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A lot of characters were not in the end that I thought might be. Like michael and walt. Charolette and daniel. Unless I missed something! To me it just left a lot hanging to me. The pre show was great though for sure!

Michael was on about a month ago, when Hugo was talking to him in the jungle. I was surprised though that they never brought Walt back at all. They even brought Shannon & Boone back

Anybody else notice the stained glass window in the back room of the church at the end? There was also a menorah on a shelf, & a picture of one of the Hindu gods on the wall

**Edit.... They mentioned several times how much Walt has grown in real life, & alluded to the fact that this was why he was "rafted" off the island, & not in the final episode. He was 11 when the show started, playing an 8 year old

Edited by Fonzie
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Can't believe they cheapened this with that self aggrandized Jeff Probst :nono: Funny though when Naveen turned to Harold & said "Where you been?" & when Carlton & Damon said they'd never watched Survivor

Bob Newhart was classsssic.... "This might be one of the most famous final shows in all of television..... And you think you've seen it?!?"

And for as many times as they mentioned the damn polar bear tonight.... We STILL don't know how it got there!! :nono:

5.5 hours of LOST tonight..... Oh how I shall miss thee :o

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Q&A afterwards was pretty funny....


Someone in the audience asks about the polar bear too, & even the cast has no clue

Josh Holloway episode of Jimmy from a couple nights ago. His segment starts ~17:00....


There's a skit with Jacob & Jimmy too, ~13:00 mark

Damon & Carlton from a couple nights ago too (2 different segments, + more after that)....


Pretty funny when Jimmy breaks out JJ's original pitch to ABC for the show :lol:

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Still digesting tonight's episode, & probably will be for days, but one question I asked tonight was..... So does that mean that John died during his surgery with Jack? The fact that he woke up early, & had sensation right away. Same thing with Sun when she checked out of the hospital & told Sawyer that "she was safe now"?? Which would also mean she lost the baby, & that Jin was already dead too??

How was Ben able to choose to "stay a little longer & work a few more things out"??

They definitely didn't spoonfeed us the answers tonight!

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Actually they did just not last night. Remember the cages? The polar bear was from those experiments by the darhma group. The old guy from the others meantions it when sawyer is trying to figure out how to get out of the cage.

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Actually they did just not last night. Remember the cages? The polar bear was from those experiments by the darhma group. The old guy from the others meantions it when sawyer is trying to figure out how to get out of the cage.

Awesome point & memory. I remember that scene when he was making fun of Sawyer for the bear being smarter than him.... I just don't remember him mentioning it was a polar bear

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Yeah, the Darhma people brought the Polar bears to the island to do tests and see if they can survive in the warmer temps

the polar bear had also been used to turn the 'magic' island-moving wheel in the past.

Ben and Locke are both transported to the Tunisian desert when they turn the wheel. In one of her origin flashbacks, we see Charlotte at an excavation site digging up the skeleton of a polar bear with a Dharma collar on it. she's in the same desert.

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Here's a summary/explanation of the island from tvopi....

The 114th and last episode, titled The End, was very disappointing and shocked the viewers by revealing that all the characters were really on the Island and when they passed away they moved on the flash sideways where as soon as they made peace with themselves they could eventually move on to heaven.

I'm trying to find if the total viewership #'s are in yet from last night. Curious if it beat the series finale' of Mash

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I think that quote has it all wrong. They never said everyone was ON the island when they died.

Christian Shepherd implies the exact opposite. "some of them died before you, and some long after." Furthermore, he says, "there isn't really a 'where' and 'when.'" or something like that.

The point (as I perceived it) was that the individual perception of (Jack's) death was that he finally got to leave the flash-sideways (where he was happy) and meet up with everyone else who he had loved.

I can't call the flash-sideways "purgatory," but it's definitely some kind of 'waiting room' for when you're ready to "let go."

I got the impression that time is 100% relative. What seemed like a few years to Jack could haev been decades for other people in his life.

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Just found this in a blog & thought it was interesting....

Lost is like a dramatization of the Tibetan Book of the Dead….its the Journey the soul takes from Death to reincarnation.
One other question that hit me this morning..... If the man in black needs a body to inhibit for human form, how did Locke's dad get on the island in one of the middle seasons, for him to assume. Christian I understand.... He was in the casket on Oceanic 815, but Locke's dad was never on the island, unless I'm totally forgetting something?? Edited by Fonzie
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I think this review I found, sums me up pretty well.....

