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Today was a good day.


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The other day my buddy was leaving his house for work and the normal guy who goes thru there yard to pick up cans asked him if "Zane" lived there.


My buddy replied "yes"


Can guy pulls out his back pocket "zanes" wallet and says found it layin in the grass it has alot of money in it and he needs to take better care of it.


He continues to pick up cans.


My buddy says thank you very much.



If it were me Id give the guy half what was in the wallet.




But that is the shit if you ask me. KARMA.



DO good onto others as you would like to be treated.








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Not everybody thats having hard times is a worthless fuck. He was really hungry.


You must of missed the part that he didn't ask for any money. Which leads me to believe that this one was not a worthless fuck...




i agree with kenny if he was askin for money but if the guy never accepted any or asked then heck yea. your a good man man + rep

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I told a couple guys at work about it and pretty much got laughed at. One guy who will go blow a thousand dollars in a weekend at a Panic show but wouldn't have given this guy a sandwich...LOL!


They didn't dog me out that bad though. I told them it was just 5 bucks. Hell I throw 5 bucks away all the time on stupid shit.


It's a beautiful thing I tell you...

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I'm thankful for people like you, to be quite honest.


I lost my LV wallet at Country Jam 2 years ago that had a little over $150 in it. I panicked as soon as I noticed it was gone and reported all of my cards and considered my wallet a loss.


The next day I get a call from someone who had found my wallet in the huge ass parking lot as they were leaving and contacted huntington directly using the name on my debit card to find out my contact information. Thankfully they said we have your wallet, we'll gladly meet you wherever to return it to you. I met up with them near New Albany and recieved my wallet back with ALL of the money still there. I thanked them so much and tried to give them $50 dollars for their time, but they wouldn't take it. I was so thankful for people like them who didn't steal my $350 dollar wallet or any of the money inside of it.

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Good for you man.


BTW, if someone hands you your wallet with all the money in it. You give them all the money. It is such a pain to get credit cards and DL replaced. Cash is easy.










Karma. It happens for a reason.



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+ Rep for you sir. I had someone call me at work last week asking for a customers phone # because she had found her wallet with a blockbuster card in it. I called my customer and gave them the ladies phone # and name so she could get her wallet back. There are some good people out there.
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