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White Privilege

2.oh so slow

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I agree with most of it, but she wrote the list in the early 80s and things have gotten somewhat better in my opinion. Keyword being somewhat, not alot but some. I feel that music doesn't have as big of difference, that seems very diverse today. I have noticed myself teaching my daughter certain learned behavior, while unintentional because I learned to notice one's race I still do it and i know she is watching me.


This is a very complex issue and I don't feel very educated on it by reading one article. It raises some interest, but I don't know what to do with it. Personally when I get racism thrown back in my face at times by "people of color", men and women, I find it hard to care. I deal with America's motoring public every day, and usually the hardest customers are people of different race and sex. I feel this happens because I get veiwed as just another white guy out to fuck them, which isn't the case.


This may not be entirely on topic, if you don't want my 2 cents why are you posting this?

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I still dont get racism... Who really cares how much melanin someone has... if anything im pissed that I can get sun burned so easily. I fucking hate sun burns.


Its the other things that piss me off like ignorance... stupidity... people wanting things for free... or trying to make me feel sorry for them... and that can be anyone, from anywhere.

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I wish I could comment, but I must applaud you for reading it and watching the video. I couldn't even make it through the old lady's video. Snoozer.......



I had to read this article for one of my classes... discuss...








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Since this article seems to be mainly directed at the black white racial relationship I won't stray from that.


1. I can if I wish arrange to be in the company of people of my race most of the time.

If you cannot think of a place to go hang out where it is all or mostly black you are not trying. There are many clubs, bars, neighborhoods, skate rinks, etc. where white is the minority and you can be guaranteed a few strange looks when you walk in.


5. I can turn on the television or open to the front page of the paper and see people of my race widely represented.

One question, when was the last time you saw WET? Not only are blacks on almost every channel, they have their own channel.


6. When I am told about our national heritage or about “civilization,” I am shown that people of my color made it what it is.

I do not know about your personal education but, when/where I went to school I primarily learned about the oppression of blacks and their fight to obtain equal rights. I never learned about the Revolutionary War, the Civil War, World War I or II, Abraham Lincoln, JFK, The Great Depression, or any of the other major events/people in OUR history. However, every year we learned about slavery, segregation, MLK, Rosa Parks, etc.


9. I can go into a music shop and count on finding the music of my race represented, into a supermarket and find the staple foods which fit with my cultural traditions, into a hairdresser’s shop and find someone who can cut my hair.

Music, if your music store doesn't have blues, hip-hop, doo-wop, 50's 60's 70's rock, or any of the many other types of music including music from many countries that are predominantly black it is a very small genre specific store.

Food, almost every major store has an ethnic aisle. It is just as hard if not harder to find a true German food section or a true Norwegian, etc store/restaurant/aisle then it is to find true African cuisine. I am sorry but this is America most stores generally stock American cuisine.

Hairdresser's, go to any predominantly black neighborhood or any high end salon and someone can do your hair. It is not white privilege that the majority of the world's races have similar hair and you happen to be one of the minority that don't. Would this be Hispanic, Asian, etc privilege to then?


I picked just a few of the topics as this is already to long and I have wasted to much time on it. There are tons of pieces of work about how the white's are privileged and how they oppress everyone else. It gets old and it gets repetitive. I am not going to dispute that at a point in American history that blacks were severely oppressed and that it has not quite been equaled out. However, I ask you to look at a white person and tell me what you know about them. Can you even tell me what country they are from? Any of their background or can you just tell me they are white so they are guilty. White is such a broad term it is ridiculous. For example, I am 75% German, my great grandparents (both sides) fled to the US in the early 40's to avoid Nazi powers/oppression, however I have been blamed MANY times for what my ancestors did to slaves in the US. What about the minority privilege? Why can anyone of the white race not start a white only t.v. channel, a white only circus, a white only college or college fund, etc etc etc. It would immediately be seen a racist group or front for a group. It would be nicer to even break it down into sub-groups within the white race. If I was to go out and start a German channel, German college fund, etc it would almost immediately be associated with Nazi and white power skinheads.

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One question, when was the last time you saw WET? Not only are blacks on almost every channel, they have their own channel.



God here we go again. This WET "point" is so dumb I really don't even want to have to get into it again. Go read the other thread, we're just going to rehash the same shit. Seriously ... damn near every channel that exists is specifically, and directly marketed to whites.

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Really we have are "own" channel. BET is just black entertainment if it was as you wanted it to be then there would not be any white artist on that channel. i've herd that WET crap for as long as i can remember. Its sooo stupid you don't here blacks going around saying im not gonna watch TV cause there are white people on the tube. Ive taking racism before its harsh but i just let people be ignorant. And to me that WET statement is ignorant!
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