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  nickleyw said:
Well well, quite the reception!


I gotta give it to you guys, I actually hoped to get a little roughed up... I didn't know much about these forums, but it is clear to me that stupid sh*t isn't tolerated.


Let me start with this: I'm not out to please anyone but me when it comes to my car.


Right now, I'm in school, and have no money to spend on my car, other than on stuff it needs to keep it in good mechanical shape.


I'm not a huge fan of the vinyls, and do plan to strip them and get the car painted a solid color... probably a deep blue or pearl white. But, like I said, I don't have the cash for that right now, so it's going to wait.


Fart-cannon exhausts are retarded. Mine is neither fart-cannon nor retarded.


Actually, I've decided to leave the car as is until I can do what I want with it. Partially as a tribute to its previous owner who did all of the work, and then had to sell it before going to war.


And although it's ricey, I really like it. I don't mind fast'n furious for a couple of years... I know you all watched those movies... it appeals to my inner-kid.


Also, I have ALL of the parts to convert this back to stock... seats, front and back ends, exhaust, wheels, even the rotors and calipers.


I'm sure there's a lot I can learn from you guys, but I don't need to be a part of some good ol'boys club to be happy with my car.


How about some respect? Or didn't your daddies teach you about that...


Welcome, I'm not a fan of the car, but I like you.


Are you ready to go to war newb!?!? If you have the balls to battle these fools I have guns big enough to blow a lot of shit up!

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Mother fucker didn't off himself yet, weak.


What's the fucking point in rep? A bunch of feel-good-hippie fags just positive rep everyone so the world can be equal and filled with sunshine. God damn, man up you pussies.


The excuse of "I get a stiffy when I stare at my piece of shit, disgrace to humanity, so, I don't care what you think..." is just for little bitches.


This really grinds my gears. Bitches.

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I like to kid so I gave him plus rep. Oh wait I guess I'm suppose to be a mindless fucking lemming like the rest and give negative rep because he has stickers on his car. I should go back and make sure this kid never gets a chance to see the board because he made an intro just like we asked for and stood up for himself... right?
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  V8 BEAST said:
I like to kid so I gave him plus rep. Oh wait I guess I'm suppose to be a mindless fucking lemming like the rest and give negative rep because he has stickers on his car. I should go back and make sure this kid never gets a chance to see the board because he made an intro just like we asked for and stood up for himself... right?

You like everyone, you should remove your rep powers.


So what, he can defend himself by saying "I'm selfish and only my opinion matters"? That's not a defense, that's a pussy excuse.


I'm in school too fag, I drive a nice car and just bought another one. I maintain both.


Not a fan of vinyls? Why the fuck is the car covered in them? Oh noes, the paint isn't awesome. Fag.


I guess if I ever buy a piece of shit from a soldier, I'll leave it the way it is as a tribute. Where is the fucking logic here? I would torn Scott's shit up if I bought his Z28.


Inner-kid isn't an excuse for Fast and Furious shit. Did you watch the movie? I guess you like the whole criminal retard thing? That's cool, go weave through traffic on foot.


Fucking put it back to stock, you dumb bastard.


Fuck respect, you little fuck. Earn some. Giving stupid excuses doesn't earn respect. Go hug a tree somewhere else.

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It's great. I guess I can make some people go apeshit crazy just by posting stuff about my car.


I do value other people's opinions, I'm just not out to please anyone... it's my car.


Ninja, I'm glad you have an opinion, and I'm sure it feels good to get all of that anger out where everyone can see what a badass you really are.


I'm sure some people can see the logic behind some of my choices without me spelling everything out.


Arguing is much more effective in person than it is in type on some forum.


Thanks, Beast, for letting me take a look-see at the rest of the forum.

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  nickleyw said:
It's great. I guess I can make some people go apeshit crazy just by posting stuff about my car.


I do value other people's opinions, I'm just not out to please anyone... it's my car.


Ninja, I'm glad you have an opinion, and I'm sure it feels good to get all of that anger out where everyone can see what a badass you really are.


I'm sure some people can see the logic behind some of my choices without me spelling everything out.


Arguing is much more effective in person than it is in type on some forum.


Thanks, Beast, for letting me take a look-see at the rest of the forum.


First of all, my opinion if much more important than yours. Second, I am not angry, you are ignorant. Direct your retard thoughts somewhere else.


