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I'm having problems losing more weight. I had got to 199 and now I'm back at 212. I'm trying to eat less but I find my self eating to damn fast and not relizing how much I ate.



I can't find a exercise i enjoy enough to do . I dunno



suggestions? I want to get back below 200 asap. I've been drinking like amp sugar free and shit to curb my appetite and its working so far.

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Under eating will only slow your metabolism so make sure you are eating, but eat the right stuff.


Make sure you eat a good breakfast. If you are in a hurry atleast eat a banana to get your metabolism started back up. Take in as much quality protein as you can such as chicken (not fried chicken either) this will also increase your metabolism. Put down the pop, even diet pop is awful. Drink shit tons of water and watch the fat disappear.

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Under eating will cause your body to go into starvation mode and actually hang on to body fat.


Eat three main meals per day. Add to that three healthy snacks to keep your metabolism rolling. I like apples for my snacks personally. Like above, put that Amp shit away and go to water. You are at the point where you need to supplement your diet with exercise. Remember to get a minimum of 30 minutes of exercise per day.

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How vigorous should my exercise be?



Wii Fit?

Thai Chi ?



can I eat like caffiene pills ? or drink str8 black coffee?


But I'm willing to do what it takes I've watched my wife drop 60lbs so far. I just looked in the mirror the other day and I was quite depressed with what I seen.

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How vigorous should my exercise be?



Wii Fit?

Thai Chi ?



can I eat like caffiene pills ? or drink str8 black coffee?


But I'm willing to do what it takes I've watched my wife drop 60lbs so far. I just looked in the mirror the other day and I was quite depressed with what I seen.


You should just be at your ideal heart rate for 30 mins. The intensity is not huge at this point.


Steer away from things like that and do it right.

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I used to be up to 195, and I'm a small guy.


My suggestion is to cut out sugar from your diet. that includes artificial sweeteners.

once you loose your taste for sweet things, your really dont crave them. I haven't eaten any processed sugar in a long time and when there is cake around the office I'm not at all interested in it, because to me, it really doen't taste good.


Back in High school I cut out all processed sugar from my diet for 6 months and lost 10 pounds.


Oh and +1 on the heart rate thing. Just get your pulse up for at least 30minutes sustained. doesn't really matter what it is, Wii Fit, DDR, Sex. its all about the cardio.

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I used to be up to 195, and I'm a small guy.


My suggestion is to cut out sugar from your diet. that includes artificial sweeteners.

once you loose your taste for sweet things, your really dont crave them. I haven't eaten any processed sugar in a long time and when there is cake around the office I'm not at all interested in it, because to me, it really doen't taste good.


Back in High school I cut out all processed sugar from my diet for 6 months and lost 10 pounds.


Oh and +1 on the heart rate thing. Just get your pulse up for at least 30minutes sustained. doesn't really matter what it is, Wii Fit, DDR, Sex. its all about the cardio.



I was just about to ask sex hahaha. My wife made me think of it . and its a fun 40 minutes or so. So that counts. SWEET. I'm doing good so far.



I love Diet DR Pepper.

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good tips. protein, 5-6 small meals a day, cut sugar and high-fructose corn syrup (its in so much shit its not funny), exercise. i got down to 173 (from ~212ish) and last weekend i was back up to 179 and it pissed me off...it wasnt much, but i worked my ass off and it pissed me off to get those 6lbs back. ive been cracking down again this week
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Sugar is the enemy

Have 5 smaller meals everyday

Workout hard and keep moving in the gym, i.e. no breaks for 45-1 hour

Drink nothing but water

Watch pounds fall off.


Truth. When I was doing this, I was 50lbs lighter than I am now. Thanks to falling out of the habit, I've gained it all back. Good times.

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Sugar is the enemy

Have 5 smaller meals everyday

Workout hard and keep moving in the gym, i.e. no breaks for 45-1 hour

Drink nothing but water

Watch pounds fall off.


Very good advice, Sam. That is ideal for what Bill needs.

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I'm having problems losing more weight. I had got to 199 and now I'm back at 212. I'm trying to eat less but I find my self eating to damn fast and not relizing how much I ate.



I can't find a exercise i enjoy enough to do . I dunno



suggestions? I want to get back below 200 asap. I've been drinking like amp sugar free and shit to curb my appetite and its working so far.


Everyone bascially has the same advice. Eat more but eat small, healthier portion's throughout the day. Dont eat anything that's "processed" (think microwave dinners and shit). Throw out the AMP and drink water, ALOT of fucking water. Water is one of the main ingredients to keeping your metabolism moving. DONT starve yourself, you body will conserve weight to survive.


Didnt you lose a bunch of weight by playing a video game or somthing? You gotta find a physical hobby or sport. I play hockey, if you want id be more than happy to teach you how to play. If its not your thing find a sport or hobby that makes you move. I love hockey b/c I get a fucking killer workout but im never thinking about the pain or the work i always have my mind on the game so by time i get back to the bench and my heart is pounding im getting a great workout without even noticing. Theres someone here who plays hockey and box's. Boxing is a rediculous workout and its really fun to do, to learn the 'sweet science'.

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I dont care what i weigh as long as i feel good and can go run my 10k's. Im coming back to Cincinnati for the Flying Pig Marathon on May 1st. Im going to run the half marathon. When i left you all, I did it smoking, eating mad fast food, drinking mad pop, and tipping the scale at 260lbs. Im coming back sipping on a vitamin water, eating rice cakes, and running 5 miles daily, and down to 225-230. In case anyone cares... that's a lot of miles to run for a heavyweight... let alone every day.


