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The I anit got any power crew.


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I'm having a mega cookout tonight for the neighbors w/out power like myself....I'm grilling ALL the meat that needs to be used by today. Steaks, ribs, chiken...2 lobster tails, catfish filets....Tonight the night....Good, but i'm PISSED!!!!



shit, can i come? i offer up 4 hours of my HD tv

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LOL....Yesterday there were about 15 people having a feeding frenzy...cooking off thawed food. Tonight is my turn to provide food.


Aww, I miss me HD....How was Terminator and Prison Break...anyone?



I dunno, I watched the best NFL game of the season

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I still don't have power. I called AEP to report the outage and they said it will be fixed by next Monday 12am. =(


Oh and no one on morse road knows what a 4 way stop is. I have given the finger to many drivers the past 2 days.

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I'm pretty sure I saw at least 15 drivers all day yesterday, just driving through the intersections like there was a green light. :nono:


People that run through the intersections while the power's off should be charged with attempted murder. The fucking nerve of some people to think that they've automatically got the right-of-way. :nono:


This ranks in the top 5 of my all time pet peeves. :mad:

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People that run through the intersections while the power's off should be charged with attempted murder. The fucking nerve of some people to think that they've automatically got the right-of-way. :nono:


This ranks in the top 5 of my all time pet peeves. :mad:


OMG no kidding. I was out on the bike yesterday sitting at an intersection with two lanes in either direction, and everyone stopping and looking like they should be, when this guy races up in the other lane and shoots right through the intersection as fast as he can. It's not just no-cop-no-stop, its downright malicious. Makes me sick.


Where on earth are the police during all this? The intersection at 315 and Hard rd was out yesterday too, and while things were pretty orderly the traffic on 315 was probably a mile long thanks to the slowdown. They can find 2 cops per intersection to stand around on campus watching traffic every OSU game day, yet something like this happens and they are nowhere to be found. What gives?

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my power just came back on about an hour ago. sucked but i have a generator so i could watch movies and keep the fish tanks alive.

are you flippen kiddding me? every part of reynoldsburg has power except my dam neighborhood wtfffff ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh im comign over aj haha glad u got power, ahh

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Guest tbutera2112
people cant fuckin drive at 4 ways....ive even seen some assholes blow completely through them....i refuse to go even if its my turn unless every car in line is at a dead stop....almost got plowed in the stang coming home from robs house because some jackass in an suv blew through the 4 way at 50mph...glad i saw him coming or my car would be toast
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