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OFFICIAL Weight Loss thread


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Just got a membership to Urban Active with my wife and brother. Should be game time getting my shit together. its super hard around the holidays though.


If anyone on here has a membership there, let me know if you ever want to work out.

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Just got a membership to Urban Active with my wife and brother. Should be game time getting my shit together. its super hard around the holidays though.


If anyone on here has a membership there, let me know if you ever want to work out.


Aren't you a student at OSU? Why not just go to the RPAC?

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Aren't you a student at OSU? Why not just go to the RPAC?


I commute to OSU and really don't like being there any longer than I have to. I also graduate in 5 weeks.


My wife wanted one, and my brother already had one, so it was much more likely that I would go with them than by myself.

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This will be my 9th stright day going to the gym for at least an hour. I really want to see 185 on the scale. That and on December 5th I've got a fight and want to fuckin kill someone. Got to be ready to knock someone out! Last fight my aponent limped away with 2 broken ribs http://mjforum.flashzone.net/forum/images/smilies/boxing.gif
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  • 6 months later...

New to this thread but that's awesome. Recently started a life change, not a diet, myself. I'll follow the original format.


yenner/421/388/Not dying before 30 years old a.k.a. about 250.


EDIT: No, that starting weight is not a typo. Yes it was on the Dr.'s scale. Yes I use to weigh more than Christopher "Big Black" Boykin.

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Dont remember where I was in this thread. But I gained to 195 from about 185 I think. Lost bout 6 pounds in the last two weeks for some reason. So about 189 right now and still skinnier than when I started out at 185.
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Remember this thread from a while back, but didn't have anything to post. This year I have taken it serious.


Started mid Jan: 243 at about 35% Body Fat

Got up and did the treadmill everyday for at least 2 miles until mid March.

Mid March: 223 at 34% Body Fat

Started P90x mid March

As of last week: 201 and 26% Body Fat.


Goal is around 180, what I was when I got my drivers license.


It's relatively slow progress, but it's sustainable which I haven't been able to manage previous years. My diet has barely changed, just watching portions more than anything. I still eat everything I enjoy pretty much whenever I want, just have to be smart and work a little harder some days.

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Remember this thread from a while back, but didn't have anything to post. This year I have taken it serious.


Started mid Jan: 243 at about 35% Body Fat

Got up and did the treadmill everyday for at least 2 miles until mid March.

Mid March: 223 at 34% Body Fat

Started P90x mid March

As of last week: 201 and 26% Body Fat.


Goal is around 180, what I was when I got my drivers license.


It's relatively slow progress, but it's sustainable which I haven't been able to manage previous years. My diet has barely changed, just watching portions more than anything. I still eat everything I enjoy pretty much whenever I want, just have to be smart and work a little harder some days.

Out of curiosity, how are you meauring your % body fat?

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Out of curiosity, how are you meauring your % body fat?


I have a scale that uses Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis. I have no idea how accurate it is overall, or even week to week. But the results make sense. It also does Body Water percentage.

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I've got pictures to show but I lack a current picture so I'll just show the befores and post the afters later.


This is my portly ass from 2006.




Ill post up current pics shortlyish.

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I was 275 in September, now (8 months later) i've lost 27lbs and i'm down to 248 as of 2 days ago.

How did i do this? - Mainly eating right, but exercise does come into play. I used to eat about 4000 calories per day. I used a calculation (can't remember it) that i found on several websites that told me how many calories i should have per day to "maintain my current weight" and that was 3200. Obviously i wasn't looking to maintain, so i try to stay under 2000 calories per day, and if i'm unable to exercise for a few days (Injuries, studying) i try to eat more like 1500. I've found calorie intake to be EXTREMELY important. I eat pizza wings subs etc, i just count my calories like a motherfucker.

Also i go to the RPAC, try to do cardio minimum once a week and weightlifting minimum once a week (really would prefer twice a week for both, but school gets in the way). The cardio burns off fat, while the weightlifting really helps me LOOK thinner because it pulls up my stomach, is eliminating my man boobs, and helps my arms and legs look muscular instead of flabby.


Low calories, some exercise ftw.

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