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Circuit City

El Karacho1647545492

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Is going under. I specifically remember reading this post last month and laughed when I read this.









edit: anyways, discuss the ways in which you will be affected by this change. I think I speak for the majority when I say good fucking riddance, I was tired of dealing with half-comatose salespeople who didn't know their ass from a wall outlet.

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long gone around here


"This is very significant. It shows you how bad things are for the the retail industry," said George Whalin, president and CEO of Retail Management Consultants


No it just shows that your store fucking SUCKED.. you dont see Best Buy closing anytime soon do you? NO. Why? Because they have good shit, and have shit IN STOCK when you want it.


Circuit City.. rest in piece.. you piece of crap :)

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I would like to say, goodbye to that store.


I like that Best Buy understands there are PC and Mac users out there. They have software for many things, they have movies and music. And like it was said, things in stock. I have even had Best Buy people if I had any questions about wireless networking (though they don't understand 3x3 MIMO with 3 spacial streams).

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I once had a circuit city tech ask if I wanted the firedog people to tweak it..

he said if I messed it up they wouldnt be able to fix it without a new hard drive and flashing the BIOS.

I looked at the guy like he was a freakin retard and walked away

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Perfect example. I went with a friend to Circuit City on Hilliard Rome to look at TVs since he is remodeling his basement. They had their big going out of business sale, and on the floor they had the exact same TV I have. After the markdown for being a floor model, and the markdown for the going out of business sale, it was 1799.


When I bought my TV last year, NewEgg had it for 1799, new.


Bestbuy right now has it for 1799, new, then $300 off to make it $1499.


It's no wonder they're going out of business if they need a liquidation sale just to MATCH their competitors.

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I used to work in the warehouse at the Sawmill store. I told them when I had the interview that I go to church on Sundays so I would not be able to work then. I got hired and 4 months later I was given the option to put in my 2 weeks notice or I was not going to get any hours because I couldn't work Sundays. I am GLAD they are going under, place was a joke.
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Weird, I always preferred CC over BB.


+1 I never wanted to hurt anyone more than when returning an item to BB. I will never buy a Sony product or shop at Best Buy ever again.


Plus I bought my 50" Samsung for $150 cheaper at CC. They were always willing to bend the price a little.

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Is going under. I specifically remember reading this post last month and laughed when I read this.






Turns out I am wrong from time to time. :p


This really is bad news for the economy. They are/were the 2nd largest electronics chain on the continent (possibly the planet? Dunno.) The fact that 34,000 people are losing their jobs is bad news enough.


Personally, I liked CC. I've had generally positive experiences there. That isn't to say I don't like Best buy, but when I bought my 60" TV in November, I bought it at Circuit City. And when I bought my Laptop the November before that CC had the best pricing on it. They were cheaper than both Best Buy and HP.com.


And you can't blame CC or the employees for the shitty prices in closing stores. Blame Hudson Capital Partners. They are the liquidator that run the stores and set all the pricing. Otherwise, I've always found that Circuit City was very competitively priced.

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I was talking about this with some co-workers tonight and another Electronics chain came up..... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Incredible_Universe



I remember going to the grand opening of the Columbus store, barely. That was a long time ago and I would have been in elementary school, if that.

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I actually have bought a few things from CC just because their sales sometimes make the lower prices...but their everyday prices are junk.

Oh man Incredible Universe I remember that store over off of fishinger rd., what ever happened to it?

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CC is generally overpriced, though they did have a deal now and again.


Their car audio selection is FAR superior to BB, as is their Sat. Radio stuff.


Several years ago their home audio stuff was way better than anything BB carried as well, though I haven't checked in recent years.


But I'd rather online shop for most of that stuff anyway.

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Circuit City had terrible upper management. When they switched their business model from the "upscale electronics retailer" with their salespeople in suits and nice commissions to $8/hr high school drop outs, they fucked up. I worked there for awhile right after they switched from commission to hourly only and all of the best salespeople were quiting. Everything seem to go down hill from there.
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