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Guest 614Streets
So you're not getting laid? And you're still putting up with this shit? Who's the crazy one?


Stop trolling his post stillman this is fucking serious. Its obvious Kenny and howard gave the double team on his baby and now shes confused about picking time slots.

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well, shes a virgin, so shes not pregnant lol.


on a serious note, we just talked and she calmed down a little. She said it was was just a bunch of stuff going on (period, stress, her best friend pissing her off) and it pushed her over the edge. So i guess we will see.


So she automatically breaks things off with you cause of that. Dude I would peace out now before she does this to you 100 more times and you are a 25 yr old bald man cause of stress.

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Finding out that you are not sleeping with previously mentioned crazy chick completely changes my answer. WTF are you doing under no circumstances do you ever put up with crazy period behavior if after said behavior is done you dont get to hit it.


Your man card is revoked till further notice and I am making the call now to confirm the time that Howard and Kenny can proceed with scheduled gang bang.

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I think you should tell her that you posted "she was about to go on her period" on a car board full of guys from c-bus.


That will help smooth things over. Girls love being open with the entire city about their bodies.

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Sorry guys, but i really need some advice. Ive never seen anything like this before and its got me worried.


My girlfriend is about to get on her period (yes i know, some will say that should awnser all of the questions) but i have NEVER seen a girl this bad before. She told me she was a little emotional this morning, but i talked to her and got her to calm down. She was fine all day till some shit with her bestfriend came up. She still seemed fine and we talked about it, then all of a sudden, she said well im done talking to you for now, bye. i tried to talk her but she kept saying like smart ass things to me and wouldnt give me a strait awnser on anything. except that i didnt do anything wrong.


Anyone else ever have this problem? i have never seen someone flip out this bad so quick before.




Ok yes girls can be crazy I know this ive pulled the same shit. Yes birth control makes you psycho sometimes i also know this. I mean have you ever just been in a bad mood and acted like a smartass? I know I have ..maybe she was having a bad day just let her be..she will cool off. :)

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