You have fools logic. I am ashamed that OSU actually let someone like you in.


Ok, argue with me in person. Like I could give a fuck if I'm on the internet or standing there. You should know, arguments are no more effective in person than they are in different types of media. God damn, you are so stupid.


Brian, thanks for letting more fucktards on here.

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Guest 614Streets
  Unicorn Ninja said:
You like everyone, you should remove your rep powers.


So what, he can defend himself by saying "I'm selfish and only my opinion matters"? That's not a defense, that's a pussy excuse.


I'm in school too fag, I drive a nice car and just bought another one. I maintain both.


Not a fan of vinyls? Why the fuck is the car covered in them? Oh noes, the paint isn't awesome. Fag.


I guess if I ever buy a piece of shit from a soldier, I'll leave it the way it is as a tribute. Where is the fucking logic here? I would torn Scott's shit up if I bought his Z28.


Inner-kid isn't an excuse for Fast and Furious shit. Did you watch the movie? I guess you like the whole criminal retard thing? That's cool, go weave through traffic on foot.


Fucking put it back to stock, you dumb bastard.


Fuck respect, you little fuck. Earn some. Giving stupid excuses doesn't earn respect. Go hug a tree somewhere else.




This is good shit right here.

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Nobody said he needed to win a prize for the best comeback ever. He got rep from me simply for not being the normal doormat that lets people step all over them.


You are just mad that he said he didnt give a damn about what you think. Taking the thoughts of a "ricer" personally is probably due to you wanting to secretly be like him. The problem is you cant because you dont think you can handle the ridicule. I think if you really try, you too can embrace your inner import tuner. The turbos are just your way of hiding the truth.. I think it's time for you to come out of the "garage".

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  nickleyw said:
It's great. I guess I can make some people go apeshit crazy just by posting stuff about my car.


I do value other people's opinions, I'm just not out to please anyone... it's my car.


Ninja, I'm glad you have an opinion, and I'm sure it feels good to get all of that anger out where everyone can see what a badass you really are.


I'm sure some people can see the logic behind some of my choices without me spelling everything out.


Arguing is much more effective in person than it is in type on some forum.


Thanks, Beast, for letting me take a look-see at the rest of the forum.


I didnt do it, you actually got more positive rep than negative.


P.S. Stop fucking hitting the enter button after each sentence!!!


If you dont stop I will turn on you faster than your import through an auto cross course!


Its like you type in really small paragraphs... wtf!

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  Unicorn Ninja said:
First of all, my opinion if much more important than yours. Second, I am not angry, you are ignorant. Direct your retard thoughts somewhere else.


You have fools logic. I am ashamed that OSU actually let someone like you in.


Ok, argue with me in person. Like I could give a fuck if I'm on the internet or standing there. You should know, arguments are no more effective in person than they are in different types of media. God damn, you are so stupid.


Brian, thanks for letting more fucktards on here.


Angry, yes. Yes you are. No, really. You are.


Show me my "fools logic."


I am actually laughing out loud reading your responses... so why don't you picture me as the little ricer punk you know I am, and picture me laughing right in your face. There I am, in your face, laughing.



Look pal, I get it. You don't like rice. You're right, f*ck everyone else who doesn't think so.

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  V8 BEAST said:
I didnt do it, you actually got more positive rep than negative.


P.S. Stop fucking hitting the enter button after each sentence!!!


If you dont stop I will turn on you faster than your import through an auto cross course!


Its like you type in really small paragraphs... wtf!



It's easier to read in small paragraphs. I finish a thought, hit return, and go onto the next thought.

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Guest 614Streets
  nickleyw said:
It's easier to read in small paragraphs. I finish a thought, hit return, and go onto the next thought.



This falls inline with your choices of cars. WEIRD. Fuck it I don't respect it. Its a lame car. I vote ban this tool bag. Im not sure whats worse buying a contraption like this or building one , unless you have intentions of making money then by all means forget anything I said and welcome.

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  nickleyw said:
Angry, yes. Yes you are. No, really. You are.


Show me my "fools logic."


I am actually laughing out loud reading your responses... so why don't you picture me as the little ricer punk you know I am, and picture me laughing right in your face. There I am, in your face, laughing.



Look pal, I get it. You don't like rice. You're right, f*ck everyone else who doesn't think so.


