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Why are the only girls who like BB`s sluts??


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Thanks, na she used to be into drugs. She started hanging out with her old friends and got back into them.


sucks man, people will give up so much of their life for it.


oh well, sure is no skin off your dick. you got more money, more hoes, and more time than you ever did with her.

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Maybe women are just fucking crazy!


DIng DIng! You have it. Even my wife is crazy at times. Where are you meeting these chics? Maybe that has something to do with it. I don't know, personally they are all batshit crazy, and I'm pretty sure they think we are batshit crazy. Um I guess I have nothing constructive to say really so I will stop now. :) I do love my wife though.

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Well, a couple have been from the gym. Some from parties, a couple from friends. Two were from the mall when i was shopping. I have been a busy person since that shit happend.



Yea, I am doing alot better than when i was with her phsyco ass. I do miss the sex though, that shit was the best!

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Well, a couple have been from the gym. Some from parties, a couple from friends. Two were from the mall when i was shopping. I have been a busy person since that shit happend.



Yea, I am doing alot better than when i was with her phsyco ass. I do miss the sex though, that shit was the best!


I have to ask... You just broke up (at least somewhat recently Im guessing, right?) so why is meeting a slut a bad thing again? Im just assuming you dont want to jump into another relationship correct?


I have the same problem. I meet them, they're cool for a minute then i find out something crazy, like she's married and has another bf plus shes fucking me all at the same time ... wtf? The latest one, this is good, is not only on parol but has another warrant out for her arrest. But DAMN is she fucking hot!

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I have to ask... You just broke up (at least somewhat recently Im guessing, right?) so why is meeting a slut a bad thing again? Im just assuming you dont want to jump into another relationship correct?


I have the same problem. I meet them, they're cool for a minute then i find out something crazy, like she's married and has another bf plus shes fucking me all at the same time ... wtf? The latest one, this is good, is not only on parol but has another warrant out for her arrest. But DAMN is she fucking hot!



Like i said it isnt, but sometimes i like to just sit down and watch a movie without someone all over my dick. Maybe that makes me GAY to most of you but, sometimes i just enjoy a womans company.



Damn you got me beat. I just found out that two of the girls have BF`s. One is talking shit, im just like dude. Shut your fucking mouth i had no idea. Talk to your slut of a girlfriend.I cant help that she came looking for my dick.

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I have to ask... You just broke up (at least somewhat recently Im guessing, right?) so why is meeting a slut a bad thing again? Im just assuming you dont want to jump into another relationship correct?


I have the same problem. I meet them, they're cool for a minute then i find out something crazy, like she's married and has another bf plus shes fucking me all at the same time ... wtf? The latest one, this is good, is not only on parol but has another warrant out for her arrest. But DAMN is she fucking hot!


Holy fuck, I guess I am glad to be married. Maybe my sex drive is not as much as yours because damn, I honestly don't think any sex is worth all that. But then again maybe I am broken. Who knows. I do know I am content though. Play with what you like I guess. :)

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Holy fuck, I guess I am glad to be married. Maybe my sex drive is not as much as yours because damn, I honestly don't think any sex is worth all that. But then again maybe I am broken. Who knows. I do know I am content though. Play with what you like I guess. :)




Your lucky to be married to someone who is loyal.

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Thanks, na she used to be into drugs. She started hanging out with her old friends and got back into them.


You do realize (don't' make me dig up the old posts) what you used to sound like right?


"Hay guise, don't judge me. I'm getting married in a few months and we're going to be married forever and everything is as good as it gets. I am soo omghi2u happy oh golly geez."


"Hay guise, its my decicision and we know its the absolute right thing to do we are soo golly geez awesome happies and will be married foreverz"




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Like i said it isnt, but sometimes i like to just sit down and watch a movie without someone all over my dick. Maybe that makes me GAY to most of you but, sometimes i just enjoy a womans company.



Damn you got me beat. I just found out that two of the girls have BF`s. One is talking shit, im just like dude. Shut your fucking mouth i had no idea. Talk to your slut of a girlfriend.I cant help that she came looking for my dick.


NO your doing it all wrong! You have to find a girl that isnt about sex (goodluck). My advice is to find a solid BBW and you get the best of all worlds. She can cook, shes warm to cuddle up with when watching a movie and most are just appreciative to spend time with someone rather than being "all about the dick". Then when you want a slut-bunny you call one of your hoes. SIMPLE!


Oh and Ive got plenty of Boyfriend stories. I actually had one guy call me and try and act hard. Meanwhile this girl (her name was maggie, I think) had told me that he actually cried b/c she wouldnt fuck him. After I called him out on this he didnt have anything more to say :)

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