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The Call of Duty Thread

V8 Beast

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i played the zombies on their new map. holy lost and creeped out. whats with the scary noises and voices :(




I got the strategy down, made it to level 18 ( from what I hear the level on Verruckt are twice as hard than the original).



You can play with me anytime :)

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I got the strategy down, made it to level 18 ( from what I hear the level on Verruckt are twice as hard than the original).



You can play with me anytime :)




how the fuck did you get that high? me and a friend played and couldnt get past level 9

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+1 on that. I sold it 2 hours after :lol:. Its just so damn slow. I like to run and gun not sit around with my thumb up my ass.


i did'nt care to much for W@W when i first started playing it but the more i played it i allmost like it better than COD4. and you can def. run and gun cause thats how i play i don't like to sit around and camp its boring.

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Yay! Im really surprised that they ditched the call of duty name though...


As am I, but I think it was done to simplify the name. Call of Duty 5: Modern Warfare 2 seems a bit overly-complicated.


Or as PS3fanboy.com joked, "Since Modern Warfare 2 is almost certain to spawn another iteration after it releases this November, it may be best to ditch the Call of Duty brand before we end up with something like Call of Duty 17: Modern Warfare 6: Moderner Warfare 3: Lasers are Bad News: Aerosmith."



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Sounds like you need to get Resistance, or whatever an xbox equivalent is if you dont have a ps3.


I want to get a ps3 just dont want to spend the money on it. I played socom 2 all the time, which i still think is the best online game i have played yet. the new ones just suck.


i did'nt care to much for W@W when i first started playing it but the more i played it i allmost like it better than COD4. and you can def. run and gun cause thats how i play i don't like to sit around and camp its boring.


I should have given it more time but oh well. I just didnt care for the maps either. I hope the new one in Nov is good and the don't fuck it all up.

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