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Very sad day today...Tribute to a Lost Family Member


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Here comes the very soft side of me as a dog lover. Today was a very sad day for my wife and I as family gathered and good times were had.


Our beloved boxer of 11.5yrs, Jasmine, was among family, having a great time and showing nothing but signs of Christmas cheer. However, upon some more family arriving at the door, she suffered what is believed to be a massive heart attacked.


My brother in law and sister in law are both MD's so I do believe fate played into this for us. Without going into the sad details, they tried and continued to work on her as we raced the minivan around traffic to med vet. I know in my heart we did all that we could and as much as I hate to see the upcoming bill, I must say, the folks at MedVet have my blessing as they were as stand up and involved as I ever could have imagined.


In my heart I actually thought she was going to pull through, but when we got there it had been 11 minutes with no heartbeat and just manual compressions and CPR, I began to realize that things were not going to turn around.


My wife and I loved her like a child and she was our first as a gift from my inlaws as we returned from our honeymoon back in the summer of 1997. Jasmine was the most lovable, loyal and brave dog I've owned. She had the best personality I could have ever wanted in a friend and family member.


My long silly post is a way of relieving the grief and sharing a little humility I suppose, so bear with my tears and thoughts of her. She was family and will be missed dearly.


Thanks for sharing and reading.


Rest in peace "bubba girl"


Sweet innocence:




Young and Playful:




Majestic and Brave:




One of my Best Friends:




A Trooper through the Rough Times






Rest in Peace our Faithful Pup:



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Tim, im so sorry to hear the passing of Jasmine. I lost not a dog but a family member too, Chester(miniature daschund) in a house fire about 3 and half years ago. Times are hard but i can tell he was given a great life as was Chester.


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So sorry to hear, we lost our 14 year old Malamute last year at Christmas time so I can truly relate. Such a great looking dog, as hard as it seems now you will always know you brought as much joy to her life as she did to you and your wife. May she rest in peace.
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My dog is pretty old and I am dreding the day when I find him dead when I get home from work.


Hey look on the bright side you know he was happy with all the people around so he went out much better than alone while you where at work


Thanks everyone.


Her last gift and we all know this one....reminded us of how quickly things can change. One minute our loved ones are here with us, the next they may not be.


She passed among our entire familiy that she loved and enjoyed. She died wagging her tail and smelling the food she was just as in love with and craved. She died in the arms of loved ones and will be missed but never forgotten.


We cried most of the time we slept, but we'll celebrate today as she would have too.


Thanks again everyone who've read along.

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Aw, man. I'm so sorry to hear that. It made my heart hurt hearing your story. I've had to deal witht his before, as well. Currently, my old man is about 10 1/2 yrs old. Getting up there for an AmStaff. I worry from time to time and it breaks my heart just to consider he's getting toward the end of his run.
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6'6" and 340lbs and this got my eyes watering.....


We got our first dog (Boxer/Ridgeback) about a year and a half ago and I can not imagine what you are going through. Its like our first child.


I am truley sorry about your loss. Have a Merry Christmas.

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Sorry bout your dog man. We had a dog almost a decade ago and we haven't been able to get another one. At least she went out happy.



I have to say this though....you should photoshop that picture with the shorts!

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Sorry to hear, do some good in her name and adopt another boxer in need.


We're not sure if we can do another Boxer next / again. Perhaps too soon. We really considered her personality special and are afraid we may end up comparing too much or reminiscing about Jasmine vs the new pup.


All that is a few months away anyway though. We've kicked it around, but we have a couple vacations this spring thus we're considering sometime in June perhaps. That gives us time to grieve, Ares will have some time as King of the house and the kids time to adjust. My sons birthday is in June too, so it may make for a good celebration time.


I'll be doing research on some breeds / mixes though.

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