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Riding Gear...just for grins

Unk Greg

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Okay, bought the bike, then everyone bitched about gear and so along the way I got a helmet..then track day wanted leathers...just for grins: Here is some stuff I just read about...so callin' it riding gear.

Denim Jeans, How long do they last in an accident? Last 0.4 seconds (study from England-and no other details). Leather, lasts 2.5 seconds. Old worn denim or been washed will wear thru quiker. I got some of them lumber jack jeans...before the leathers...I figured if they was made to protect ya from a chainsaw, so why not (kevlar lining).

Leather suits Top flite with three layers on shoulders, double on rear, elbows and knees...and mention of Kevlar inserts. Parts of the cow and use; back neck and rear are strongest with belly and legs softer. So if ya know who yer cow was, you could ask which went where. Look for 1.3-1.5 mm thick. Kangaroo leather...only had them on my soccer 'boots'...seemed durable enough....shoes are still good after all these years. I'm sure the 'suit' made outa 'Roo would be an economical choice.

There ya go...fill in with all yer useful trivia....it'll help me learn as a NOOB.

Oops...Bike stuff...silicon and nomex water hoses, water wetter and now some sorta water heater (fluid that lets it warm up quiker)

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  littlecarbsbigsmiles said:
Okay, bought the bike, then everyone bitched about gear and so along the way I got a helmet..then track day wanted leathers...just for grins: Here is some stuff I just read about...so callin' it riding gear.

Denim Jeans, How long do they last in an accident? Last 0.4 seconds (study from England-and no other details). Leather, lasts 2.5 seconds. Old worn denim or been washed will wear thru quiker. I got some of them lumber jack jeans...before the leathers...I figured if they was made to protect ya from a chainsaw, so why not (kevlar lining).

Leather suits Top flite with three layers on shoulders, double on rear, elbows and knees...and mention of Kevlar inserts. Parts of the cow and use; back neck and rear are strongest with belly and legs softer. So if ya know who yer cow was, you could ask which went where. Look for 1.3-1.5 mm thick. Kangaroo leather...only had them on my soccer 'boots'...seemed durable enough....shoes are still good after all these years. I'm sure the 'suit' made outa 'Roo would be an economical choice.

There ya go...fill in with all yer useful trivia....it'll help me learn as a NOOB.

Oops...Bike stuff...silicon and nomex water hoses, water wetter and now some sorta water heater (fluid that lets it warm up quiker)

Not sure what you are asking here, but I'll give her a shot...

Suit - 2 piece or one piece. Needs to be cowhide or kangaroo. Hard to get kangaroo and it is more money. Not legal for sale in CA and really the only reason it is tough to buy here in the States. Most top shelf suits are adequate. Really high end suits are great, but they are thin leather due to weight and racers wanting the lightest they can get - read as typical privateer and track day guy wants to be able to wear a suit after a few crashes. Top, high end suits are good for one blast usually and very expensive. If you are Pro and get stuff for free, that's the way to go.

Water Wetter is old school. You need to buy something like Maxima Kool-Aide. There are others, but I don't use them due to not being allowed for racing.

The hoses are a waste of money unless you are racing and even then, not many use them unless you are a factory rider or get them free...

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Just learnin' stuff, look and read....still consider me, 'new', learning curve and all..it's all, well, new! Found Euro sizes diff too. Italian stuff has size off by one...like XL in Italian, is a L here. Figured the silicon would outlast the regular kind of radiator hosey.

Kid has the water wetter in the dragcar, so I only hafta grab it from the shelf and some of the track days were callin' for it (makes the cleanup easier than antifreeze after an incident).

'Roo is ultra thin, and worked extremely well in the soccer shoes, but as you have described...thin also means a one time fall-down then. If you iz a pro-and getting freebies, why not? Be nice ta have free stuff, eh?

I'd be a more durable approach...one suit for the next decade....watch those french fries then.

Edited by littlecarbsbigsmiles
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Here is a piece of advice for you.. Use complete sentences and proper english when you are trying to say something or ask something. Your current style of typing gives me and Im sure others as well, a headache trying to read it. Proper communication is key. If we dont know what the hell you are talking about, we cant really help you.

Edited by flounder
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I bought a Icon Timax Teflon 2 piece, and went sliding across the road at about 60mph, and the suit and I were both fine, in fact, you cant even tell the suit ever hit the pavement, it just glided me, lol.

+1000 on glove, you NEED THOSE more than a suit, fingers and hands are important.

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yes new boots for sure! you can find some good deals at the pony or online on new boots, especially in the winter months.

sidi/a-star/oxtar all good. you will have to pony up some dough though, expect at least 150 and up in dollars. over the ankle is a must.

here are some boots from a member: http://www.ohio-riders.net/showthread.php?t=18845

these are in good condition and a really good deal!

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  littlecarbsbigsmiles said:
I have got old boots. Think of old combat style. I have some AlpineStar gloves. I have typed this real slow so all can read! ;>)

old combat style probably won't cut it for track days... but i suppose it should be ok for casual riding. i'd recommend proper riding boots if you're doing "spirited" riding on some good back roads, however.

Hell, depending on your boot size, stg has teknic speedstars (made of kangaroo, incidentally). there are very few available, though.

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  littlecarbsbigsmiles said:
I have got old boots. Think of old combat style. I have some AlpineStar gloves. I have typed this real slow so all can read! ;>)

i got alpinestar smx plus boots, from newenough.com

Nates right about costing a bit more .... but i kinda felt like protection for my skin and bones was worth every penny.

i love them. they are euro sizes, but new enough has a chart.

and its true to size.

I have a friend who has sidi's and he loves his too.

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