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Black Friday Shopping - what to expect?


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so....Best buy just posted their black friday ad, and there are quite a few things on there that I like. I wanted to post here because I know some of you are avid black friday shoppers. I have never been and really don't know what to expect.


- How early do I need to get there?

- When you are in line do they hand out vouchers for items inside? how does that work?

- Stuff like monitors, that are usually locked up. Do you have to run in and talk to rep to unlock monitors? or will they have them sitting out and I can go grab one?

- Do they have people that limit how many monitors you can get at the store? I am thinking to take a friend. I'll grab two monitors (one for me and one fo him), and then have him run and get two subwoofers. (one for me and one for him).

- Say I want a computer monitor, radio, and a subwoofer. I am assuming, go for the monitor first.


just trying to think strategy here, don't know what to expect, lay it on me.

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so....Best buy just posted their black friday ad, and there are quite a few things on there that I like. I wanted to post here because I know some of you are avid black friday shoppers. I have never been and really don't know what to expect.


- How early do I need to get there? Bring a sleeping bag or show up at least 3-4 hours before they open up if you don't want the high end deals

- When you are in line do they hand out vouchers for items inside? how does that work? Sometimes it depends

- Stuff like monitors, that are usually locked up. Do you have to run in and talk to rep to unlock monitors? or will they have them sitting out and I can go grab one? They usually hand out vouchers for stuff like this. Otherwise that stuff is behind the counter.

- Do they have people that limit how many monitors you can get at the store? I am thinking to take a friend. I'll grab two monitors (one for me and one fo him), and then have him run and get two subwoofers. (one for me and one for him). There is a limit sometimes. It depends.

- Say I want a computer monitor, radio, and a subwoofer. I am assuming, go for the monitor first.


just trying to think strategy here, don't know what to expect, lay it on me.



I answered above. Bottom line is don't fucking go. I have worked retail in the past for long enough that I hide in my house on this day. FUCK going out in public on black friday. I am cool on not putting myself through hell on earth... again and again etc. Traffic will be horrible when you leave. You might as well walk home.


Now if someone else you know is going for you make sure you give them a large cash reward for shopping for you.

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If you are trying to get anything at Best Buy you need to go the night before.


Last year I went at 10PM and there were 40 people in front of me. That's if you want the doorbusters. I got the last ticket for a 37 in LCD HDTV 1080p for $499.


I go pretty much every year. It's fun to me. Go for anything that has a limit under the ad first. Usually they say like 100 per store or something.

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x2 is your goin best buy i went to the one in reynodldsburg and by 7pm the line was wrapped around the building with atleast 75+ people....was nuts tents with beds an heaters...some hard core people go there...really wasent worth my time or money to sit inthe cold alll night to save some $ that wasent guaranteed to be there. as people get spots an then in the morning have there family step in line with them an get all the vouchers bunch of bull shitttttt haha


so if youve got 50 peoiple in front of you ide say scrrew it because by the time your up its easily almsot 100 people in front of you

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I got the last ticket for a 37 in LCD HDTV 1080p for $499.


I've been wondering about deals like these, what worried me is how good a t.v. can they really offer for that price. Was the one you bought a decent brand?? Say a Toshiba or something?? Seeing that price makes me cry over what I paid for me 32" 1080i Toshiba.

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what you really have to watch out for/complain about, is the ASSHOLES in the front of the line have 1st dibs on ALL of the vouchers.

some of them got shady last year at the tuttle best buy and decided to take one of EVERY voucher, even if they had no intention of buying that item.

then turned around and tried to SELL the vouchers to the people further back in the line, they need to have some sort of system setup so that shit doesn't happen again

and as mentioned, watch out for line cutters as well, anyone not standing in line all night does not deserve to jump in line right before the store opens

i do this every year, BF it is crazy as hell, but it's kinda fun at the same time


needless to say, i bulled my way through and got what i was after

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I for 1 will not be shopping black friday. I have worked the last 7 and will not be this year so im not shopping either. Lines suck, people cut in front, people get in fights, people don't get what they want and people SUCK. be prepared for the worst because it will happen.
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I for 1 will not be shopping black friday. I have worked the last 7 and will not be this year so im not shopping either. Lines suck, people cut in front, people get in fights, people don't get what they want and people SUCK. be prepared for the worst because it will happen.


Absolutly agree. I went one time when i was 19. Got there exactly when the door was opening so i just walked in.... ahead of the line that was at least 150 people strong. One lady bitched but I just ignored her.


Put people in a stressful situation with little patience and they easily show their worst colors, be prepared.

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Absolutly agree. I went one time when i was 19. Got there exactly when the door was opening so i just walked in.... ahead of the line that was at least 150 people strong. One lady bitched but I just ignored her.


This is why Best Buy does the Vouchers.





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I've been wondering about deals like these, what worried me is how good a t.v. can they really offer for that price. Was the one you bought a decent brand?? Say a Toshiba or something?? Seeing that price makes me cry over what I paid for me 32" 1080i Toshiba.


Mine was a Westinghouse, which if you look at the reviews are pretty quality. I've yet to have a problem except my dogs ate the remote for it, but I have digital cable so it doesn't really matter much. I'm mistaken as well it was two years ago, so in two years it's been running strong everyday.

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* Intel Atom Processor N270

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* FREE Shipping

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