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Bodybuilders, powerlifters and your everyday gym rats....


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I'm right here, my hate for certain people motivates me. That and puppies. Someone needs to protect the puppies.


I do not compete. My diet isn't bad, but I would have to go on a major clean bulk then cut and get a crap ton bigger in order to do something like that.


I lifted on an off through college, but nothing too serious. I only got semi serious this past year. by semi serious I mean I typically dont miss days in the gym and have a pretty clean diet, but I still allow myself some bad food here and there, makes me feel normal.


I dont really get into all the supplement stuff though. Just whey, and some glucosonate/chondroitin.

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I'm right here, my hate for certain people motivates me. That and puppies. Someone needs to protect the puppies.


I do not compete. My diet isn't bad, but I would have to go on a major clean bulk then cut and get a crap ton bigger in order to do something like that.


I lifted on an off through college, but nothing too serious. I only got semi serious this past year. by semi serious I mean I typically dont miss days in the gym and have a pretty clean diet, but I still allow myself some bad food here and there, makes me feel normal.


I dont really get into all the supplement stuff though. Just whey, and some glucosonate/chondroitin.




By where are you i ment what gym do you lift in?


Ya you got to have cheat meals to keep you saine. I am getting back into powerlifting again so my diet isnt as strict as it should be but hey im 20 and have the metabolism of a banshee.

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I guess i should post about myself since i started the thread...


What motivates me is being freaky strong and seeing how amazing the human body truly is.



Oh and first place trophies :bangbang:


Work out at the power shack on cooper rd. Competed in powerlifting through highschool. Got out of it due to shoulder injury that continued to flare up. Getting back into it and hopefully obtaining a sponsorship.

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I haven't really worked out in 3 years and I can still bench a good amount when I wander down to the basement.


Do you need a workout partner Steven?


PS. Don't be gay and get sponsored. Read my workout guide and refresh your memory on some good stuff. Also, fuck shirts.

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I haven't really worked out in 3 years and I can still bench a good amount when I wander down to the basement.


Do you need a workout partner Steven?


PS. Don't be gay and get sponsored. Read my workout guide and refresh your memory on some good stuff. Also, fuck shirts.


Yeah no shirts here, supp sponsorship would be nice im working on one now.I remember everything from powerlifting and have picked up some things here and there. If you want to lift again heck ya ill take a partner.

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I haven't really worked out in 3 years and I can still bench a good amount when I wander down to the basement.


Do you need a workout partner Steven?


PS. Don't be gay and get sponsored. Read my workout guide and refresh your memory on some good stuff. Also, fuck shirts.



Where are you at now?


i just smoked 355 raw today 167lbs paused. Been back for 3 months since HS.

My deadlift has gone up significantly...should be pulling 500 soon.

Squat is still weak 405 for 3

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Where are you at now?


i just smoked 355 raw today 167lbs paused. Been back for 3 months since HS.

My deadlift has gone up significantly...should be pulling 500 soon.

Squat is still weak 405 for 3

I don't know on a 1RM, I would assume somewhere in the very low 300s. I've worked out like 5 times in the past three years. I only have an hour or two of free time per day so, that makes it tough. My deadlift hovers unrtained around 405. I still can't squat because of my back. I created a new workout I want to try for my back but, no time yet.

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I don't know on a 1RM, I would assume somewhere in the very low 300s. I've worked out like 5 times in the past three years. I only have an hour or two of free time per day so, that makes it tough. My deadlift hovers unrtained around 405. I still can't squat because of my back. I created a new workout I want to try for my back but, no time yet.


Nice, its funny how it stays with you. WHen you get some free time let me know it would be kool to run through a workout with you like old times.


Why do you say no to sponsorship?

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I'm in the gym four or five days a week. I never much cared about how much I could max out at; my focus has always been more on developing a physique and looking as though I could move around a lot of weight. :)


I use the usual suspects - whey, casein, and soy - on a regular basis. I've been thinking of adding a supplement or two (e.g., creatine? N02 stuff?) to see where that takes me over the winter, but haven't researched it seriously as of late. Lean muscle gain is what I'm ultimately after, and I'd like to stay around my current percentage of body fat (which is about 5%).

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Nice, its funny how it stays with you. WHen you get some free time let me know it would be kool to run through a workout with you like old times.


Why do you say no to sponsorship?

