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Splitting Lanes, legal?


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I don't believe so. If it is, I'd be surprised as with our drivers, there would be a whole, whole, lotta deaths.


I remember seeing it in Cali for the first time and it amazed me. I still get startled by it at times when driving in Cali. Especially on the way from L.A. to San Diego where traffic at times will haul ass in numbers. Then VRRRMMMM, a bike cuts in between me an another car both traveling at 85mph. :eek:


I am in California quite a bit and splitting lanes is very legal there, same with other places that are very congested (London Eng. for instance).


Is this practice legal in Ohio?

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its one of those gray areas in the law. its not specifically referenced in the ORC as being either illegal or legal. doesnt really say either way.


you could be cited for impropper passing or maybe even reckless op.


if traffic is at a dead stop and you are going 5 mph between cars, a cop would probably let you slide. unless he was a real prick or had a bad day or something lol.


now if you are on the freeway doing 95 splitting between cars that are moving at 65 or 70, expect to talk to a cop and/or die.


the only time i ever do it is when traffic is at a standstill. i go to the front at lights a lot too.


to be honest, im MUCH more worried about some douchebag cager than i am about the cops.

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Guest tbutera2112
I don't believe so. If it is, I'd be surprised as with our drivers, there would be a whole, whole, lotta deaths.


I remember seeing it in Cali for the first time and it amazed me. I still get startled by it at times when driving in Cali. Especially on the way from L.A. to San Diego where traffic at times will haul ass in numbers. Then VRRRMMMM, a bike cuts in between me an another car both traveling at 85mph. :eek:

i read somewhere that its only legal there if the bike is moving 35mph or less...so only in stand still stuff....splitting lanes at 85+mph is def. illegal

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It saves us about an hour trying to get back to West Hollywood from Malibu during mourning rush hour.


People are going to work, were are just trying to get o the next party. I split past LAPD, and he didn't flinch. I will admit I was shitting brinks the whole way back.


Another thing to consider is they dont have traditional lines painted ont he ground, they have raised markers. So, if you nhit the patch at speed, like say while turning, things sometimes get hairy.

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  • 3 months later...

Did not want to make a new thread, but has anyone had any experience with cops getting you for this in stand still traffic? Or on the other hand just letting you go?


Also, what if you are at a light and move to the front of the light next to another car. I know it is illegal for two vehicles to share the same lane, but how do MOST cops react to this?

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