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Why are the only girls who like BB`s sluts??


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Yeah, that sounds familiar. I opted to change my diet a while back and now I'm weighing in at 197lbs and a very, very lean 17.9% body fat. At 5'2", you can imagine how cut I look. If you said to yourself, "I bet he looks fucking lean!" then you're right.
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Yeah, that sounds familiar. I opted to change my diet a while back and now I'm weighing in at 197lbs and a very, very lean 17.9% body fat. At 5'2", you can imagine how cut I look. If you said to yourself, "I bet he looks fucking lean!" then you're right.


Hey I just got an email from Muscle and Fitness Magazine, They said you made the cover. Congrats man. I cant believe but hey all we can do is just remember all those days in the gym with our 1 gallon jugs of water wearing our weight belts and gloves while on the tread mills. It all paid off.

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Hey I just got an email from Muscle and Fitness Magazine, They said you made the cover. Congrats man. I cant believe but hey all we can do is just remember all those days in the gym with our 1 gallon jugs of water wearing our weight belts and gloves while on the tread mills. It all paid off.


OMFG R U SERIOUS??!? Fuck, I'm stoked. I can't wait to show off my awesome tribal tattoos along with my sick Tazmanian Devil tattoo that I have on my lower right leg. I'm oiling up right now. Need to cut up a little bit too; I think I'll look even better if I can get down to about 16% body fat in time for the shoot. Imagine how many sluts will want to have sex with us after this! If you're imaging a lot of sluts, you're right fucking on.

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Dude why is this flake trying to be like us Tilley. Someone needs to tell him that he aint moving any weight. Copying our "LIGHT WEIGHT" yelling...




Just replace the black guy with a white guy and that's us, basically.


FYI, to get really psyched up for a big lift, I usually scream "LIGHT WEIGHT" early and often, like when I'm getting out of my car and walking in to the gym, or in the locker room putting on my singlet. It works.

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OMFG R U SERIOUS??!? Fuck, I'm stoked. I can't wait to show off my awesome tribal tattoos along with my sick Tazmanian Devil tattoo that I have on my lower right leg. I'm oiling up right now. Need to cut up a little bit too; I think I'll look even better if I can get down to about 16% body fat in time for the shoot. Imagine how many sluts will want to have sex with us after this! If you're imaging a lot of sluts, you're right fucking on.



Yes we need to get you to about 16% body fat. Now I dunno if anyone has ever gotten that lean before especially being 5'2". I doubt they will able to any fat on your body at that %. We might need to consult a doctor to make sure being that lean is safe. Hey I wonder if we should go buy new singlets to workout in tomorrow.


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Just replace the black guy with a white guy and that's us, basically.


FYI, to get really psyched up for a big lift, I usually scream "LIGHT WEIGHT" early and often, like when I'm getting out of my car and walking in to the gym, or in the locker room putting on my singlet. It works.



I just yelled it right now as I was unloading my groceries into my fridge. I never thought I could get the milk into the fridge without a spotter but some how yelling LIGHT WEIGHT allowed me to accomplish it.

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I have a genuine question for Tilley and Sam.... I was solicited for sex while doing cardio. I hadnt worked out my penis that day so I figured I would take her up on her offer. In doing some routine whore-ups(sp???) I found myself screaming light weight repeatedly. Everything felt good, I was at my target heart rate, and the blood pressure in my penis was optimal for the position we were in. Then suddenly the woman asked me to stop because I was hurting her ears and the guys doing squats and arm curls were looking at us funny :confused: Is this normal? Something tells me I was not screaming light weight in the proper manner or tone. Please help...
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First of all the guys are goin to look at your funny. You are doin stuff that has prolly never been seen before in the gym. Usually its just pure shock that they cannot believe their eyes. Its ok, we get this everytime we roll into the gym. So your best bet is to just get use to the haters. Secondly, the girl was also prolly in complete 100% shock as she could not believe the sheer power you have and burst of strength that comes to someone when they yell "LIGHT WEIGHT". Alot of woman we have found have never seen something like this unless it was on Ripleys believe it or not. So my advice is to go ahead and get you a new Singlet and try doin a few warm ups of yelling "LIGHT WEIGHT" before entering the gym and see if that helps. A good place to try is the frozen food section at your local store. Or I have also heard of a theory, my Tilley can ellaborate on it more that if you tan everyday for 1 month straight that it will also increase your lung capacity to be able to yell "LIGHT WEIGHT" in proper tone and fashion.
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Thanks for the insight! I attempted to ask my personal trainer the same thing but he said thier was no reason to ever scream "LIGHT WEIGHT". He also assumes I'm on steroids because of how fast I became a lean machine. That in itself shows me he's not on the same level of fitness as the two of you. You also mentioned tanning. Is it possible to tan too much? As the picture I posted earlier proves I have tanned to a point that I am now a black guy. I know for a fact its due to yelling "LIGHT WEIGHT" while tanning. The rush is so powerful that I tan faster and more evenly.


Thanks for the help! I'm going to put on my thong, a weight belt, some heavy lifting gloves, and go yell "LIGHT WEIGHT" in the frozen food isle at Krogers.

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I am seeing a trend in every girl i meet. I am 5'6 185lbs and pretty lean, everytime i meet a girl out she ends up being a slut. Its fun dont get me wrong but that shits getting annoying!



Anyone else have this issue?



Ok Steven, not all girls are totally crazy. You tend to go with the ones that have a lot of baggage. Baggage=crazy. Sluts are that way for a reason. They are trying to gain something by fucking a lot of guys. Sluts have a lot of baggage. Go for a girl that you don't meet at a party, gym or mall and you will be fine.

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Bob asked me to train with him once...


We started our workout by sitting on the couch, drinkin beer while we watched Pinks and hunting shows. Then we went out and wrenched on some Fords, did some tradin, and stopped by Bass Pro for some gear.

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bb i was guessing bad boy..lol oh well,yea women they are all nutts at times then again we as guys do not make it easy on them at times either. I was married for 21 years to my ex.not in any hurry to get hitched again,cant say i wont do it again,,but i like being single :D
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