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Wisdom Teeth - Removal


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So after my consult i am scheduled to get my wisdom teeth out end of Feb. I have to get all 4 of them out, at the same time. Anyone else had theirs removed lately? They are putting me under ... they are saying the entire procedure only lasts about 1 hour or so... any suggestions? Thoughts? Recovery time?
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I still have my stiches in from getting mine done just over a week ago. I had three and I was thinking about going to work the next day but decided to work on around the house. The actual day it takes place sucks. I don't think that mine stopped bleeding until about 4pm so I could not eat until then.
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I only had 2 taken out because they were cracked. It actually felt better to have them ripped out then to leave them in there. Needless to say just novacaine for the pulling and two advil when it wore off (not sure if I even really needed that) and I never had a pain again. I was eating real food the next day too.
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I had 4 done at once. It's not too bad. The pain is all but gone in two days, and you'll be on some pretty good painkillers anyway. You have to be careful what you eat for while though. You will likely also have to remove stuck food particles from the "holes" left in your gums for a week or so. They give a syringe ( not a needle ) to spray water in there and basically pressure-wash anything out that could stick in there, heal over, and cause infection.


Don't worry too much about it.

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got mine out last year. they didnt have to put me under since they were coming through. only took 10 mins to pull and stich the 3 i had. I took it easy that day but i had harly any pain or bleeding. But im told i was one of the lucky ones since i had it so easy. Most people i know are down a couple days then out drink by day 3-4
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i had 2 cut out and 2 pulled. i had a good experience. pain for 24 hours, discomfort for 1-2 days then I was fine. When you come out of it you will be really fucked up, i couldnt walk.


i went to get a frosty at wendys afterward and i was feeding it into my cheek, i made such a mess. that shit fucks you up for a good 35 minutes.


just take all the pain killers they give you and dont play with your stitches and youll be good.

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I never had any pain what so ever. I took two vicodain an hour before the surgery pain killers came off and I never took any after that. I did it on Friday morning and went back to work on Monday. I never got anything to clean then but was told to eat soft food for a week, so I ate a lot of yogart, apple sauce and pudding.
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I have crowns on mine. I had 4 other teeth pulled and they didn't put me under when they did it. Just numbed my face up for most of the day. It was cool but they took a long time to stop bleeding. Biting down on blood soaked gauze FTL. They didn't even give me any narcotics when I had them pulled.


You don't need those RX pills IMO, but if you are a nancy then ask for 7.5mg Percs. Those work wonders.

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I had all 4 done at once, and they were all pretty badly impacted, so I went under. For me, the pain wasnt too bad, just a really blunt pain, almost like my face was really tired and sore. The worst part was swelling for me. I had almost two weeks without eating solid food because my cheeks were swollen to the point of not being able to close my mouth all the way, so no chewing. Wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be.
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I had 4 done at once. It's not too bad. The pain is all but gone in two days, and you'll be on some pretty good painkillers anyway. You have to be careful what you eat for while though. You will likely also have to remove stuck food particles from the "holes" left in your gums for a week or so. They give a syringe ( not a needle ) to spray water in there and basically pressure-wash anything out that could stick in there, heal over, and cause infection.


I had all four of mine cut out and one ended up getting infected. I took good care so I have no clue how that one got messed up. They gave me a shot right in the infected area, which ended up not numbing anything, then cut it all open and cleaned out the area. It hurt so freaking bad.... so make sure you check that no food particles are stuck!

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I had oak creek dental do one of mine (I'm a cheapskate and only one actually needed removed.) Also had a couple other teeth pulled at the same time. Wasn't to bad except I ended up with dry sockets which kinda hurt, but oh well.
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I don't NEED to have mine taken out. They actually all fit, but they are suggesting it as they build up with cavities.


They drug you up really well. No smoking 3 days prior to getting them taken out if you smoke.


Just take the vicodin you get and it will all be a breeze.

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I was all kinds of fucked up when I came to, after being knocked out.. I had no idea where I was and why my face was numb. After that, it was all kinds of funny because I couldn't talk or control my mouth from drooling... aaand then the pain set in an hour later. because my two teeth being removed were impacted they had to work to get them out so the Vicoden didn't do me much good for my swollen face and throat.
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I had 4 taken out, all were impacted. I was out of wack for most of day and slept a lot. Then the next week or two was pretty much horrific, constant pain. I couldn't eat properly for about 2 weeks once the stitches "dissolved" or whatever it is that they do.... Basically, everyone reacts differently to the procedure and the following after effects.
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Got em out about a year and a half ago...i forget where i went exactly, but I think it took about an hour. Went in, went under and then I just felt tired afterward. Lots of rinsing w saltwater after eating, and whatever other tips they give..


Got all 4 removed. Had NO pain whatsoever and was just careful for a few days because of hearing dry-socket horror stories..


Back to normal pretty quick

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I read the OP, and no more.... so, here is my take:


I had all 4 of mine removed at once. My Dad drove me to the Doc. I waited about 15 mins after I arrived. I went back, and within a few mins, was put under w/ General. 15 mins later (LITERALLY) I was being awaken by the nurse. All 4 were chompers were gone! About 10 mins later, my Dad was taking me home.


I had no issues, and am glad it was done, when it was.





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