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[Gun Crew] What would you do?


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If you tonight where woken by a loud crash and someone busted into your house? If you did shoot would you aim to kill?



Me, I've always been told it's easier when there is only 1 story.





I would unload a full clip.


Then drink milk and eat cookies till the police came.



Aim to kill? Only if he was aiming to kill me. I would blow there knees out first.

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my class told me that you hav the right to announce your intent.. you have a gun... and if there is no awnser u ahve the right to assume there intent...


so my 45 would have an empty clip...


Aiming to netroulize really don't make sense. If you shoot me in the knee I can still shoot you in the face.

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Aiming to netroulize really don't make sense. If you shoot me in the knee I can still shoot you in the face.

neutralize the threat is a nice way of saying killing someone. Thing is though, if someone kicked my door in, I would shoot them in center mass until I thought they were stopped. I'm not shooting them to kill them, I'm shooting them to stop them from killing me.


It would look better to a Grand Jury if you said "I shot until I felt the threat to my life was neutralized" not "I shot the fucker till I KNEW he was dead"

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I've always said, if you're going to shoot someone, make sure they're dead. No shooting kneecaps (you won't hit them anyways), no shooting to scare them. If you shoot them, make sure they aren't around to tell their twisted side of the story.


But, as LJ said, 'neutralize' is a much better choice of word. Sounds better when you're in front of a jury.


BTW, don't empty the 'clip' unless that's what it takes to stop them. 2 to the chest should slow them down enough to put a well placed/aimed shot to their head. If that doesn't work, reassess the situation and repeat as necessary.

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I would reach over to my nightstand, grab my .40, then my 3D maglight, get up and make my way to the noise. The very sight of an intruder would be followed by shots. Not sure the amount. If I hit him and he falls, but still moving around. I would probably insert another 1 or 2 to finish it off. Then secure the premises...then hit the police button on my alarm system followed by a 911 call.
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I've always said, if you're going to shoot someone, make sure they're dead. No shooting kneecaps (you won't hit them anyways), no shooting to scare them. If you shoot them, make sure they aren't around to tell their twisted side of the story.


But, as LJ said, 'neutralize' is a much better choice of word. Sounds better when you're in front of a jury.


BTW, don't empty the 'clip' unless that's what it takes to stop them. 2 to the chest should slow them down enough to put a well placed/aimed shot to their head. If that doesn't work, reassess the situation and repeat as necessary.


Agreed 100%. It's all about what the jury hears and preceives.

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If I hit him and he falls, but still moving around. I would probably insert another 1 or 2 to finish it off.


I hope you're kidding. They can do ballistics tests and such and determine that you shotthe intruder while they were on the ground. You can turn a good shoot into a bad shoot in a few seconds by "finishing someone off".

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Well.... the House Alarm would sound. They would know, that I knew they were there. Assumably the Alarm would be dialing (land line, or cellular backup). A rack of a shotgun would let them know I am armed. Diall 911 from Cell Phone. Hopefully, that combo would be enough for them to flee.


I would make my way to our Daughter's room, and stay put until Police Arrive.


If force came to force, one shot to center of mass should cease the Threat. If not, repeat.





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I hope you're kidding. They can do ballistics tests and such and determine that you shotthe intruder while they were on the ground. You can turn a good shoot into a bad shoot in a few seconds by "finishing someone off".


Not at all...with the intruder dead..it's my story against my story. Yes, tests can tell if a person was on the ground when shot. I do watch CSI...Although who's to say he isn't lounging at me. I can shoot until I feel the threat is stopped. Totally within my rights.

Yes, a good shot could be turned bad. true.

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My thoughts...still in my home against my will...moving around on the ground. I have no idea how bad they are shot. Could be a scary movie trick...I walk over...jump up and get me. Therefore, you must die that night.
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Not at all...with the intruder dead..it's my story against my story. Yes, tests can tell if a person was on the ground when shot. I do watch CSI...Although who's to say he isn't lounging at me. I can shoot until I feel the threat is stopped. Totally within my rights.

Yes, a good shot could be turned bad. true.


The problem is this, if you shoot the guy down, go *bang bang bang bang* the first 2 shot he is standing, 3rd shot he is falling, 4th shot he is down, that is one thing. But then if you walk up to him, stand over him, and then put another one in him, that will most likely turn a good shoot into a bad shoot. Tests will show the angle at which the shot came from. The DA would argue that the threat HAD to have been neutralized for you to get that close and shoot.


Also, you would probably get a few shots center mass before the person drops anyways.



Also be aware that even highly trained individuals will be lucky to get 20% of their shots on target in a SD shooting with a handgun.

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5.56mm will go right in, and right out of someone. With a smaller round traveling over 2,900FPS, you'll have over-penetration. Meaning, it'll go through walls, which is never a good thing. Consider 5.56mm to be mini ice-picks, they go in and go right back out.

Yep. Even slugs at close range may over penetrate. I don't want to neutralize the threat AND neutralize my poor neighbor who is sleeping

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I heart you and miss you. PM me I got a suprise for you..




I've always said, if you're going to shoot someone, make sure they're dead. No shooting kneecaps (you won't hit them anyways), no shooting to scare them. If you shoot them, make sure they aren't around to tell their twisted side of the story.


But, as LJ said, 'neutralize' is a much better choice of word. Sounds better when you're in front of a jury.


BTW, don't empty the 'clip' unless that's what it takes to stop them. 2 to the chest should slow them down enough to put a well placed/aimed shot to their head. If that doesn't work, reassess the situation and repeat as necessary.

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