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I was going to say the same thing, minus the pregnant part.


Classic signs. She wants you to cut it off so she doesn't feel guilty.




Couldnt have said it better... but I will anyway. Some.... correction, most women who cheat actually do have a guilty conscience which therefore push's you away because she doesnt want to face what she has done or is doing. Im not saying for sure she is but honestly, Casper was right your putting up with this shit and not even playing 'just the tip'? Your nuts dude dump her ass and none of that whiney "but i love her we're gonna get married" talk, k?

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Sorry guys, but i really need some advice. Ive never seen anything like this before and its got me worried.


My girlfriend is about to get on her period (yes i know, some will say that should awnser all of the questions) but i have NEVER seen a girl this bad before. She told me she was a little emotional this morning, but i talked to her and got her to calm down. She was fine all day till some shit with her bestfriend came up. She still seemed fine and we talked about it, then all of a sudden, she said well im done talking to you for now, bye. i tried to talk her but she kept saying like smart ass things to me and wouldnt give me a strait awnser on anything. except that i didnt do anything wrong.


Anyone else ever have this problem? i have never seen someone flip out this bad so quick before.

sounds like to me shes tryin to ditch you,just from what you said,seems to me shes up to something,best of luck man.

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sounds like to me shes tryin to ditch you,just from what you said,seems to me shes up to something,best of luck man.


Yup this sounds just like my friend he always trys to talk to other guys about women problems, but he always gets fucked over no matter what. He always trys to be the nice guy picking up broken hearts or the " guy the girls can talk too" THey always ditch his ass and leave him for someone else every fucking time. Ever since high school Ive prolly herd this 4-5 times a year. I bet if you tell her she is a fucking cunt and you could care less if she fucking left, and that you been double dippin with her sister , she prolly would come back in love with you.

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Yup this sounds just like my friend he always trys to talk to other guys about women problems, but he always gets fucked over no matter what. He always trys to be the nice guy picking up broken hearts or the " guy the girls can talk too" THey always ditch his ass and leave him for someone else every fucking time. Ever since high school Ive prolly herd this 4-5 times a year. I bet if you tell her she is a fucking cunt and you could care less if she fucking left, and that you been double dippin with her sister , she prolly would come back in love with you.


Troof x eleventy


I was that guy for a while... He'll get sick of it and wise up eventually.

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I think everything is circumstantial (sp?) with women, once something changes weather it be large or small its a world changing event. For example I just moved in with my woman and the actual living together part is fine but the little things drive her into some crazy emotional shit storm that rivals Mt Helan spewing molton hot lava, only my girlfriend is spewing molton hot crazy. Now there are probably females that arent like this but I have met few, mostly loose in the moral area, but upon an answer from them they stare at you blankly like its normal to freak out and cry and scream or deny you sex over somethign as simple as perhaps the way you fold towels are they way you wait to do your dishes.
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from a man experienced in this sort of thing ill give you some advice.

you might think you can put up with it and they will get better, but i tell you it is wrong, SHe will only get worse, run while you can. Imagine her crazyness X100 that is what it will be like in 5 years, please run , run, run, run while you can, dont be an idiot like i was, they are crazy and will suck your life out from you and make you miseral, why havent you ran already? im telling you you do not want.

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from a man experienced in this sort of thing ill give you some advice.

you might think you can put up with it and they will get better, but i tell you it is wrong, SHe will only get worse, run while you can. Imagine her crazyness X100 that is what it will be like in 5 years, please run , run, run, run while you can, dont be an idiot like i was, they are crazy and will suck your life out from you and make you miseral, why havent you ran already? im telling you you do not want.


This is very good advice. Now follow it.

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Wow... just wow. You must be a really really really nice guy to put up with the crazy and not even getting it.:thumbdown


its not so much that as the fact that ive been trying to date the girl for a while, and we finally are and i dont want it to end that quick. i dont know what will happen if she does it again though.

