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Fuck You...

Guest Hal

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gave up so easy, wimp i would of thought being with hal-o-licious that you woudl have more fight in you...hmm ahh well fuck youuuu lol j.k



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You're going to pick my weak points and exploit them? Oh shit y'all.


in general, that how it goes. id have thought youd have known that at this point. here hoping that youre just "playing" dumb. (call me an optimist)


as the "away team" for this event,well go with your choice of weapons as "how best to kill oneself". may i suggest that if you continue to chew on that blasting cap, its going to keep the length of this thread down. i really can only speculate as to why you find the flavor of gunpowder to your liking, perhaps it reminds you of the times you were pistol whipped by your father as a child for saying things like "gee paw, no food for dinner again!? why hasnt ma come home in the past week? when is the power company gonna come fix our lights, and how come billy's lights next door are still on?"...etc. its amazing the things that make some people wax maudlin.

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man, this thread is weak.


hal is trying to be the new chef? the kitchen just aint what it used to be.

I'm stuck in the past blah blah blah them were the days blah blah blah.


You're rusty, sport, if you were to flex anything you would wind up with a hernia.

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i will say this for hal, he has inspired testicles in those who previously had none. miller and austin, two of cr's intellectual heavyweights.


miller: "fuck, its sunday and theres no football on. what am i going to do today?"

austin: "hey, that hal guy is talking shit on columbus racing. i think him and orion are going to get into it."

miller: "orion? man, fuck that guy, he alsways makes me look stupid. lets get him!"

austin: "yeah! hes old and stuff! and always talking about how shit used to be better!"


news flash clones, it WAS better. maybe i am slipping. in fact, i know i am. as hal said, with the dearth of entertaining morons to clown, ive gone complacent. soft even. well, perhaps its time to roust the temple again...




miller, dont you worry about my health, physical or otherwise. not sure if youre aware, but you have 2400+ posts. ive been here since damn near day one, and i havent managed to get to those lofty heights yet. perhaps, for your healths sake, you should get up from your desk every now and then, even if its just to roll over to the couch and "pwn sum n00bs" in cod 4 or halo. try and get that old pulse rate above 60 or so. have your pretty wife make you a pb&j while youre at it.


and austin, from ashville. austin hails from a town that is circlevilles bitch. take circleville, remove all the culture, money, and class, and there you have ashville. i pray for the souls that are born in places like that. i dont think ive ever met austin, but im almost positive ive seen him on one of those "christian childrens fund" commercials.

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LOL! DJ just kicked his walker to the side while knocking over his tapioca pudding and prune juice... This is a true indication that he means business. He has been secretly working out behind the scenes hoping for the day when he would be able to make a comeback. Now the day is upon us! DJ can stop acting like a grumpy old man and unveil his fresh 6 pack of comebacks, chizzled arms of insults, and an e-penis that would make Ron Jeremy proud....




(Yay!!!! I get to play the narrator)

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LOL! DJ just kicked his walker to the side while knocking over his tapioca pudding and prune juice... This is a true indication that he means business. He has been secretly working out behind the scenes hoping for the day when he would be able to make a comeback. Now the day is upon us! DJ can stop acting like a grumpy old man and unveil his fresh 6 pack of comebacks, chizzled arms of insults, and an e-penis that would make Ron Jeremy proud....




(Yay!!!! I get to play the narrator)


id like to point out that the only person im aware of who is wearing a helmet in this thread is a man who calls himself "beast". i suppose the cowardly lion was a beast, in some sense. well try to type slow, so you dont get skurred.


anyways, i need a narrator like hal needs a frontal lobotomy.


and seriously, it wouldnt suprise me that more than one person in here was wearing a helmet, complete with the requisite spit cup.

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Well, deeg (hope ya don't mind me calling you deeg, deeg), I respect that effort. Unfortunately, it took about 30 minutes for the thread to be overtaken by the real post whores ;)



I'll quietly exit now (because I agree about the past but let go homie).

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Tell me again why it's so cool to be the king of the kitchen? I don't get it? :confused: Did you win money, get a prize or maybe one of those cool heavyweight fighter belts that cover your whole stomach? Maybe get your name in the paper, or mentioned on the news? No? Well then congrats, "at a boy.."
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id like to point out that the only person im aware of who is wearing a helmet in this thread is a man who calls himself "beast". i suppose the cowardly lion was a beast, in some sense. well try to type slow, so you dont get skurred.


anyways, i need a narrator like hal needs a frontal lobotomy.


and seriously, it wouldnt suprise me that more than one person in here was wearing a helmet, complete with the requisite spit cup.

Irony much? You call yourself the juggernaut who is a fictional character of low intelligence that is nothing without his helmet. I guess you really are that rusty. Remember when Michael Jordan came back and played for the Wizards?? Dont let that be you...... stay retired.

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Irony much? You call yourself the juggernaut who is a fictional character of low intelligence that is nothing without his helmet. I guess you really are that rusty. Remember when Michael Jordan came back and played for the Wizards?? Dont let that be you...... stay retired.


unlike you, i didnt gloss myself. ive not been retired, just untested.


i do remember that time, and i remember that regardless of his game, he was still the hottest thing in town. the analogy isnt complete though, because unlike the nba at the time, this league is missing any allen iversons to cross me up. all weve got is some dude who lets his grilfriend do all the talking (probably a good thing), tweedle dee and tweedle dum, a de-frocked mod who has just recently decided to test the waters of non-bitchdom (and cant even handle bro rape, from the looks of it), and some guy who looks like, and wishes he was as funny as, strongbad.




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