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well shit got fired today....


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Not OSHA. The Fire Marshall is where you want to go. A chained fire door is a mandatory $5,000 fine for each occasion. Changing food dates, dunno about that, but again not OSHA. Probably county Board of Health.


Your kidding me right? Since the late 70's OSHA has had the federal ability to MAKE a company pay fines and fee's into the million's. If they walk through a warehouse and one employee isnt wearing the seatbelt on his forklift its an automatic $10,000. Three employee's arent wearing their seatbelts? $30,000. The majority of the crew aren't wearing seatbelts? 10k x number of employee's x 2 for not enforcing an OSHA guidline.


If you really want to fuck over your former employer, call OSHA. And since when can a person not walk in front of a forklift? I was always taught the person has right of way in any case. how did you get fired for that shit?

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ther are very few companies that have loyalty to their employees and if for some reason they don't like you they get rid of you over bullshit .SO I say fuck them and make the call get some self satifaction and make that phone call. :bangbang:
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well I talked to my HR chick and since i was technically still suspended I just told her i was resigning so it would not be that i got fired. She said she had talked to some of the people at my work and they told her that I took pics of food she then asked me if i did. I said no cause technically i took pics of food that had the expiration date changed so she just didnt ask the right questions hahahah...she then said if i did the company will take them seriously and prosecute to the fullest extent of the law.....lol so you do illegal stuff and try to scare me into not telling others about it...nice try
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Your kidding me right? Since the late 70's OSHA has had the federal ability to MAKE a company pay fines and fee's into the million's. If they walk through a warehouse and one employee isnt wearing the seatbelt on his forklift its an automatic $10,000. Three employee's arent wearing their seatbelts? $30,000. The majority of the crew aren't wearing seatbelts? 10k x number of employee's x 2 for not enforcing an OSHA guidline.


If you really want to fuck over your former employer, call OSHA. And since when can a person not walk in front of a forklift? I was always taught the person has right of way in any case. how did you get fired for that shit?


Technically true, and if OSHA ever actually responded to complaints, then this would be the way to go. But they are so buried in false complaints that they just take a report, and then it disappears into the sea of red tape. Believe me, in close to 20 years of working in warehousing, I've had to deal with trying to get unsafe conditions corrected, and I long ago realized that complaining to OSHA is NOT the way to go about it. The fire marshall, on the other hand, WILL show up that very day, WILL shut the place down until the problem is fixed, and WILL refer the manager/owner for criminal prosecution, especially if they get multiple complaints.


BTW the pedestrian does indeed have right-of-way, but many companies have marked no-walk zones. However, since all the right-of-way in the world doesn't stop a 10,000 lbs forklift from popping somebody like a grape, if somebody steps in front of the lift on purpose....they get dropped for creating a safety hazard.

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well I talked to my HR chick and since i was technically still suspended I just told her i was resigning so it would not be that i got fired.


Brilliant! You just did them the favor of saving them ALOT of money in unemployment contibution expense.



She said she had talked to some of the people at my work and they told her that I took pics of food she then asked me if i did. I said no cause technically i took pics of food that had the expiration date changed so she just didnt ask the right questions hahahah...


You might want to familiarize yourself with the term PERJURY if you get your smart ass hauled into court!

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You've been working since you were 13?


No, I started in the stock room at a local grocery when I was 16, technically I was a bagger, but I was the one on the power lift unloading the truck, thanks to a manager who was usually passed out drunk in his office by that time of the evening, which meant I was also usually the one stocking the shelves too.....and 18 years is CLOSE to 20 years, thank you so much for reminding me of that upcoming milestone in my life. Call it 16 of those years spent in various warehouse/distribution jobs, to be precise.

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o i work at a warehouse have for a year and a half and today they fired me for a safety violation. It was bullshit cause the kid who told on me had a problem with me since he started a few weeks back. He claimed i walked out in front of the forklift but i saw him and at the time when i walked by he wasn't moving but as soon as I got in front of him he started moving even though he saw me. He made threats against me by telling others i should watch my mouth or else and a few other things. I told management but they did nothing. So now i am fucked but the good thing is that the company was shady as shit and i have pics of them changing expiration dates on food so they can sell them still, fire door chained shut and a few other things, really hate to leak it to the news




Got fired cause a kid hates me and made up shit

made threats against me before but management does nothing

company is shady as fuck and changes dates on food and i have pics to prove it



Did someone say food safty? Phone into the Department of health. They are real strict on food born illness down there. I had to go to an administrative hearing over excessive builup on my metro shelving when i was running that Pizza Hut on W. Broad. They gave us 3 days to fix it or they were yanking our licenses. This was about 2 yrs ago too... im sure things have tightend up around there since then. They are worse than the fire marshals for one reason, they are a federal bureau, not state to state. The FDA doesnt kid around because shit like the whole tomato samanilla outbreak, can happen just that quick... all over something simple like not washing your hands.


Call and say that you want to report the possibility of food born contaigon due to alteration of expireation dates. Dont say any names or that you worked there. They will do the rest.

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Brilliant! You just did them the favor of saving them ALOT of money in unemployment contibution expense.


Probably not, violating safety rules is considered justifiable cause for terminating employment, and means no unemployment benefits. Maybe they would have had to make the payments, dunno how it works from that side, but he would not have gotten cent one out of it.

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Probably not, violating safety rules is considered justifiable cause for terminating employment, and means no unemployment benefits. Maybe they would have had to make the payments, dunno how it works from that side, but he would not have gotten cent one out of it.


In the sate of Ohio, you can terminate anyone, at any time, for any reason, as long as its not prejudice. Meaning, if you cant afford the labor and you just pick your weakest link... totaly legal. If you believe someone is stealing from you due to recorded evidence or occurances, you can terminate. You can even terminate if dont think they stole from you, but arent positive that they didnt. If you just dont trust someone, they arent pulling thier weight, bad attitude, personal hygene, language, pressing religion on other employees, etc. etc. etc.... IN KNEE THING. You can even get fired for not holding your subordinates accountable for thier mistakes... it happend to me.

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Motherfucker what is this?




I know its you , I have the emails you sent to the buyer. I also know you posted my coilovers for sale on craigslist about a month ago.


Backstory: Justin is/was my roomate. I am working in SF temporarily. I left most of my things, including the Miata in Columbus as I plan to return as soon as I can get funding for OSU.


Move this shit to the Kitchen.



Holy shit.

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thorne that was taken care of and is done


figured i would update i just got off the phone with the ohio attorney generals office they said they checked around a few places to see where i should call as its out of their hands since its a federal matter since they are selling nationwide to all prisons. They said it took a while cause they even called the FBI to see if they can investigate at all but now i have some more numbers to call since i know who i have to talk to.....so i will keep you all posted lol

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thorne that was taken care of and is done


figured i would update i just got off the phone with the ohio attorney generals office they said they checked around a few places to see where i should call as its out of their hands since its a federal matter since they are selling nationwide to all prisons. They said it took a while cause they even called the FBI to see if they can investigate at all but now i have some more numbers to call since i know who i have to talk to.....so i will keep you all posted lol


Thats cool, calling the FBI... What ever works I guesse.

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