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Yup this sounds just like my friend he always trys to talk to other guys about women problems, but he always gets fucked over no matter what. He always trys to be the nice guy picking up broken hearts or the " guy the girls can talk too" THey always ditch his ass and leave him for someone else every fucking time. Ever since high school Ive prolly herd this 4-5 times a year. I bet if you tell her she is a fucking cunt and you could care less if she fucking left, and that you been double dippin with her sister , she prolly would come back in love with you.


im really tempted to try this....

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Dude just really sit back and look at it........you guys prolly never got into fights when you were friends, its only been TWO freaken weeks and she is acting like this?? that is bullshit if you ask me, do whats best and end it now and still be friends while you can. Watch if you stay with her, shit is going to either hit the fan, or you will end up with some STD . You two will never be friends anymore and next thing you know you both will be sharing personal info on myspace trying to get back at one another.


x girlfriend:

Dear Myspace blog I never told pontiacfreak142 this but I never let him have this ass because his dick was too small and he drives a v6, I went crazy because all the other lsx guys on columbus racing are so dreamy. Hell even the honda guys were better then him.

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Dude just really sit back and look at it........you guys prolly never got into fights when you were friends, its only been TWO freaken weeks and she is acting like this?? that is bullshit if you ask me, do whats best and end it now and still be friends while you can. Watch if you stay with her, shit is going to either hit the fan, or you will end up with some STD . You two will never be friends anymore and next thing you know you both will be sharing personal info on myspace trying to get back at one another.


x girlfriend:

Dear Myspace blog I never told pontiacfreak142 this but I never let him have this ass because his dick was too small and he drives a v6, I went crazy because all the other lsx guys on columbus racing are so dreamy. Hell even the honda guys were better then him.



no we never did. She was pretty quick to appologize about this one, but who knows.


LMFAO, does it not count that i have an LSX sitting in my garage now?

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i think she needs laid. hormones to bad things to women. and yes you have to find one that is a crazy you can deal with.


all of them get crazy on the rag. and if BC is involved. forget it. that will either calm it or make it wayyyyy worse then it should be.


i hate to say it, BC, your not the one getting it. and she is that easily detached from you, you're not the one. move on now. it will be easyer in the long run

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I think everything is circumstantial (sp?) with women, once something changes weather it be large or small its a world changing event. For example I just moved in with my woman and the actual living together part is fine but the little things drive her into some crazy emotional shit storm that rivals Mt Helan spewing molton hot lava, only my girlfriend is spewing molton hot crazy. Now there are probably females that arent like this but I have met few, mostly loose in the moral area, but upon an answer from them they stare at you blankly like its normal to freak out and cry and scream or deny you sex over somethign as simple as perhaps the way you fold towels are they way you wait to do your dishes.

haha ananda pulls this really? she seems so quiet an shy.. man u must be a dick haha

Dude just really sit back and look at it........you guys prolly never got into fights when you were friends, its only been TWO freaken weeks and she is acting like this?? that is bullshit if you ask me, do whats best and end it now and still be friends while you can. Watch if you stay with her, shit is going to either hit the fan, or you will end up with some STD . You two will never be friends anymore and next thing you know you both will be sharing personal info on myspace trying to get back at one another.


x girlfriend:

Dear Myspace blog I never told pontiacfreak142 this but I never let him have this ass because his dick was too small and he drives a v6, I went crazy because all the other lsx guys on columbus racing are so dreamy. Hell even the honda guys were better then him.



god if i coulf plus rep u more i would hahahahaha



gary man get out of it ditch her an move on... even scotts gettin pune an hes one ugly mother fucker im sure u can score something haha


j.k man lol

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Seriously, if you want it to work out, you really need to take a step back from it. Don't come off as an emotional pussy or she'll leave your ass real quick, or act even more like she did before until you leave her. Just stand your ground. If she goes off like that, just blow it off like it's absolutely nothing. If she keeps getting worse about it, just act like she's just another girl and you can find someone better.


BTW, any friendship to relationship (or vice versa) I've been in or witnessed has never worked out well. I'd start working on my game with other girls, if I were you.

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