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got tired of the antec 900 case......


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once you start over clocking you will start bumping up the heat on the processor. you thing also that it depends on is if its dual, quad or single core and also what brand you have. AMD chips are usally 90nm which is alot hotter running chip. alot of the newer amd run at about 65nm. Intel usually will run a 65nm chipset with few being a 45 nm as it runs alot cooler.


at all depends with what you do on your computer.

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well, id love to water cool, but i ran outta money. so, sometime soon, maybe here.


heres what i got sitting in a box in my living room...


pentium e8400 3ghz.

xigmatek hdt s1283 air cooler

asus p5q mobo

pc power and cooling 750 watt silent

2x2gb corsair dominator 1066 ddr2

evga gtx260 ftw edition (oc'ed to 650 mhz)



cant wait to get this thing together and run crysis and cod4.


whereabouts do you live at, biggu?

You'd be surprised at how little I had in my first watercooler setup. I bet overall, I had maybe $90 or so in it total. Though after you get your feet wet, you get addicted to the temps and upgrade fast!

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I also am willing to bet your brothers pc isn't overclocked to hell and back. My Quad qould run stock at 17c all day long, as soon as I bumped it to 3.6ghz it jumped to around 50ish, BIG difference. If I had water my temps woulda been ALOT lower.


Well depending on how much you wanted to bet you lost.




My brother has been building computers since he was 8 years old. Thats no shit.


Thanks for playing.



My question was....what is the temperature difference from water to non water...on the same setup.

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Well depending on how much you wanted to bet you lost.




My brother has been building computers since he was 8 years old. Thats no shit.


Thanks for playing.



My question was....what is the temperature difference from water to non water...on the same setup.


Oh, I apologize. Maybe I'll stick to building these things since I was 8 or so also and put my e-peen away for today, and you can stick to fixing cars. There everyones happy and my computer still rapes yours and your brothers, deal? :)

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My question was....what is the temperature difference from water to non water...on the same setup.



my temp difference was now 30/33 and before it was 46/53. mine was quite a difference but i also went to water cooling because my oem heat sink was hitting my north/south bridge heat pipes so i really had to do something.

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Thought I should post a few pictures of my current main setup. It is mainly all show and no go. I can post specs if need be, but the PC isn't really anything spectacular. You will notice the message displayed on the monitors. I installed a new optical drive tonight, and when I booted back up my hard drive apparently decided to crash.







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zach, what did that score on 3dmark06?


flex nuts for us, homie.


haven't ran it with the new video card, just got changed out my 8800gt superclocked for a 9800gtx superclocked.


with the 8800gt it was like 13,500 i think @ 3.2 ghz, 4gb dd2 1000mhz, 1600mhz fsb.


q6600 quadcore at 3.2ghz daily. I've had it up to 3.6, but i dont like the voltage past 1.4


i'll try and download the benchmark 06 again and see if the 9800 helped at all.

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new pictures of the lighting,





dark shots





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nice numbers zach, what all else you got int that thing? is that vantage? or 3dmark06? (looks like vantage)


im having an issue with heat, was wodnering if you had any ideas. im using a xigmatek cooler, and ive got my e8400 oc'd to 3.8, but even at idle my temps are at 50. that seems high to me. got an opinion?


biggu, nice lookin case man. well done. i suppose i should throw pics up here of mine. ill do when i get home.

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