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Annoyance... what to do

psi nrg

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Over the summer I met this chick at a local resturant, she was cool we exchanged numbers and went out a few times. Well turns out she had been dating a old friend of mine which I had no idea about. Moral of the Story he got super pissed and wanted to kill me/ fuck up my car/ blah blah... Well one night this girl and I were leaving a movie and he heard I was up there and he attemped to jump me ( basically jumped on my back and tried to choke me out) I rip his arms apart and toss him off me and he stombles to his feet and runs off... Well I stopped talkin to the chick cause I didnt want to deal with the drama but this faggot cannot get over it and to this day still wants to kick my ass. Hes a punk gangster wanna be thinks hes tough kinda guy. I'm not at all scared of this fool and pretty sure I could hold my own against him if not really fuck this dude up. Im never one to start a fight but if some one swings on me or hits me its on. He always talks mad shit when ever he sees me whether it be out at a bar or what not and always wants to be like lets go out side. Normally If I was in high school I would stomp this mother fucker out but I am trying to find a job as a fire fighter and the last thing I need is to be arrested for assult or something stupid because I whoop this kids ass and he gets upset and decides to press charges and that ruins any chance I have getting hired at a department.


Any suggestions?

Edited by psi nrg
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Well dude threatened you, jumped on your back, and continues to talk shit. Catch him somewhere not public and beat the ever living fuck out of him, like to the point he's not getting up without help, and go on about your business. If he trys to press charges or anything, good luck proving it, call a buddy and have a solid aliby... :D

For the record, i have had to deal with a similar situation 5 or 6 times in the last year. i've had issues out a few local bars, so have my friends lol. No ones been to jail yet.


That or you can call the cops, file a restraining order, press charges, call the cops every time he calls or confronts you, and have nothing to worry about. Thats about the only two ways that shit goes...

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Wow you basically said he was a punk, but you couldn't seem to be able to write a serious post without sounding like one yourself. Makes others wonder if there is more to the story or atleast things are different than what you make them out to be.





That or you can call the cops, file a restraining order, press charges, call the cops every time he calls or confronts you, and have nothing to worry about.



I agree with this if you are looking to get your life in order and want to remain squared away and trouble free, but at 23 years old you really shouldn't have to ask this question. The law was designed to protect you and even though it seems like today the law is sketchy at times you should at least give things a start there.

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Wow you basically said he was a punk, but you couldn't seem to be able to write a serious post without sounding like one yourself. Makes others wonder if there is more to the story or atleast things are different than what you make them out to be.




How am I sounding like a punk? There is more to the story about the few times we saw each other. But I didnt want to write a novel I summed it up as best as I could. He bascially thinks I slept with her which I didnt I never even put a move on her. Once I found out she used to date one of my old friends I asked around what their deal was and I got mixed answers like they are still together they are on a break she told me she was done with him. She also was from out of town and had no one to hang with. She moved to Ohio to be with him blah blah but she didnt really know anyone but his friends and she didnt want to be around them. I never went out on a date with her by ourselves it was always with a group of my friends. He got mad I was even hanging out with her after the whole incident at the movies I stopped talking to her like I had said.

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Punch him in the face. Move on with life.

X2. I'm sorry, but if someone jumped on my back (which I guess is the literal interpretation of getting “jumped”) and kept on harassing me over BS after I tried talking to them, I'd have to beat their ass too. I really don’t know how people get themselves into messes like this. I have friends that I don’t “run into” that much out at bars. How do you keep running into the same guy who is giving you shit? And if he’s that big of a punk, either call the cops which should scare him or beat his ass.

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I used to never see him but lately its downtown cleveland at the bars. I agree with the whole beating his ass thing it should get the point across, But I'm not just going to walk up to him and punch him in the face. If he does happen to swing on me then I would most definately but until that happens I guess I'll just ride it out.
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I used to never see him but lately its downtown cleveland at the bars. I agree with the whole beating his ass thing it should get the point across, But I'm not just going to walk up to him and punch him in the face. If he does happen to swing on me then I would most definately but until that happens I guess I'll just ride it out.



Im on my way to be a Fire fighter, Do not chance it. With assult on your record there gonna ask about it. If he tries it again just make sure no one is watching and whoop that fuckers ass.


Maybe one day he will need you help in a fire or a car crash, You will still pull him out be the better man. That alone will ghet to him. Just dont let it bother you.

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My Dad told me something when I was 16 that has came in very handy many, many times. Never be worried about the idiot who runs his mouth and waves his arms around, rips off his shirt, etc. They aren't going to do shit.


Be worried about the quiet fucker who walks up to you.


I would edit your posts. I believe people are no longer members here for using the term you used.

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Sounds like an awesome friend ! Kicking someones ass, while satisfying, is usually not an efficient way to solve a problem. Often you'll just cause yourself more headaches, I know this from an experience I had in my early 20's. Lots of headache, and the issue still existed.


I say, start dating the girl again, fuck her in every imaginable orifice, with any bodypart/object that will fit (comfortably of course, shes not a machine). Videotape said excursion, and send to him in mail. That'll fix your problems !

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First, define your goals:


Want him to just go away for a long time?


Legal Machiavelli says its' simple:

Get him to beat your ass.

Allow your ass to be beat.

Block punches with your face.

Get him to kick you while you are down.


Have freinds film it, submit it as evidence, and enjoy a few years of peace as his fellow inmates "turn his brown eye blue." If you're man enough to ake a beating AND the rep for getting an epic beat-down and pressing charges, this problem will go away.


Illegal Machiavelli says: Take his eyes. That tends to stop most people, he wont be fucking with anyone after that. Its real easy.


Middle ground: Keep dating her, let him make a fool of himself.


Only 3 things will end this: Legal action, a personal revalation within the asshole that he's wasting his time, or horrific atrocity. World history shows the last one to be faster and easier. ;)

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educated adults rarely get into fist fights--it just doesn't happen. when was the last time you saw two guys in suits or ties brawling it out. if you're serious about being a fire-fighter, then you need to avoid conflict--


1) contact the police, file a report--that way there's documentation should you be absolutely forced into a fight


2) avoid the environment where you see him. stop going to those bars, period. fairly simple.

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