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Why are the only girls who like BB`s sluts??


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Listen, I hear you, but I'M TBWABADHIMLRRN - Too Busy Wearing A Bikini And Doing Handstands In My Living Room Right Now. Taking pics to post up later...



Well while you are doin that I will be PUMSTTHTTGSTHWLASL - Picking Up Mr Schnauzi To Take Him To The Groomers So That He Will Look All Schnauzi Like.

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I didn't want to let that cat out of the bag, but, you went there, and I guess there's no taking it back.


People, look, we routinely flex on bitches in the gym wearing sweet Skidz pants and Panama Jack tee-shirts (rolled up, of course) and capping if off with a pair of Oakley shades, propped up perfectly on baseball caps (worn backward, of course). I'm putting on my Groveport varsity letterman jacket now and will be waiting outside for the pickup.


Hopefully not to many people will want our autographs at the gym since we look the way we do. I plan on asking for a spot when I bench 135# on the bench whiling screaming at the top of my lungs "LIGHT WEIGHT" then once i am done with my set, I plan on goin straight to the mirror and getting my flex on while I ask a girl to oil me down. After that I plan on doin some curls with 10# dumbells again screaming "LIGHT WEIGHT" and as soon as I done with my set I will proceed to toss the dumbells from my shoulder height to the floor allowing them to slam and bounce all over the place to let everyone know that we are serious lifters.

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Hopefully not to many people will want our autographs at the gym since we look the way we do. I plan on asking for a spot when I bench 135# on the bench whiling screaming at the top of my lungs "LIGHT WEIGHT" then once i am done with my set, I plan on goin straight to the mirror and getting my flex on while I ask a girl to oil me down. After that I plan on doin some curls with 10# dumbells again screaming "LIGHT WEIGHT" and as soon as I done with my set I will proceed to toss the dumbells from my shoulder height to the floor allowing them to slam and bounce all over the place to let everyone know that we are serious lifters.


Listen, it's pretty much a given that you need to ask for a spot no matter what exercise you're doing - bench, squats, curls, triceps, sit-ups, anything - so that everybody gets it loud and clear: I'M A PROFESSIONAL AND I'M NOT JOKING AROUND WITH ALL THIS HEAVY WEIGHT LIFTING. Screaming "LIGHT WEIGHT" not only works, but that's also another great signal that shows you're not kidding around in the gym. Also, don't leave out that we routinely refuse to carry any dumbells, but will instead kick them so that they roll around and bump into people. I mean, come on, we can't get fatigued before our set by carrying the dumbells.

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Hopefully not to many people will want our autographs at the gym since we look the way we do. I plan on asking for a spot when I bench 135# on the bench whiling screaming at the top of my lungs "LIGHT WEIGHT" then once i am done with my set, I plan on goin straight to the mirror and getting my flex on while I ask a girl to oil me down. After that I plan on doin some curls with 10# dumbells again screaming "LIGHT WEIGHT" and as soon as I done with my set I will proceed to toss the dumbells from my shoulder height to the floor allowing them to slam and bounce all over the place to let everyone know that we are serious lifters.


hahah :lol:

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This dude is ripped. That is what lean lean looks like. 5'6" 185, your body fat would have to be really low to be considered lean. I am talking about 5% or below. I am 5'8" 170 and relatively lean. So for you to be 15 pounds heavier and 2 inches shorter, you will need to be alot lower body fat % to be a lean person.


thats what im saying

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and sam and tilley, i wish i was still in the BB business so i could come get super huge with you and wear my parachute pants. but alas i met my super smokin hot wife outside of an arena too! she had a huge coke problem but i told her to put the bottle down.


sometime si still go to the local gymnasium and flex up on all the HS kids it makes me feel real good, makes me fell like im something special!1!1!ONE!!!

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Tilley and I just got home from the gym. Today we worked out our legs. We hoped onto the sled and proceeded to load it up with about 800# of weight. We then made sure that the safety springs on the sled were as high as they could go. Once we let the weight down as fast as possible, we used the springs to bounce the weight off of just so we could get that added pump to our legs. Of course we screamed at the top of our lungs like always, "LIGHT WEIGHT" just to make sure we got everyones attention. We then moved to the tread mill where we both had to spot each other on the tread mill just cause of the high speed that we were goin at. I think it was right around 3 MPH. Then back to the bench. We did hit a bump in the rd while benching when some douche came over and asked if anyone was using the bench to which we replied, Yeah twerp, we are on it, now go fetch me some water while we rep out 75# on the straight bar. He asked how we could do so much weight when Tilley slapped him square in the face and said " Dont ever ask us questions while we are working out again..." He went and got our water and we finished up our workout then went to spice and got a vip table and proceeded to dump bottles of grey goose on the floor since we are ballers like that.
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Hey everyone, just checking in. Yup, Sam and I had a great workout - we totally got a great pump on. It feels so good when you walk around the gym, not really doing anything, but wearing gloves and straps just so everyone knows you're serious. I wear my lifting gloves even when walking into the gym because I want the girl who checks me in to the gym to see them and know that I'm that serious about getting my flex on. I also like to carry a gym bag around the gym with me and wear my weight belt too. Not for any particular reason, mind you, but you kind of have to if you're as serious about this shit as we are.
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BTW, does anyone else have as hard a time finishing a workout with having girls solicit you for sex? Happens to us ALL THE TIME. Man, just so annoying, you know? "Oh hai, we love your hair" and "OMG ur so hott can we have teh sex with you now?" and "EEEK I love you!!1!" is basically all we hear all the time, and it's hard to focus on being a serious BB with all that going on.
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BTW, does anyone else have as hard a time finishing a workout with having girls solicit you for sex? Happens to us ALL THE TIME. Man, just so annoying, you know? "Oh hai, we love your hair" and "OMG ur so hott can we have teh sex with you now?" and "EEEK I love you!!1!" is basically all we hear all the time, and it's hard to focus on being a serious BB with all that going on.



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BTW, does anyone else have as hard a time finishing a workout with having girls solicit you for sex? Happens to us ALL THE TIME. Man, just so annoying, you know? "Oh hai, we love your hair" and "OMG ur so hott can we have teh sex with you now?" and "EEEK I love you!!1!" is basically all we hear all the time, and it's hard to focus on being a serious BB with all that going on.



There has to be more to life then being really really really good looking..

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I have a friend that looks like your typical I-taleon. He's 5 foot 7 and was weighing in at 190 pounds and was a fucking animal. He went on a diet and changed his workout. Dropped down to 160 pounds and got rid of the slick-rick hair cut for a little shag. You know why? Because he realized he intimidated the fuck out of all the little chicks we met at partys. Now he has 0 problems getting girls.



Maybe similar situations?

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