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The Call of Duty Thread

V8 Beast

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  • 4 weeks later...

I just got cod waw for pc and man it sucks using a keyboard and mouse. What's the best controller to use for that game.. Free- for -all is the shit



Has anyone used the saphire 1950x pro video card? and what power supply should I use with it?

Edited by Comebackkid
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  • 2 months later...
Any get the new map pack yet for WaW? Any good? Its free right?
waw suckks get back on cod4


If anyone still plays COD4 on PS3.cause i fail at life an dont have a xbox360.. hit me up: Throttle_Inc

when ever you wanna step up an play cod4 hit me up on 260.

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LOL... I had a 260... errr 360. Ditched that piece of shit after multiple rings of death. Oh and, I like paying $0 to play online. Although I can foresee lots of love coming my way; I own a PS3 and a Mac. :thumbup:

i jhad such high hopes for you. now its just a bunch of fail aghhhhh



ahhh its friday an ive got 2.5 more hours of work ahhhhhh

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The new maps are pretty sweet. Dont know if its just my imagination but the gameplay seems like its smoother now also and the spawn points dont suck as bad anymore, atleast on the new maps. The new zombie level is pretty sweet too.
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I still think COD5 sucks. My son and I sold it about 2-3 weeks after we bought it.


If it was released before COD4 it would have been cool, COD4 just blew everything out of the water. The new map pack helped the game a ton, I actually enjoy playing it now. Browning pwns bishes

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If it was released before COD4 it would have been cool, COD4 just blew everything out of the water. The new map pack helped the game a ton, I actually enjoy playing it now. Browning pwns bishes


Yeah. the one thing I really didn't like are the maps. the guns also suck too.


oh well.

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I've heard many of the same things about COD5, although I don't notice as my setup in COD4 is either a silenced G3 with Bando/UAVJ/Dead Silence (NINJA FTW) or the old faithful M04 with Claymore/UAVJ/IL.


I might still buckle and get COD5 just for the zombie mode; that's ridiculous fun.

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