The only sponsorships are gear or supplements. I hate supplements and getting a sponsorship with gear is hard.

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Tilley, those supplements won't really get you what you're after. Creatine in most forms will just give you water weight. To build more lean muscle I would suggest taking a good look at your workouts.
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Tilley, those supplements won't really get you what you're after. Creatine in most forms will just give you water weight. To build more lean muscle I would suggest taking a good look at your workouts.


Hal, thanks. I've heard that about the creatine. With respect to the workouts, I think I plateau a lot, which is why, I think, it would be good to have a workout partner so that I could push to failure on everything (and even get in those one or two extra reps at 80 or 70 percent). My schedule is so variable, though, which makes it difficult on anyone wanting to try to work out with me. Anyway, I always try to aim to push to failure on most every set, 6 to 8 reps, heavy weight. Should I mix it up more? Go with lighter weights and more intense reps, you think?

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Hal, thanks. I've heard that about the creatine. With respect to the workouts, I think I plateau a lot, which is why, I think, it would be good to have a workout partner so that I could push to failure on everything (and even get in those one or two extra reps at 80 or 70 percent). My schedule is so variable, though, which makes it difficult on anyone wanting to try to work out with me. Anyway, I always try to aim to push to failure on most every set, 6 to 8 reps, heavy weight. Should I mix it up more? Go with lighter weights and more intense reps, you think?

Actually, I think the opposite. In general you would be correct, higher reps with lower weight will give more lean muscle. I think at the point you're at, you should aim for about 6 weeks of lower reps with heavier weight. I would suggest trying 5-6 sets at 3 reps with a heavier weight. You'll want something you can get every rep but, on the last couple sets you'll want to have to struggle. At this point, your muscles have memorized the movements too much to be effective at creating mass. You need to shock them into something they haven't seen. Following that, I would suggest backing off from pushing to failure every week. Failure is good, but, it should be used in moderation.

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I work out a good bit now 5 days a week. weight was I'm happy where I'm at around 190 will float 5 lbs either way. I do 3 days of weights and 2 days cardio. Have been pushing myself pretty hard and have seen some great improvement I am around 15% body fat and would like to get closer to 10 but would have to really clean up my diet a good bit which right now I'm not ready to do.


After the first of the year I may try to cut my BF % to see how far I can take it.

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Actually, I think the opposite. In general you would be correct, higher reps with lower weight will give more lean muscle. I think at the point you're at, you should aim for about 6 weeks of lower reps with heavier weight. I would suggest trying 5-6 sets at 3 reps with a heavier weight. You'll want something you can get every rep but, on the last couple sets you'll want to have to struggle. At this point, your muscles have memorized the movements too much to be effective at creating mass. You need to shock them into something they haven't seen. Following that, I would suggest backing off from pushing to failure every week. Failure is good, but, it should be used in moderation.


Thanks. :cool:

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fuck. threads like this make me want to shoot myself. i've literally got no time to work out, and when i do, i'm tired as shit. i manage about 3 days a week at best-- day 1 chest, day 2 bi's/tri's, day 3 shoulders/back, and i try to run each day to work out my legs. used to lift 6-7 days a week when i met my wife in jesse owens south gym on OSU campus 7-8 years ago. i've never done supplements/shirts/protein/etc. used to be able to get 225 for 43 reps. now i can get about 30 or so. i need to lose about 25-35lbs and get into some kind of shape.
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Kevin, you were training of some advice I gave you, correct? If so, I'm just wondering how that went.


It went good. I made a few other small changes and began to see some results.


However, this quarter I only got in the gym the first week, so 6 weeks without. Too damn busy which sucks. :mad:

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fuck. threads like this make me want to shoot myself. i've literally got no time to work out, and when i do, i'm tired as shit. i manage about 3 days a week at best-- day 1 chest, day 2 bi's/tri's, day 3 shoulders/back, and i try to run each day to work out my legs. used to lift 6-7 days a week when i met my wife in jesse owens south gym on OSU campus 7-8 years ago. i've never done supplements/shirts/protein/etc. used to be able to get 225 for 43 reps. now i can get about 30 or so. i need to lose about 25-35lbs and get into some kind of shape.


I see nothing wrong with 3 days a week working out. Lifting 6-7 days a week seems overkill....aren't you a doctor? :D

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