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The things I remember from when I was a kid thread

V8 Beast

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Good shit in this thread


Watching Inspector Gadget, Doug, Rocko's Modern Life, all those cool shows


Watching Steve Young emerge as the best QB in the NFL after Montana went to Kansas City. Back when the 49ers were good, not the piece of shit organization they are today.


Watching WCW back in the 90's and I thought most of it was real, lol. Scott Hall, Kevin Nash, Hogan, Macho Man Randy Savage, nWo 4-life!


Watching Nascar and thinking it was awesome. It has changed wayyyy too much.


We used to play paintball in the woods behind our neighborhood over by the railroad tracks. I also remember when we were in elementary school and everyone in the neighborhood would race our bikes and do laps in the court. Playing kickball, football, hide and seek, ding dong ditch, all that good shit. I miss it

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Wait- the mattel electric football? the one that made no sense, it was a bunch of dashes?

It was the old Tudor electric football. The game has come along way since then. If you know what you are doing you can actually make the players do what you want them to do now, no more running in circles !

There are leagues all over the country and even a convention.

Those little plastic players actually look like the real players now , complete with chinstraps , facemasks names on their backs , etc . they look just like the nfl or college teams . Here are some pics here. http://s62.photobucket.com/albums/h84/jeffpriest/

This is what I do during the winter when the car is put away .

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I dont think anyone's said it, but 5.25" floppy's. I used to play seven cities of gold all the time. We use to have like foot long disks too, the drive was seriously bigger than the monitor...and held like 128kb

Comic books, man I had a shitload of comic books

And dragon warrior, best game ever


I remember being popeye for halloween in kindergarten, and actually being allowed to take a pipe to school and nobody saying a fucking thing. God I miss the little stuff that people flip the fuck out about now. Like trans fats and lead paint...

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