Point is, if my body is healthy and athletic at 225-230lb, who gives a shit. Im not out to impress anyone with comic book like muscle tone. Im just your average man animal. Chicks dig big teddy bears any way ;)

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Sugar is the enemy

Have 5 smaller meals everyday

Workout hard and keep moving in the gym, i.e. no breaks for 45-1 hour

Drink nothing but water

Watch pounds fall off.


This is pretty much what I have been doing but I dont go to the gym. I have lost 40# since last april and still dropping at close to 5# per month.

I only do it so the car will go faster though :cool:

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Everyone bascially has the same advice. Eat more but eat small, healthier portion's throughout the day. Dont eat anything that's "processed" (think microwave dinners and shit). Throw out the AMP and drink water, ALOT of fucking water. Water is one of the main ingredients to keeping your metabolism moving. DONT starve yourself, you body will conserve weight to survive.


Didnt you lose a bunch of weight by playing a video game or somthing? You gotta find a physical hobby or sport. I play hockey, if you want id be more than happy to teach you how to play. If its not your thing find a sport or hobby that makes you move. I love hockey b/c I get a fucking killer workout but im never thinking about the pain or the work i always have my mind on the game so by time i get back to the bench and my heart is pounding im getting a great workout without even noticing. Theres someone here who plays hockey and box's. Boxing is a rediculous workout and its really fun to do, to learn the 'sweet science'.


I did lose a bunch of weight playing ddr. one of my pads broke and I've yet to find a time to hook up with darkfarm for the past 3 months to get my new pad. It's my fault I swear this weekend I'm going to hookup and get my pad from him.



The other issue I started having was my knee started to really hurt. I'm cutting Diet DP out of my diet over the next week. No one answered about coffee I need my go go juice

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Just got home from the store.


Man eating healthier costs more. I picked up a filtered water thingy. Some deli meats. some lean pockets because I need something when I'm at work some ceral. Wish me luck guys.


You're doing it wrong. Just drink tap water, you'll get used to it. If not, then put it in containers and let it distill. Also, the more raw foods and vegetables I buy, it seems cheaper to me. Don't buy crap like Hot Pockets, just buy a loaf of bread, some lettuce and a 1/2 lb of meat and it'll last you longer too.

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i've lost just over 30lbs since the new year by changing my diet completely. the biggest things i eliminated were regular pop, and gatorade. i drink all diet pop, water, diet rockstar instead of regular rockstar/full throttle. basically, i try to limit my carbs


a lot of my problem was also portion control. being extremely busy, it was very easy to get fast food at the end of a hard day. i stopped eating so much bread. i also stopped eating anything after 7pm--nothing at all after 7. i wake up hungry in the morning and have a 90 calorie granola bar and glass of skim to get the metabolism going. my hearburn has also completely resolved itself


you'll get frustrated if you don't have any fun, so we go out to eat on saturday night, and i eat whatever i want. we also go to breakfast on sunday and i eat what i want--gives you something to look forward to, and motivates you. i've gone from 247 to 217, with a goal of 205lbs.

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deli meats arent a great idea. theyre processed, and have a lot of sodium in them. instead, get the smal turkey breast things about the size of a whole chicken, and cook that up sunday night, put in fridge, and eat it throughout the week. can do that with chicken too


+1 on the water filter thing. we bought a 3$ 2.5 gallon water jug/dispenser, and refill it with sink water. the next day you cant tell the difference between that and bottled water


black coffee, tea, and water are all good choices. you can also get the crystal light packets to mix into water that arent horrible, and i dont think theres much, if any, sugar in them

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I'm starting a weight loss contest at work so this info is pretty helpful. Bill I find that eating things in the morning high in fiber and protein keeps me 'full' longer. I always struggle with feeling hungry and this really helps.


Are you guys just eating smaller portions more frequently and sticking to a certain amount of calories on these portions?


Have you guys found the heaven in a can that they call Cherry Coke Zero? That shit has completely changed my world.

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I'm starting a weight loss contest at work so this info is pretty helpful. Bill I find that eating things in the morning high in fiber and protein keeps me 'full' longer. I always struggle with feeling hungry and this really helps.


Are you guys just eating smaller portions more frequently and sticking to a certain amount of calories on these portions?


Have you guys found the heaven in a can that they call Cherry Coke Zero? That shit has completely changed my world.


When I wasn't such a bum and actually worked out I tried to stick to 5-500calorie meals a day. It sounds like alot but if you think about it a 500calorie meal isnt alot. Also note, if you work out in the morning its best to do it on an empty stomach. Your body wont have any 'ready' food to burn for energy and has to resort to burning fat instead. This was always hard for me but gave me the best results too.


As for the filtered water. I use to buy a case of 16.9oz water every week. I would usually end up running out after a few days. I bought a brita jug and a refillable water bottle (yeah ok, it kinda looks like a big sippie cup) for a grand total of $30.00. I can taste the difference and it saves me money at the same time.


Deli Meats arent neccessarily the best thing for you but personally I always compared it to the alternative which was almost always fast food. In that perspective, personally, it was the healthier decision for myself but there are MUCH better food choices out there than deli meats. If you need a snack Cliff bars are all natural and taste pretty decent if not a bit dry.

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