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Ohio Riders Newsletter


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A new thing for Ohio Riders.... a monthly email newsletter.

I just sent out the newsletter for January 2009. It is html, so if you can't view it correctly you should see a link to open it up in your browser.

You'll always be able to view it at:


Archives will be kept. Their file names will change to the three letter month and two digit year (IE: jan09.html, http://www.ohio-riders.net/newsletter/jan09.html). The most recent will always be index.html.

I will generally be sending these out within the first two weeks of the month. If you feel something should be in the next month's newsletter, please PM me.

This first one was more of a proof of concept than anything, but the information in it is valid. I'm open to any suggestions you all may have.

As it starts to get warmer, I'll be including planned rides, poker runs, and the such. If the need grows, I'll send it out more frequently (poker runs, rides, etc seem to pop up with little notice).

If you'd like to NOT receive these emails, go to "Edit Options" in your User Control Panel and uncheck "Receive Email from Administrators". You must be logged in to do this.

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If you didn't get it, check your spam filter.

Check your email address: http://www.ohio-riders.net/profile.php?do=editpassword

Make sure it is up to date. I had 20-30 emails bounce today because of bad email addresses.

If you're not getting emails, your email is correct in your profile, and it isn't being caught by your spam filter, PM me with your email address and whether or not you've ever gotten emails from Ohio Riders.

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I verified everyone's email who's posted saying they didn't get it. It was sent to you, and has not been bounced back. That means your email provider has the email. Why it would be being held I'm not sure. There doesn't seem to be anything in common. Yahoo, Hotmail, Gmail, CSCC.... Most got it some didn't. Not sure what's up. If I get a bounce notification I'll definitely let you guys know. Maybe you somehow have html emails blocked?

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