You are allowed to curse here... LOL @ the PG rated newb


BTW, If you havnt noticed I'm not really on anyones side. I'm just the guy that gives new people the confidence to come back so that I can have something to read at night. :p

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  V8 BEAST said:
You are allowed to curse here... LOL @ the PG rated newb


BTW, If you havnt noticed I'm not really on anyones side. I'm just the guy that gives new people the confidence to come back so that I can have something to read at night. :p


noted and noticed

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  V8 BEAST said:
Nobody said he needed to win a prize for the best comeback ever. He got rep from me simply for not being the normal doormat that lets people step all over them.


You are just mad that he said he didnt give a damn about what you think. Taking the thoughts of a "ricer" personally is probably due to you wanting to secretly be like him. The problem is you cant because you dont think you can handle the ridicule. I think if you really try, you too can embrace your inner import tuner. The turbos are just your way of hiding the truth.. I think it's time for you to come out of the "garage".

He didn't even have a comeback initially. I guess you missed this while you had your lips planted squarely on his ass.


Again, emotions are not determined by others. The person "feeling" those emotions, can tell you what they are. I feel no anger. Again, deciding how someone "takes" something. Are we planning shrink here?


If I secretly wanted to be like him, I would just go out and do it. I do what I want, within reason. If I wanted to be like him, I would be. I have no problem with import tuning. There is a different between import tuning, and being a worthless ricer. Try harder next time Brian, you're not aggressive enough to continue with this.

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  nickleyw said:
Angry, yes. Yes you are. No, really. You are.


Show me my "fools logic."


I am actually laughing out loud reading your responses... so why don't you picture me as the little ricer punk you know I am, and picture me laughing right in your face. There I am, in your face, laughing.



Look pal, I get it. You don't like rice. You're right, f*ck everyone else who doesn't think so.


Do you understand determination of emotion? No? I didn't think so. Fuckin' moron.


Reading comprehension, do you have it? Your logic is flawed, I pointed that out.


Why would I want to picture you? I guess you don't realize how little I value anything you say? I guess you fail to grasp my true lack of anything resembling care.


Edit: I'm not your pal. I don't like rice, or you. I'm sorry, I can't comprehend things that aren't even spelled. What is your * supposed to be? Moron, spell words.

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  nickleyw said:
It's easier to read in small paragraphs. I finish a thought, hit return, and go onto the next thought.


I guess sometimes the educational system fails.

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  Unicorn Ninja said:
He didn't even have a comeback initially. I guess you missed this while you had your lips planted squarely on his ass.


Again, emotions are not determined by others. The person "feeling" those emotions, can tell you what they are. I feel no anger. Again, deciding how someone "takes" something. Are we planning shrink here?


If I secretly wanted to be like him, I would just go out and do it. I do what I want, within reason. If I wanted to be like him, I would be. I have no problem with import tuning. There is a different between import tuning, and being a worthless ricer. Try harder next time Brian, you're not aggressive enough to continue with this.


Your emotions are not rational. You are playing to a crowd rather than typing what you actually feel. Your true feelings can never be truly expressed online because people will ask you why you chose a Mustang over a pink VW Beetle. The way you embraced Hello Kitty showed me that there is much more to Hal that others may not know. I promise if you start asking other car enthusiasts for hugs (like you want to) rather than being rude to them, you will be much happier. When you hide from yourself how can you truly judge others?

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You actually LIKE the body kit?


And you say you can't afford paint or whatever, but all it takes is like 79 cents for a plastic scraper and a couple hours of patience, and all those gay ass vinyls will magically vanish!

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  Unicorn Ninja said:
Do you understand determination of emotion? No? I didn't think so. Fuckin' moron.


Reading comprehension, do you have it? Your logic is flawed, I pointed that out.


Why would I want to picture you? I guess you don't realize how little I value anything you say? I guess you fail to grasp my true lack of anything resembling care.


You pointed out what you think is fools logic, but didn't explain what's wrong with it.


And you obviously care... you're responding to every single one of my posts! Ever think I was just trying to see how far I could drag this out? Oh, of course not, you will stop when you want to stop. And, your responses have nothing to do with your true lack of anything resembling care.


I forgot, I'm dealing with the Holy Christ of perfect logic. Not.


You know, someone with real logic can take what someone says and do more than just say "no. fag. fuck. retard."

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