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Legal/medical question about my mom


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My mom died yesterday because of a miss diagnosed problem. The doctor gave her medicine that gave her a blood clot in her heart. From what i am hearing the doctor was a idiot and didnt tell her the right thing to do. My mom was having a shortness of breath 2 weeks ago. Instead of having her go to the ER on the spot for a cat scan just gave her some birth control. Well now because that was done she lost her life. I want to know what i should do if i should go after the doctor for not doing what she(doctor) should have done? Im really mad my mom shouldnt have died and this could have easily been avoided. Any real insight would really help.
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Real sorry man. Best of luck getting this all sorted out.


While doctors are very smart they are just like everyone else. They can have bad days, it just so happens their bad days have these kinds of consecuences. That is why they get payed so much, and have insurance. Not saying you shouldn't take action, just keep this in mind when you get more information.


Good luck.

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My mom died yesterday because of a miss diagnosed problem. The doctor gave her medicine that gave her a blood clot in her heart. From what i am hearing the doctor was a idiot and didnt tell her the right thing to do. My mom was having a shortness of breath 2 weeks ago. Instead of having her go to the ER on the spot for a cat scan just gave her some birth control. Well now because that was done she lost her life. I want to know what i should do if i should go after the doctor for not doing what she(doctor) should have done? Im really mad my mom shouldnt have died and this could have easily been avoided. Any real insight would really help.

First thing, I am truly sorry to hear your loss. Losing a mother,is never easy. This stuff should never happen but it does all the time.



First contact a lawyer and see what they say. If you want a referral to a malpractice attorney, let me know.


Second you need to file a complaint with the Ohio Medical Board. Click here . The medical board will investigate the case and make a determination as to the role the doctors decisions played in her death. If the doc should not be practicing, they will either suspend or revoke the license.

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I, too, am sorry for your loss.


I would agree with Rick; if you are truly convinced that it was malpractice, then I'd let the Ohio Medical Board do an investigation.


One thing I will say though, and I don't mean to sound like an asshole, but please don't just jump to conclusions and automatically assume it is the doctor's fault. I'm not saying it isn't, but I'm sure you're having a lot of emotion right now and putting misguided blame on someone would be easy.


It sucks that your mother died because of a possible error, but this is why it's called practicing medicine; NO ONE has it 100% figured out.

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first: sorry for your loss. i know how hard it is to lose a loved one.


what the doctor apparently did, makes no sense. if you're sure you have ALL the details, and it happened exactly as you say, then by all means seek legal counsel. pretty much anyone who ever hints at any amount of shortness of breath in any reasonable medical office, is automatically told to go to the emergency department--period. they're not given a medication that is known to cause DVT's and subsequently pulmonary emboli, which is what sounds like happened.


medicine is not an exact science. we don't have all the answers. sometimes you have to understand that we can't prevent everything. perfectly healthy people die each year in the united states due to birth control--especially women in their upper 30's who smoke---its a risk of taking the medication that is printed all over the box.


like i said, if it occurred exactly as you say, it sounds like the doctor was negligent. i nearly lost my wife to an obstetric complication, where we lost the baby--it was due to a mistake that was made by the radiologist who read her ultrasound when she went the ER with bad abdominal pain. we had difficulty getting pregnant for some time, and ended up spending BIG $$ to get pregnant. i didn't sue because i felt the mistake was an honest one, but it was definitely a mistake--and the hospital subsequently changed the way they read ultrasounds as a result.


again, sorry for your loss. if there is clear negligence on the doctor's part, and you feel that they acted recklessly, then by all means go forward with a lawsuit. if you feel it was an honest mistake, then don't sue. honest mistakes are made every day in this field-----they have grave consequences, unfortunately. doctors are only human, but are often held to unreasonable standards imo--



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I also am very sorry to hear that, that's absolutely horrible. I often worry about that kind of thing w/ my dad as he is constantly on different meds, etc for his heart. I wish you and your family the best. :(


And to answer your question, it definitely sounds like med. malpractice to me. I'd see a lawyer immediately. Remember that the bottom line is that you're not trying to get rich off of the incident, you're trying to ensure this clown can't hurt anybody else's parents with his ignorance.

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I also am very sorry to hear that, that's absolutely horrible. I often worry about that kind of thing w/ my dad as he is constantly on different meds, etc for his heart. I wish you and your family the best. :(


And to answer your question, it definitely sounds like med. malpractice to me. I'd see a lawyer immediately. Remember that the bottom line is that you're not trying to get rich off of the incident, you're trying to ensure this clown can't hurt anybody else's parents with his ignorance.



Yea its not about money I dont need any. Its the fact of someone's careless mistake. I appreciate everyones concern and im going to seek a lawyer as more and more facts come through. My mom never smoked in her life either, she was a really healthy woman. I just hate thinking over and over again this could and should have been avoided. Thanks again to everyone that responded I really appreciate it.

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Depending on what kind of birth control they gave her, some have a higher risk of developing clots. Hope everything works out as best as possible. Both of your parents were great people and it sucks that the people who make a positive impact in this world are the ones to go early.
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