicTiger. Sounds like you're tying to tell me your "kitty" is diseased. :confused:



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rape, i know her in real life, chill out, thats the only reason i posted, ive been through this i don't need it from you too.



i didnt ask all that you faget, noobs dont welcome noobs. and the intronet is real life cock smooch.


its bro rape to you dick head.

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