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Why people want guns to be harder to get

Science Abuse

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..and why I advocate a mental screening beofre ownership is allowed.



Yuck it up all you want gun'ofiles, there's allot wrong with what the guy did, strategically and ethically. Excessive force; guilty as fuck.


First off what you don't understand is that criminals by definition disobey laws. So if someone plans to or does break a law, having another law to keep that person from breaking the previous law is irrational. There are nearly 90 million gun owners that didn't kill anyone that day, this case if proven that the homeowner is guilty, is statistically insignificant.


Secondly, Michigan has castle doctrine just like we have recently passed.


Third, its very easy for you or I to be a Monday morning quarterback on a short paragraph description of what happened. We all see media bias everyday, how can you possibly know what is printed is the whole truth?


Fourth, how do can you possibly know exactly what the homeowner saw/perceived? You are making grand assumptions for which you have no basis.

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