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Got a new puppy......Zoey


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I've been wanting to get one... fell in love with one the other day at the pet store... wifey wants a smaller dog since we already have a yellow lab... and as far as shedding, our lab sheds just as much as my old Collie did.
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Yeah, we are moving in April, and until then we have a football field size dog park in our apartment complex.


So far she has been great. peed inside twice, one poop and one pee outside so far!


The hair is def a downside lol, but we are able to handle it. I just bought stock in lint rollers.

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One more tip. Get her use to you playing with her feet. Lay her on her back and mess with her nails. This will pay off when she older and you go to clip her nails. Husky are notorious for hating their paws/nails messed with.
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One more tip. Get her use to you playing with her feet. Lay her on her back and mess with her nails. This will pay off when she older and you go to clip her nails. Husky are notorious for hating their paws/nails messed with.


Thanks for the tip. It took a few months for our Boxer mix to let us do it. It was pretty bad, but we stuck with it and now she is awesome.


She pooped her cage, so I just cleaned her paws, so that is the start. lol. I forgot how cleaning up poop sucked.

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Awwww she's soo cute!!! huskies are my favorite!


I have heard only good things about them. Well besides the shedding, running away, and now aparently the nails thing. But their overall demeanor is supposed to be great. She is mega cute.

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True. We had Nakita (Husky) and Migloo (Wolf/Shepard mix) that were raised together from two months old. When Nakita went into her first heat cycle about 1yo, she attacked Migloo to "protect" us from her getting too close. We had to get rid of Migloo for that reason since she was now aggressive with her from that point. Nakita also got aggressive with other dogs at the dog park when they approached us. But she loved people all the time.
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When i had my husky we had neighbors with pitbulls that were constantly getting loose and walking in our yard. Its the only time i have seen her show her teeth and growl like she was about to attack i knew she was just trying to protect me. One day they got loose while she was outside and both tried to attack her so i put an end to them coming over again :)
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