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Chevy Volt: I have faith...


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...but only if it's executed properly.


*Great styling

*Great quality

*Under $25k (THAT'S going to be the hard part...)

*I would love a manual transmission option...




See this thread in November, 2010???

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I predict oil at 60-80 a barrel and all of us shortsighted people will be buying trucks and SUVs again:)


My thoughts exactly..



Oil prices will eventually go down once the demand is down from everyone going the, "green" electric vehicle route... good news for me :)

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I am not sure this is true or not but we had the option to buy a used Honda Civic Hybrid for cheap. We had planned on doing it until from what my boss said that battery replacement was 1500 Dollars. I dont know if that was 1 or several. Are the batteries really that expensive.
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I am not sure this is true or not but we had the option to buy a used Honda Civic Hybrid for cheap. We had planned on doing it until from what my boss said that battery replacement was 1500 Dollars. I dont know if that was 1 or several. Are the batteries really that expensive.

Yes. Used Hybrids are not a great buy. After a few years, the batteries need to be replaced, just like the battery in your laptop or cell phone. Some replacement packs can cost as much as $3000 once the replacement is finished.


I'm *very* interested in electric cars and plug-in hybrids. So much so, that I've decided that my next car will be electric or plug-in hybrid. I'm interested in the Volt, but only if they can get the price down. The government needs to reward car companies for making cars like this so the price comes down. At a possible savings of up to $2500/yr for me, it would take a while before it's paid for itself.


I'm also considering converting a small econo-box to electric. There are conversion kits out there for around $10,000. That would pay off a lot sooner. But the possibility for headaches is much larger, and there wouldn't be a gas engine to fall back on.

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You believe that price? There's one born every minute.


IIRC that's the cheapest I've seen them say. I've seen numbers from that to $40k thrown out by GM. They've got no fucking clue how much it's going to cost, or if they do, they aren't telling anyone. Bet it will be more than $25k and not come out in 2010 either.


I'd buy an aptera plug-in-hybrid as soon as it came out if I felt like another car payment, but I don't.

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They can't give a price because they don't know how much the battery is going to cost...That is if they even find one that works. It's a good idea, it doesn't seem that realistic.


Correct me if I'm wrong here, but doesn't Toyota have some sort of rights over the engineering/idea on their Hybrid batteries, and that's what's keeping things back? I know the cost is pretty nasty, as is the manufacturing of the batteries themselves. I mean DAMN. Nasa used it as a training site for astronauts who were going to the moon.





The Prius sucks.

I hope GM can step it up.

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  • 2 weeks later...

As much as I would like to see the VOLT do well for GM, I think GM will rush it to production and it will have quality problems (Battery system) and/or the price will be too high for the average joe.


Who knows maybe the marketing department will do well for that car.

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It will be $35-40k and GM will still be losing a lot of money on every one they sell.

If it's $35k-$40k, then it will flop. People won't pay that much for a car unless it has performance, prestige, or the ability to haul a truckload of brats around while bullying/cutting off everything else on the road that's smaller.


The Volt has none of these things.


However, because The Big Three are in financial trouble, and the current trend of being "green" factoring into the next election, I wouldn't be surprised at all to see the government essentially subsidize the Volt through tax breaks. Or hell, to keep America successful in auto manufacturing, it could be an outright subsidy for plug-in hybrids and the like. The government has bailed out everything else lately. :p


We'll see.

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I watched some where in the news where a guy in Dayton turned his Honda Del Sol into all eletric.. and I think they do it as a business.


Or if your a baller you can buy a Tesla http://www.teslamotors.com/


I'll take two please better number than the volt and it's 40 miles per charge

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