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Why people want guns to be harder to get

Science Abuse

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..and why I advocate a mental screening beofre ownership is allowed.



Yuck it up all you want gun'ofiles, there's allot wrong with what the guy did, strategically and ethically. Excessive force; guilty as fuck.

The kids weren't exactly in the right. But the man did over step his boundaries for self-defense. A mental screening would have done nothing in this situation what so ever. Each individual operates different in times of distress, danger, etc...

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So what you are saying is that every single gun in the state of Ohio needs to be confiscated?

No, what I am saying is that gun control is stupid. Come up with a way to take guns away from criminals not the average american exercising their right to bear arms. There is no simple solution to this problem, but this isn't the answer.


You want an answer find a way to prove people's intentions, and start taking away guns.

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No, what I am saying is that gun control is stupid. Come up with a way to take guns away from criminals not the average american exercising their right to bear arms. There is no simple solution to this problem, but this isn't the answer.


You want an answer find a way to prove people's intentions, and start taking away guns.


What you said, was we need to get unregistered guns off the street.


Ohio does not have gun registration.


Therefore, all guns in the state of Ohio are unregistered.


Therefore, to remove unregistered guns in the state of Ohio, you would be removing ALL guns in the state of Ohio.




Now then, people that have been convicted of Felonies are not allowed by law to own/carry/possess weapons. Enforcement of this law would do FAR more for the cutting of crime, than creating new bullshit laws that hurt no one but the people that actually follow the laws that exist.

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What you said, was we need to get unregistered guns off the street.


Ohio does not have gun registration.


Therefore, all guns in the state of Ohio are unregistered.


Therefore, to remove unregistered guns in the state of Ohio, you would be removing ALL guns in the state of Ohio.




Now then, people that have been convicted of Felonies are not allowed by law to own/carry/possess weapons. Enforcement of this law would do FAR more for the cutting of crime, than creating new bullshit laws that hurt no one but the people that actually follow the laws that exist.


Sorry but I think we are on the same page. By unregistered I meant people who bought guns without any kind of backround check. I have bought guns both ways, at a store and at a gun show, it's too easy to get firearms with out a backround check. Do you think guns should just have titles like cars?

I don't know what the answer is, but any kind of backround check is only going to affect gun sales over the counter at a store. Not from smome guy selling some gun to someone else who is going to do who knows what.

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I've bought guns from friends without a background check

I've bought guns from stores with a background check


Am I a criminal?


No, guns shouldn't have titles, that's stupid. Just another form of government intervention and licensing. How different is that from registration, other than you also get a piece of paper with it saying you are the owner?

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I've bought guns from friends without a background check

I've bought guns from stores with a background check


Am I a criminal?


No, guns shouldn't have titles, that's stupid. Just another form of government intervention and licensing. How different is that from registration, other than you also get a piece of paper with it saying you are the owner?

I'm sorry bud, I know you can't tell that I am being sarcastic. Of course titles and registrations wouldn't work. I do think backround checks are a good idea, but my point was just that there is no easy solution. People who want guns will find ways to get them. Take away all the guns and people will just sharpen things and stab you. This why I excercise my right to bear arms.

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Actually, I like Robert A. Heinlein's solution. Require every law-abiding citizen over the age of 21 to openly carry a handgun. Pass training and practice requirements, and require carry weapons to be of a certain minimum impact energy, accuracy, and quality.

Offer a waiver process for the pansies.


Is it gonna happen? Fuck no, but i can dream.

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How would you go about any type of mental evaluation to see if you are able to own a SHOTGUN......

To be issued a weapon, police officers must first pass a similar evaluation. It's not new.

A gun a pipe are lethal, but no where near the same league as a shotgun. Bringing that up just makes you look silly.

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GUNS FTW!!! Ill shoot the little bastard too. Im lazy and would much rather shoot the fucker than spend a whole day cleaning up TP. J/K


But, seriously. If anybody ever tries to put anymore regulations on firearm ownership, Ill fuckin bitchslap them. There is no need, just like what was stated before, If the bad guys wnat a gun, they will get a gun, and if that fails... they WILL cut you!

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literally the only way to stop this kind of thing from happening would be to get rid of guns altogether. you can't prevent stupid people from doing stupid things. it sucks, but happens.

Yup, and then you get to deal with the same people screaming that we should get rid of knives because of the shocking rise in stabbings and knife related crime. Welcome to Merry Olde England, where a half-crippled old man's cane gets confiscated because it's an "offensive weapon".

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To be issued a weapon, police officers must first pass a similar evaluation. It's not new.

A gun a pipe are lethal, but no where near the same league as a shotgun. Bringing that up just makes you look silly.



Law enforcement use and ownership is definately different then civilian use and ownership. So how would you suggest evaluation for two completely different reasons for using the weapon?


Plus I don't think you could judge someones emotional reaction to a unique situation. I don't care what the test is. I bet I can pass any mental evaluation thrown at me. But even I cant judge how I would react if my family or my own life was in imminent danger and I had a loaded weapon. I can guess and pretend like I know what I would do but until it would actually happen no one knows what they will do.


See you look at me as silly and I think your views on the subject are silly. Your just bored and looking for entertainment and provoking conversations just like the rest of us.

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Law enforcement use and ownership is definately different then civilian use and ownership.


No doubt, civilians are far less likely than cops to leave their guns in public restrooms, or shoot themselves in the leg while playing wi....excuse me, "cleaning" their guns.

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Sorry we already have laws on the books to take care of this, assault with a deadly weapon, and attempted murder. the guy goes to jail, the media tells the story. Message sent to everyone else.
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