I think what it comes down to is what you, personally, were watching the show for all along. If you're the kind of person who likes shows like Numbers and Law and Order and want everything to be "solved" and explained at the end, you are mega PO'ed right now. If you were watching more because you are addicted to the characters and care more about what happened to them and whether or not their experiences together were real (which we now at least we know they were, even if they're still unexplainable experiences), then you're pretty content. Personally, I watched it for both aspects, so I feel great about the conclusion for the charactered but frustrated but the unexplained plot pieces.

Also, for anyone who didn't watch the aftershow on JKL last night, Whidmore was on there. I thought it was kinda humorous when they said prior to his character on LOST, he's best known as the Ward Cleaver of Australia. That's what you call 180 degree actor directional change

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I think this review I found, sums me up pretty well.....

Also, for anyone who didn't watch the aftershow on JKL last night, Whidmore was on there. I thought it was kinda humorous when they said prior to his character on LOST, he's best known as the Ward Cleaver of Australia. That's what you call 180 degree actor directional change

Ya, I thought it was funny when he said he did not know if he was a good guy or a bad guy

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Having read Dante's Divine Comedy way back in the day, I can tell you that I'm firmly of the belief that this whole thing is the writer's interpretation of Dante, especially Purgatory.

According to Dante, Purgatory is where those who are in limbo as to their final resting place go to experience a final "test" of what kind of person they are and where there final destination will be. It takes as long as it takes and everyone can experience it differently if they must.

This is the island. All the strange situations it presented to the characters are the tests. This is why they are somewhat odd or unique.

Here's the thing I got from the show as a whole: everyone died in the crash, in the very beginning. The island they experienced after, was their purgatory, and the choices they made as they were there defined where they would end up. I have many reasons to think this, but a couple are the very last scene in the last episode, they showed the wreck on a deserted beach. That's because everyone was dead from the beginning, and that's what it really looked like.

Also, other things, like Linus not going into the church at the end. His purgatory was not complete. Notice how he asked for forgiveness, and when he got it, he said it would help. That's part of his journey through purgatory.

The flash sideways is part of the acceptance of those who were deemed worthy to pass onto Paradise, and their acceptance of this final destination.

There are tons of things that go along with this, but like I said, too much to explain here. I.E. the light at the bottom of the cavern - it's a passage to the Inferno that's sealed up, and it's men's greed that brings them there. All makes sense, and that's why it gets all red and angry when it's opened for a bit.

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Now I'm gonna have to add something to the reading list Jarv ;)

If you ever get the chance..... Peter Beagle's "A Fine & Private Place" is another interesting book about death & the afterlife experience. Read it almost 20 years ago, & it still sticks with me

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how did Locke's dad get on the island in one of the middle seasons, for him to assume.

Ben brought Anthony Cooper to the island for Locke to kill. Sawyer actually ends up killing him. After that, Smokey can take his form.

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Ben brought Anthony Cooper to the island for Locke to kill. Sawyer actually ends up killing him. After that, Smokey can take his form.

Ahhh.... That's right.... Now I remember

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That reminds me, About Micheal and Walt. Michael kills himself so he can never enter Heaven. and Walt is really simple, He is was a child, children are accepted into heaven. The ones I didnt see were Ana lucia, Charolette(sp) or Daniel Whitmore. Who did not crash on the Island. Well except Ana. The "others" still confuse me though esp the new group of others with the Asian dude?

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I don't know? I feel cheated in some way...Unless I missed something! To me it just left a lot hanging to me.

See, thats what I said back in post 163. I think alot was never really answered or at least explained in a way that we really understand it,

but hey, it's over, no more point in wondering. Time to "move on", no pun intended :rolleyes:

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Somethin' else I was just thinkin' about..... The predominant theory on the world wide web seems to be that the island was real, & that the side flashes this season were when the "lostee's" died & were accepting that fact before moving on.

Kate & Jack kissed before she left with Sawyer, & he died saving them & the island. Kate also made the comment when she later saw Jack at the benefit concert, about how much she's missed him & has been waiting to see him again.

However.... Since she & Sawyer actually made it back to the "real world" together, & did so on that boat, which I'm sure they were on for quite some time, at sea, just the two of them.... I find it hard to believe that their chemistry wasn't rekindled, in spite of Juliette & Jack, & that they wouldn't have been together in the church at the end, instead of her & Jack. The romantic in me was glad they found each other again, but the realist in me's not so sure I buy it

Unlessssss..... She & Sawyer never made it back & died at sea???

Bottom line.... I read somewhere yesterday that one of the producers openly stated he was always more of a Jater than a Skater ;)

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